Sunday, February 22, 2015

#AskHerMore Compels #Oscars Red Carpet Hosts Not To Be Sexist

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The #Oscars red carpet is a whole show on its own, but the #AskHerMore hashtag on social media is asking reporters and hosts to be more open with female stars and ask them more general questions beyond what they are wearing.

CBS reports that comedian Amy Poehler started the #AskHerMore hashtag by teaming up with The Representation Project because she was tired of only hearing "Who are you wearing?" Poehler's Smart Girls Community sent a tweet eliciting questions that focused more on an actress's talent than her taste in clothing.

Toyin Aimakhu Replies Stella Damasus, Says I Would Have Beaten The Hell Out Of You

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Stella Damasus recently responded to a tweet Toyin Aimakhu made 8 months ago asking Stella to return Doris Simeon’s son, among other things. Stella made her response in a video where she addressed the issue as well as other mean tweets and hate mails she receives from time to time.

Toyin got the gist and fired back on her Instagram page, though she later deleted the comments. See below...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

63-Year-Old Married Swinger on Sex With 3,000 Men While Loving Her Husband

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Marie Calvert had only ever had sex with her husband of 10 years until he introduced her to swinging when she was 28. Though she was reluctant and fearful that the lifestyle would dsestroy their relationship, they took to it like ducks to water and after 35 years, she has now had sex with over 3,000 men.

Marie tells her story to the UK Guardian noting how she and her husband Barry learned to separate sex from love, how she started keeping her body count from the night she had sex with 14 men and how they set up a thriving Swinger's club.

Friday, February 20, 2015

'But Kim Let RayJ Nut On Her' - Amber and Kanye Feud Spawns Twitter Memes

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The 'But Kim let RayJ nut on her' comment by Amber to Kanye on his diss to her during his interview seems to have set Twitter on fire and really, there's nothing the Twitterati likes more than a good feud.

People are taking sides according their fandoms, but it seems that those with an axe to grind with the Kardashian Klan are having the upper hand. Maybe Kanye should've left it alone after all. I like how Kim is keeping out of it so far. Check out some of the memes below...

Priest Says God is a Woman After He Died, Went to Heaven And Came Back - HOAX

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71-yr-old Catholic priest, John Micheal O’neal, was reportedly declared dead for more than 48 minutes, but was miraculously revived by medics. Father O'neal was rushed to the hospital on January 29 after a major heart attack, but was declared clinically dead soon after his arrival.

However, he was said to have woken up with the shocking revelation that he had gone to heaven and met God, who he claimed to be a woman.

Prince Harry and Emma Watson Dating?

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Could Prince Harry and Emma Watson be dating? That is million dollar question Harry Potter fans want to know the answer to. Actress Emma Watson started off as a child actor in the Harry Potter Wizarding series of films as Hermoine Granger and kinda love interest to Harry Potter.

Now she is rumored to be dating another Harry, Prince William's younger brother, Prince Harry, this according to Australian Woman's Day. Woman's Day reports that when Prince Harry heard Emma Watson had split from her former boo, British rugby player Matthew Janney last year, he invited her to a party.

Amber Rose Responds To Kanye West Diss

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Amber Rose has replied Kanye West about his earlier diss where he said he needed 30 showers to feel clean again after dating his ex-girlfriend. Amber gave her response in a series starting with this one below. See the full response after the cut...

Kanye West Talks Kim's Naked Pictures, Says Kim/ Beyonce Like Kobe/ Lebron, More

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RML has already posted how Kanye West slammed Amber Rose on the Power 105's Breakfast Club this morning, and kinda confirmed that Tyga and Kylie may be an item. The full interview is now out and Kanye talked about everything from Kim posing nude for magazines, to his choice of Jay Z over Dame Dash in his music, auto-tune, and more. Below is the video and the highlights:

Stella Damasus Replies Toyin Aimakhu In Mean Tweets & Hate Mail Vlog

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Stella Damasus has used her Vlog Diaries Episode 13 titled "Mean Tweets & Hate Mails" to reply some negative feedback she has received on social media. Amongst the tweets and comments was Toyin Aimakhu's comment on her #Bringbackourgirls video which said;

"Madam, Nigeria is my country. Nobody is killing anyone cos no be only you do video. #VisaDonExpire #BringOurSonBack #AttentionSeeker #LoveYouStill.

In the vlog, Stella Damasus replied Toyin last out of about 7 comments and tweets, saying she remembers Toyin calling her to work with her on a Yoruba movie.

Interviewee Abuses Train Passenger Who Turns Out To Be HR Exec at Hiring Company

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It pays to be kind and nice and polite and all things good at all times, and this story is a perfect example of that. HR executive Matt Buckland has narrated how a man pushed past him and told him to go 'f*** himself' as they were both getting off a packed train at Monument Station in central London on Monday Feb. 16th.

He said the man insulted him because he'd stood aside to let a woman off the train. Thinking he was deliberately standing in the way, the man, a job seeker, pushed him aside and told him to f**k off.