Friday, November 7, 2014

Woman Has Sperm Extracted From Dying Fiancé So She Can Have His Baby

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22-year-old Stephanie Lucas has decided to give her fiance, Cameron Robinett, what he's always wanted, children of his own, even though he is almost dead.

After a tragic motorcycle crash on Friday left 25-year-old Cameron Robinett brain dead, his family were in the difficult process of deciding to turn off his life support machines when Stephanie came up with the idea of sperm extraction.

After thinking it over, both families agreed with her but the problem was how to raise the $6,000 required for the procedure. And since Cameron was living on borrowed time, they had to get the extraction done as soon as possible, Metro UK reports.

So Stephaie turned to GoFundMe where she started a fund raising appeal entitled “A baby with my deceased fiancé,” explaining how they couldn't afford the extraction fees,

Especially with all the expense of Cameron's hospital stay and funeral and everything else associated with his devastating passing. In leu of flowers or gifts to honor Cameron, we're asking you to make a donation to actually bring a part of Cameron, the amazing, handsome, silly, guy that I loved with my whole heart back to life!

Amazingly enough, people identified with her predicament and in less than a day, she had received $11,000. As of today, she’s raised over $15,000 of her $7,000 goal.

Stephanie has just updated the page with thanks to everyone, writing that they found had found a Marshawn Lynch Seahawks jersey in size 0-3 months that she and her fiancee had bought last christmas for a future baby. She takes this as a sign from Cameron that he supports their decision of going ahead with the sperm extraction. She writes;

Cameron only brought a few things with him to California, and one of the things he brought was this jersey. Our jaws dropped and then we all smiled and looked up to the heavens to say - we hear you Cameron, and everyone has come together to make this happen.

I will never be able to say it enough - thank you for your support. It is everything.

Cameron's sperms will be frozen in storage until Stephanie is ready to begin to try getting pregnant.

All I can say is Wow! Technology is amazing, and some people know how to fully utilize it.

Do you agree with Stephanie's decision?


  1. WTH! They should let the poor man die. And do they know children are not one-off presents to unwrap for Christmas? Who gets the baby? What if the woman remaries, she's just 22 for goodness sake!

  2. Very touching and also noble gesture, I pray its a success.

  3. I wish their family the best, this is a good way to cope with loss and grieving.

  4. RIP to the dead guy and goodluck to her.


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