Monday, October 21, 2013

Rape Survivor Bunmi Sobowale Speaks Out On Twitter - #breakingthesilence

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Bunmi Sobowale, in a live tweet facilitated by Walk Against Rape and Esther Ijewere-Kalejaiye, author of Breaking the Silence, narrated her experience of sexual abuse as a child and surviving two incidents of rape at the hands of supposed male friends. It is a heart breaking narrative, and I find it how horrifying that these men, rapists have no idea how dehumanising rape is, coming to apologize and be friends again like all is well.

Again I say, rapists are not animals skulking in bushes, they are our friends and brothers, cousins and uncles. Women, protect yourselves, but also teach the men around you how not to rape. Men reading this, please talk to other men. Stop raping.

I have storified Bunmi's experience for easier accessiblity and so we do not forget as it is lost to Twitter archives. Let's keep breaking the chains of silence. Thanks for Esther Ijewere and may God continue to heal and strengthen Bunmi and all other survivors.

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