Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Magazine Covers - Michelle Obama Talks Higher Education With Essence

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First Lady Michelle Obama has always been vocal about her passion for higher learning, and she expounds on that in her candid conversation with ESSENCE Editor-in-Chief Vanessa K. Bush. 

A big part of the recipe for success has to do with nurturing reslience in our children, she says.

"I know I tell my kids all the time that they shouldn't shy away from difficult things, because that is the point at which you are really growing. It's not just about grades or test scores. Today our kids may shy away from applying to college if they think they don't have the right grade or test score. But the truth is that the kids who succeed and go on to be successful professionals are the ones who know how to work hard."

And in order to even get that far, she says, they have to see education as an opportunity and take advantage of that kind of foundation.

"We cannot waste the opportunity that we have here in America, especially as African-Americans. Our ancestors fought and bled and died so that we could go to school. And I still think about that."

Michelle Obama adds that this is a message she's drilled into her daughters Malia and Sasha.

"We talk about responsibility and accountability, about making sure that they're not wasting the opportunities they're given. We make sure they know how lucky they are and that, because of that, they have an obligation to have their acts together and to take their education very seriously."

Via Essence

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