Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Public Proposal Ends in Disaster As Girlfriend Hits The Guy

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How would you feel after a pubic proposal gone wrong? This Indian guy who decided to publicly propose to his girlfriend in a Dubai mall got a response he couldn't have expected. In this video going around, he had musicians, a microphone and a sugary sweet poem, as well as a willing audience, but the lady was having none of it.

She hit him over the head with a small guitar from one of the performers and stormed off. So for those planning public proposals, be sure you know the kind of lady you have :)

The proposal speech...

'I have a very special message for a very special girl. This is where we met three months ago.
'You are my charm, you are my sweety pie, you are my cutie pie, my absolute everything, and I know you find this cheesy but I want everyone to know, you make me really happy.'
I have a little poem for you and I want everyone to hear this.
'When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. And my heart ceases to beat and there is nothing else I seek except you.'
'And I Just have one question for you. You truly make me that happiest person on earth.'
I thinl the speech is quite sweet myself if a bit syrupy, but I'm not the one being proposed to. I wonder how the relationship will progress? Enjoy the video, but don't laugh too much at the poor man. The sacrifices we make for love....


  1. aww!!!!...it was sweet,but so funny. dat babe no try at all !!!...Poor guy!

  2. This actually happened in India not Dubai. Look at the people in the background who are clearly not Arab but Indian and if this were in Dubai trust me every third woman would be wearing a Burqa (the black body covering worn by Muslim women)and every third man a Thawb (the long white garment)

  3. Replies
    1. she already dumped him so what you talking about?

  4. I was laughing thinking it was acted but the guy look so sad at the end. Why did she have to hit him?

  5. Its actually a hoax - they were acting.

  6. I read somewhere that it was an ad for cadbury as in the train that rolled past.
    Nevertheless it was too funny


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