Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The two Lovebirds + Blog Rolling

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“What is so funny?”

Chinedu let out a quiet laugh. It was that of a confident and mildly amused man. “So you sabi Ibo like that?” Iphey hadn’t realised she had been cursing in Ibo at her choppy day, her manager and her car. They both burst into laughter. The tension brewed by all the day’s previous events melted into oblivion. There was something about him that always put her at ease. It was the same calm she felt when he comforted her during Obi’s hospitalisation. Her mind drifted, envisioning being held in his arms, totally at peace without a care in the world.

“You always know exactly what to say or do. When you aren’t having strange women over or robbing people at gunpoint, of course.”

The laughter died at once. A feeling of intense stupidity enveloped Iphey. She had no idea why she had said that. Before she could take it back, Chinedu had veered off the road, stopping sharply by some roadside stalls. He was visibly angry.

“Who do you think you are? You no get secret? You no get past? The fact that you know mine does not give you the right to throw it in my face all the time."

He threw his hands up. "Women! You say you want honesty, then you run when you hear the truth. You say you are not interested in me, then you freak out at the sight of another woman. What the hell do you want from me?”

Iphey was dumbfounded. He was irate. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, reverting to a childhood habit of playing with her fingers when nervous. She now looked down at them.

“Answer me! Answer me now!”

“A chance?” she whispered.

Chinedu thought he was hallucinating. He could feel everything inside him softening, turning to mush. “What?”

“I said...a chance. I’m sorry for joking about that. It sounded funny in my head.”

She laughed awkwardly in an attempt to minimise the gravity of what she was saying, and looked down at her fingers again. “I was scared. I still am. You know how they say, ‘Be careful what you wish for’? Well, I wished for someone who made me feel safe. And you do. The violence of your past scares me. But I could work through that. I just want a chance with you...” CONTINUE...


Go over and find out what Chinedu and Iphey are up to, a reconciliation at last? You tell me.

On other news, here are more blogs to discover and follow. You can click on the links in my side bar.

Half and half is run by two bloggers F and M. Their profile says "we decided to start a blog but with a different point of view. We are very weird people therefore look forward to Interesting issues raised or old issues raised in an discussed with a fresh perspective." I enjoy their debates where they usually present a topic from differing points of view. F is also an aspiring writer and has a story up for a contest on Naija Stories, you can go vote for her.

Kaleidoscope is also run by two friends who study in Hungary. They "decided we wanted to start blogging to keep our memories alive, share our stories and views with our friends family and to whoever cares. give opinions on certain matters, talk about what has caught our eyes...We both study (for now) in debrecen, hungary. It is a very unique place not every one is gonna have the oppurtunity we have so we r sharing the debrecen experience." I love their blog for their travel notes and pictures and they're both beautiful and hardworking ladies too.

Le Dynamique Professeur is a charming young man, an inspiration and a teacher. "His vision for life is to motivate, encourage and make men believe in who they were born to be. He carved out his vision statement thus, “to bring my world to heights yet unattained and grounds yet uncovered. To fabricate ease from complexities and put smiles on the face of my generation and the ones to come”.

Cinema and Fiction is a blog that stays true to it's name: "'cinema' and 'fiction'; terms which I use to refer broadly to filmic and written fictional narrative, focusing primarily on film, tv, novels, and short stories." The blog author contacted me from Australia to add to an article he was writing and when I had a look at his work, I was impressed.

Confessions in Scarlet is "a butterfly who's burst out of her coccoon. I'm very quiet but when i get talking i never shut up. I'm so many things to so many people. Most of all i just try to be me not who other want me to be."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Family Face-off + Blog Rolling

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If you want to continue reading about this fiery scene between Iphey and her mother, go over to Cupid's Risk Series to find out what happens. Don't forget to vote on what you want for your next chapter.


About thirty minutes afterwards, Iphey was at Ngozi's place. As she rolled down the driveway and parked, she saw her mother outside, pacing the length of the small compound. She had to pause for a minute when she noticed Mama’s eyes boring into hers with hurt and disappointment. Immediately Iphey knew this was one of those days one wished to go back to bed and wake up with all the past events being a bad dream. Not that her dreams had been very peaceful at the moment. Iphey sighed and got out of the car.

As she walked towards her mother, it was obvious Mama was angry. She was as tense as a cat on a spring and ready to pounce. Instantly, Iphey began to dread the days ahead. She didn’t totally welcome her mother's temporary visit under any guise because she knew how much Mama loved planning other people’s lives. As she guessed, Mama was too angry to notice Iphey’s discomfort and began to barrage her with questions even before they were inside.

“So that was why you ignored all my calls to your mobile phone these past few weeks and just sent me text messages? If the information had not now slipped out of Ngozi, you had no intention of telling me that you found my missing son-in-law?"

Iphey continued on her way into the house. "Mama, I'm sorry but..."

"How long did you think you could keep such vital information from me, Iphey? Or do you think I have no right to ask?"

"I didn't want to be the one to tell you. I hoped Ngozi would do that. James is her husband..."

Her mother cut her off again. "Or as you believe and have never minced words to let me know, it is not my business? You don't want to get married and now you want to put your sister's marriage in jeopardy?" Mama poured out more questions.

They were now inside and Iphey spied Ngozi on the sofa. She sat with legs crossed and her jaw resting on her flexed fist.

"Ngozi, you better tell your sister that life is not all about work, work work!"

At that point, all Iphey could see was Funmi’s smiling face as she handed over a query or termination letter if she returned a minute late to the office. She turned to Ngozi for help, finding none there, she turned back to her mother....CONTINUE


In other news: Let the blogs keep rolling! Thank you all so much to those who have linked up their blogs in the April blog buddies list. You guys know I always want to show my appreciation one way or another. This one is a quick and easy widget on my right sidebar titled April Blog Roll. Simply fill in your names and link your blog. I promise to visit, comment and if possible follow any blog listed there, that is if I'm not doing that already. I promised to also remind other blog visitors to check the blogs out in all the posts I make through out this month of April. So these are reasons you should click on those links and visit the first 5:

Anjuelle Floyd is a wife of twenty-seven years, mother of three, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in mother-daughter relations and dream work. Anjuelle facilitates writing groups and provides individual consultation of fiction projects. She also gives talks on The Need for Family, the Writing Process as a Path Toward Self-discovery and Healing. Anjuelle came across this blog from Freado where my book A Heart to Mend is on the top ten and has invited me to appear on her Radio Show. You can also add her on twitter @Anjuellefloyd

YankeeNaijababe (YNC) says this on her profile. "I consider myself very articulate and driven to succeed in everything. I love people,business, fashion and beauty and living life for today. I also have a special place in my heart for "Women of Tomorrow." I believe that anything is possible if you set your heart to achieve it, you just have to believe in yourself and keep aiming for higher heights. This one life of ours is too short to be stressed over ignorant people. Enjoy every moment of your life, live for you and be caring towards others." I love visiting YNC's blog, it's so simple, friendly and relaxing. Not to mention motivational too.

Light-Her-Lamp is the lady behind the "blog chronicles the metamorphosis of a young writer whose sole purpose is to radiate light through her writing style." She agrees that "Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe."-Michael Strassfield. Her blog satisfies me on two levels, I read a story and I also get an inspirational message. I was reading her blogs even before I became a blogger, she has remained very consistent and I love her for that.

Tatababe is a busy law student and has not had time recently to update regularly. So I am very pleased to have her link on that roll and know that she's visiting. She is a bubbly and cheerful personality and that is what I take away from her blog. She celebrated her birthday about a week ago and I love how she capped the post. I speak that in this next year of my life: -Something(s) good is/are happening -Something(s) magnificent is/are happening -The realm of ever-expanding good is actively present in my life. Let's join her in saying Amen!

Purple-is-my-color- is a new blogger and says this on her profile, "I was HIT by GOD with his UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, ever since it been a fantastic LOVE story.. there is no going back.. You can say I am obsessed with Christ, I stalk him and I do everything:) Na love..lol..Motivational/Inspiration. I love people and people love me..do you? well with time. I gather wisdom from What God has given me and read books, listen to preaching, Talk ALOT:) with people to learn from them." I am definitely learning with the royal Diamond.

That's it for today, I'll be coming over to yours soon. Meanwhile, I hope your weeks are going well so far? Take care now you all...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Greetings + Blog Roll

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I want to wish all of you my wonderful friends and blog readers a Happy Easter! I wish everyone a day filled with enjoyment, friends and family. In the midst of all the celebrations and happiness this Easter Sunday and Monday however, let us not forget the true importance of Easter. 


It is not the bunnies, eggs or chocolate, but the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which has ushered in a hope for life eternal. I want to also use this opportunity to wish you all a blessed and happy new month of April. I know that great things will surely happen and keep happening to all of us.

In other news: Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on my blog, supporting me in this exciting adventure of writing! I always want to show my appreciation one way or another. This one is a quick and easy widget on my right sidebar titled April Blog Roll. Simply fill in your names and link your blog. I promise to visit, comment and if possible follow any blog listed there, that is if I'm not doing that already. I will also remind other blog visitors to check the blogs out in all the posts I make through out this month of April. So let the blogs roll!

Happy Easter!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little piece of me (2)

Posted in:
1) Is the weather really always that nice or are those just good days:
Most of the pictures were taken on bright and sunny days some as recent as last week. The weather in Seattle can be very fickle and temperamental. Summer was fantastic, over a month with no rain. Sunny skies but not run-out-screaming hot, except on two or so occasions. Now we’re in fall, it’s dry one minute and wet the next. It rains even when the sun is out. LOL, and it rains almost every other day.

2) As a writer, does all the art in the city inspire you or you don’t actively think about it:
I don’t actively think about it. I love going to museums and art events but more to relax. What inspires my writing about the city is the sense of serenity. There are trees all over the place and beaches when the weather is nicer. These are the things that get my muse in the right mood.

3) Who is your favourite author?
I love various authors and cannot narrow it down. The names that stick are; M&B, Cartland, Rivers, Sheldon, Ludlum, Uris, Grisham, and Critchton. And in Africa; Pacestters, AWS, Nwapa, Emecheta, Ekwensi, and Achebe. Recently I read more by how I like the preview or reviews of a book than who wrote it. However, I always try to buy a Nigerian author each time I shop.

4) How did you decide to self-publish your book?
I sent out the manuscript to about three publishers, but I always knew I might go the self publishing route. I’m not the literary author type that is more acceptable to mainstream publishers and the genre publishers may not be comfortable with the Nigerian setting. However, I wanted people to read my story and hope it leads to bigger things. I also own the rights and if a good offer comes in later, I will accept.

5) How long have you lived in Seattle? I have lived here for going on a year now.

6) What are the pros and cons of living there?
One big pro of course was being able to join SO, LOL. OK, Seattle is a slow paced city which I prefer and the weather is manageable. It’s close to the Canada border and to California so easier to visit these places (I like travelling). The cons are that the weather can get depressing at times. It is three hours behind the rest of the country time-wise and 8hrs behind naija and UK, making it harder to call friends and family. It is also far from the South, Midwest and East coast, and very far from naija with more expensive flights.

7) What did you study in college?
I studied Applied Biology for my first and Public Health Research for Masters. So what am I doing writing? Search me…LOL, the research comes in useful sha.

8) Are you a writer for real?
Who is a real writer? LOL...well I’ve been writing since I was little. I did sciences all through and still kept on writing. Now it is my 9 – 5 and hopefully more people are reading me now and will be reading in future. I’ll be very fulfilled when the first book is out in print I can tell you.

9) Other than writing, what else do you enjoying doing?
I watch a lot of TV and movies, listen to music, and chat with friends. I enjoy the outdoors with good weather and a long hike somewhere; beach, wood park, walking and hill climbing. I also love travelling, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. Of course reading is the easiest and cheapest way of doing this and some of my best days are curled up with a book while it’s rain-drenched outside.

10) I always wonder how you manage to sit and write an entire story without throwing your laptop out the window. I have a big issue with over-editing my stuff.
It’s both a fault and a blessing. I cannot tell a short story unless I’m forced to. So it’s something I enjoy, writing long stories about people in my imagination. Now that I’ve made it my 9-5, you don see my life finish. LOL. I edit a lot while writing so that at the end it’s minimal. Still I appreciate fresh eyes to help me proof and then I force myself to move to the next project. “A heart to Mend” took me about 6months.

>>>>>That’s it my friends, some questions were answered in the previous comments. The details for those that want to contribute will be ready tomorrow with the first installment and poll. Thanks again…

A little piece of me (1)

Posted in:
So the theme of this blog will be changing in the next few weeks, at least till the end of the year. As most of you know, I have submitted the manuscript for Edward and Gladys' story to the publishers and the process has started. Now I have started research for the next book, it has to do with twins and of course romance in Nigeria. Some of you on twitter already know where it is set. LOL. It's gonna be partly in Benin-City.

Anyway I digress. The blog is gonna change a little to give me time to get my flow on the new one and till "A mended heart" premieres. So while we wait for the washing, SO has agreed to take some of the load off. He is a blogger though he rested his spot some time ago. Some of you may recognize him. Yes leggy, that is the person responsible for all the mushy poems so blame him when he comes oo.

As I was saying, we want to start an interactive story with the commenters. It will have a poll driven storyline and interested bloggers can contribute as well. Before the end of this week, I will have the details ready.

For now I was tagged by Scomiss to talk about the hype in my city. This ties in with my idea to celebrate my over 100 followers. I realised my blog doesn't share a lot of myself, though I leave a few pieces here and there on other blog's comments. So to share more of me, I have made a video of the city I live in with one or two pictures of me thrown in.

Look at the pictures, ask any questions you want in the comments section and I will answer as much as I can. My next blog post will be dedicated to answering those questions so look out for it too.

Thanks for following and thanks for the comments. I really appreciate it. I even think that without you guys, it would have been more difficult to finish the book so quickly. You're all the best. If you're not following, join now and keep commenting/ voting. Giveaways are coming again soon...

ps...I will take down the video once I have 10 questions I want to answer.