Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is Your New Relationship Worth The Effort To Keep Going?

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By Stephanie Manley

New relationships are always exciting. They are full of new possibilities, they aren't the old relationships, and they are full of untapped potential. All relationship starts aren't smooth. So when do you decide to throw in the towel? I currently have a friend who is starting to date, and I find myself giving her the same advice that she was giving me when I was dating, and I began to think, when do you throw in the towel on someone new?

I think you need to be very objective when you start in a new relationship. You need to realize that is this the point where that other person is showing you their best effort. If their best effort fails to meet your needs you need to move on quickly. For example do they forget to call you when they say they will? Everyone works and sometimes gets busy, but when they consistently forget to call you, do you think it will get any better? It won't, they suddenly won't have a revalation one day and begin to call you all of the time.

Are they sometimes hot and sometime cold towards you? We all want someone that is consistent, they may not be behave exactly like we want, but we shouldn't be surprised in the way they want to be close and then suddenly distance themselves from us. If they are wishy washy, we need to set them to the curb and get off that potential emotional roller coaster.

The time to decide whether a relationship should move forward or stop moving forward is early on. Are you being treated like you want to be? Are your needs for closeness being met? If they are not, move on. You don't owe that person a lengthly explanation, you owe it to yourself to be happy, and not to let another person drag you down.


For more of Stephanie Manley's blogs, check out her Website


  1. I really needed to read this writeup to help clear my mind. I think I'm settling for this new guy because there's no one else. Some of his actions just leave me cold.

  2. Hmmmm! This is really for me.I'm not getting what I want and I fink I sud just let him go,so that a better person can come.Tot I was being a li2 impatient wiv him,but I fink now is d best time to let go,no need to waste time.

  3. Great delivery. Great arguments. Keep up the great work.

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