Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From the Man's Point of View - Real Love Story

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This is one of the sweetest things about this February Love theme. I woke to an email from the husband of one of my contributors who wanted to surprise his wife by sending in his own part of the story. Of course I said YES. He starts from the very beginning, so he goes first. Come back in the next 24 hours to read N's part. For now, enjoy Mo'Cushla's story!

Mo’Cushla’s Story….

I’d seen N in church a few times, she was pretty hard to miss being that she was in the choir and everything. I noticed how she always seemed to be smiling when she sang which I found both endearing and amusing. I liked her, but having recently become ‘serious’ about my faith I wasn’t sure if that was because I felt she was attractive, or if it was something more serious. She stood tall and looked as if she worked out, but not too skinny, she had curves in all the right places… (what can I say, old habits died hard back then)……
Thinking back, there was once a time I would have found a way to introduce myself to her and used every trick in the ‘players’ handbook to get her number…’ But I guess God wanted to show me a different way of doing things ….

I should stress at this point I didn’t fancy her ... in that way. I just liked the way she carried herself and wanted to say, ‘Hey’...But how to do it, I had it all planned out in my head….It would be casual, nothing scripted, I’d say, hello, she’d say ‘hey’, we’d smile, a brief pause and the world would go on...

I didn’t know any of her friends, I didn’t talk to any of the people she hung out with, and despite my confident exterior I wasn’t about to just walk up to her and risk being shot down… (you never know with some women, Christian or not !!). The one friend I did have asked why I was so interested in her, I replied I wasn’t, I was just curious..…. its not like I fancied her or anything, (and honestly I didnt’t) ….I just felt she was a cool, good looking girl and she’d be nice to know, that was it ….or so I thought. My friend jokingly said I should go and pray about it… we both laughed and I forgot about the conversation.

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur… Life went on, work, gym, church…I saw her on Wednesdays and Sundays, but still didn’t do anything. I just thought, it is what it is. I wasn’t thinking about dating, or going out, and certainly wasn’t thinking marriage. Yes, I wanted to talk to her, and yes I liked her, because she seemed like a genuinely nice person. And just to prove how uninterested I was in her I even decided to start praying for her, they weren’t long prayers or anything like that and I didn’t know why I was doing it, …but I made a conscious effort to, because as you well know, you can’t be attracted to people if you pray for them, besides I just thought its what Christians were meant to do…. So in the back of my mind she remained the cool girl from church that I liked….and that I occasionally prayed for..

I realize now I was falling in love and I didn’t even know it…(I told you God wanted to do something different). Time went on and I’d been looking for a ‘way’ to talk to her for almost 5 weeks with no success.

On Sunday 16th of Feb 2003, PAi, (our church senior pastor), took to the stage to start the service. We were a rapidly growing congregation and one of his pet hates were church cliques, he hated seeing the same people sitting together, in the same place, and not mixing with new people he knew were joining. So he said … “I want you guys to get yourselves into groups of 3 or 4, with people you’ve never spoken to…. introduce yourself, tell them what you do, where you live, exchange prayer points…. just do something.”

“This is it” I thought … this is my chance, but N was singing, how do I get from the middle of church, past all these folks who I’d never spoken to, to join her group..

I devised a plan of action….I needed to be quick and not loose sight of her, then I’d accidentally ‘bump’ into her naturally …….As I got up to execute my plan, the ‘sister’ beside me just shot out her hand and said ‘Hello my name is ……’ (I can’t remember her name), I felt my insides fall apart….. I was too much of a gentleman to ignore her, even though that’s what I wanted to do. Needless to say, I didn’t, I stretched out my hand, and introduced myself.

By this time I’d lost sight of N, I noticed people around us all had the maximum in their group, so it was just me and ‘sister show-stopper’…. We made small talk for a minute or two, I told her who I was, and what I did, but my heart wasn’t in it. I was still smarting from my missed opportunity, when just over my companions shoulder, a figure seemed to stop and hover, scanning the room as if looking for someone, I didn’t pay much attention till I heard the words…….“Hi can I join your group?” I looked up and the biggest grin formed on my face….. It was N.

I cant remember much after that, I just remember smiling…. a lot !! (she would later tell me she thought there was something wrong me because of the weird smile I had on my face)...

It all started 16th Feb 2003…. I proposed on the 30th of November 2003 we married in August ‘04…..…

8 years after our initial conversation, I’m still smiling.




  2. Moral of the story seems to be 'Keep your eyes skinned then'.... Nice story..

  3. I like the fact that this story is not a cliche... A real story about a real couple. Sometimes we are too wrapped up in the movie version- seeing someone across a crowded room, instant butterflies etc. It fools people to the point that that immediate rush is seen as the litmus test- without it, no show. I'm glad that this guy shows a different perspective. Instant butterflies and infatuation isn't a prerequisite to finding love. And he obviously knows what he's talking about if he's still smiling eight years later. :)

  4. Amazing! I enjoyed reading every bit of this - the suspense, the way it went and all... loling at 'Sister Show-stopper'. lol

    - LDP

  5. this is really touching.....and very real

  6. Aww...this is beautiful.
    If it;s God;s will it'll happen w/o our effort.

  7. Pls don't stop...more! Beautiful! It only goes to show that God indeed orchestrates our opportunities, we just need to recognise them. Plus,what Mo'Chusla didn't know is u actually get endeared n attracted to pple u pray for...can't wait to read N's version.

  8. thank God for sister show stopper. lol

  9. I had a smile on my face all through as I read this post - dont know if it is because I was reading from a man's point of view or how real it seemed...i really like this one and i am waiting for N's point of view...

  10. Wasnt it beautiful the fact that he was praying for her even before he spoke to her?

    God's cupid arrows are definitely the best!

  11. Indeed God's match-making is the best, lol...

    @Djhax, yes o, shine your eyes.

    @F and M, It is indeed real, and what I love most is that it has continued. First sight love can happen too, but most times, it takes the couple working at it to sustain the love.

  12. I feel like I've fallen into a treasure trove! Your blog is awesome! You have an amazing writing voice!

    Oh, almost forgot, I'm dropping in from the blog fest (nice to meet you!) and am your newest follower. I'm at:

    Hub and I lived in Kenya for three years, traveled much, but never made it to Nigeria *sighs*.

  13. I just read all the "Real Love Stories" back to back and I found them all very interesting and beautiful reads...I particularly love this one because it's written by a man...I wasn't expecting that...I'm glad he's still smiling 8 yrs on...

  14. Wow, God works in amazing ways! How's also wonderful to read the love story from a man's perspective! I wish them many more years of smiling!!!

    @ I get a free chap or something?? *raises eyebrows* email add:

  15. Aw, so so sweet. yep, I'm a witness to the fact that he's still smiling, and so is she :)

  16. omigawd..hark at me still smiling like a fool/chesire cat...I am nt even involved story yet ur smile was contagious....I am smiling with u o jare, brother....May Christ help you keep that smile broad....Me i like this story, maybe it is because it is from a guy's perspective...frill-less

  17. Hi everyone,

    I'm 'N' and I had absolutely no idea what Mo'Cushla was up to.

    I did notice that he forwarded the mail I sent to Myne with my story to himself at work from my laptop but I thought it was because he wanted to keep a copy for himself.

    I'm sitting here grinning like a Cheshire cat. I'm really touched.

    This is just testament to the wonderful man God blessed me with.

    Thanks for all your kind comments.

    @Myne, you're in your element now, aren't you? :o)

  18. Oh, Myne! This is the greatest post!!! I love how he watched you at first--I noticed HE noticed everything about you... ;o) And then he started to pray for you, and then smiling a lot... and still smiling!!! this is awesome. Thanks for sharing~ :o) <3

  19. funny that he thought that praying for her meant he did not care much...and he was actually falling for her...

    nice story!

  20. @Wordsmythe, How did you know? LOL...thank you so much for being a part of this, and also to Mo. Love is indeed beautiful and I pray you both increase in it everyday. I'm inspired!

  21. Myne, thanks 4 stopping over at my blog. I'm doing good

    I like the story and I'm still smiling at d whole plot

  22. I'm a sucker for a man telling these kinds of tales...what a sweet story!

    God truly works in amazing and incomprehensible ways at times...I've witnessed it too many times to doubt it.

  23. 'He makes all things beautiful in His time.'

  24. Aww. That's so cute and sweet.

    May God continue to bless their marriage..

  25. Nice to read a man's POV. 'Sister show-stopper', lool. I think it was all part of God's plan that future wife would join the group so that it was a clear sign to him. God's way of saying yes, go for it! And he's still smiling eight years on...awwww.

  26. Aww, i love their story!! Her bday story was just too much!! They make marraige sound like i pray it is.
    Good job, Myne.

  27. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... I like it when men are crazily inlove with their ladies...May God continue to bless their home

  28. SNIFF SNIFF!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!

  29. What a beautiful story! I'm just getting to read your Real Love Story editions and I love every one of them!

  30. Wow!! He started to pray for her even before meeting her one on one.. May God keep your marriage!!! and may that smile never cease!! This is real and so beautiful too!! Happy for you

  31. The story is Amazing...

    was smiling too... niceeee

  32. Awwww.... this is such an awesome story, luv the way God connected u guys as if to say be still & know that I am God. U became in luv wit her without even knowing even praying for her daily. Awwww....wen in luv its gud to let go & let GOD, he works wonders all the time


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