Saturday, October 19, 2013

Photoshop Tinz - Who Noticed Chika Ike's Hourglass Figure on Fashion and Lifestyle?

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This is not one of the usual RML magazine covers. Of course, Chika Ike looks great, she's a very beautiful woman but what's up with the extreme makeover, photoshop edition? The two pictures above are exactly the same, yet Chika has increased two dress sizes in very key areas between the left and the right - around her hips and chest to be specific - and this is in addition to the airbrushing on her face.

Chika Ike is a very pretty and shapely woman already, she doesn't need all this padding na. I've also noticed the same thing on Omotola, Toolz, Genevive, and almost all actresses or musicians that appear on magazine covers. It's either they're suddenly magically slimmer, or their bust size increases without surgery, or their complexion, or even the entire bone structure of their face!

So I make a plea to fashion magazines and their graphics, tone down on the photoshop. Who's with me?


  1. I agree with you. Most of the editing is badly done.

  2. d first image of her looking slim comes across as a stretched image

  3. Laff will not burst my belle. I'm with you all the way.


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