Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little piece of me (1)

Posted in:
So the theme of this blog will be changing in the next few weeks, at least till the end of the year. As most of you know, I have submitted the manuscript for Edward and Gladys' story to the publishers and the process has started. Now I have started research for the next book, it has to do with twins and of course romance in Nigeria. Some of you on twitter already know where it is set. LOL. It's gonna be partly in Benin-City.

Anyway I digress. The blog is gonna change a little to give me time to get my flow on the new one and till "A mended heart" premieres. So while we wait for the washing, SO has agreed to take some of the load off. He is a blogger though he rested his spot some time ago. Some of you may recognize him. Yes leggy, that is the person responsible for all the mushy poems so blame him when he comes oo.

As I was saying, we want to start an interactive story with the commenters. It will have a poll driven storyline and interested bloggers can contribute as well. Before the end of this week, I will have the details ready.

For now I was tagged by Scomiss to talk about the hype in my city. This ties in with my idea to celebrate my over 100 followers. I realised my blog doesn't share a lot of myself, though I leave a few pieces here and there on other blog's comments. So to share more of me, I have made a video of the city I live in with one or two pictures of me thrown in.

Look at the pictures, ask any questions you want in the comments section and I will answer as much as I can. My next blog post will be dedicated to answering those questions so look out for it too.

Thanks for following and thanks for the comments. I really appreciate it. I even think that without you guys, it would have been more difficult to finish the book so quickly. You're all the best. If you're not following, join now and keep commenting/ voting. Giveaways are coming again soon...

ps...I will take down the video once I have 10 questions I want to answer.


  1. hahaha first! ok im going to watch now! and the interactive story sounds like such a cool idea i love

  2. omg seattle looks so nice! i had this misconception that its this place that just rains all the time so i am surprised to see all this blue sky! and the ART!! wow i am truly wowed! so my questions for you
    1) is the weather really always that nice or are those just good days
    2) as a writer, does all the art in the city inspire you or you dont actively think about it... ok thats it!

  3. Well you practically wrote my question: who is your blogger (well former blogger) SO and are you two married?

    I know, I know: curiosity killed the cat, abi?

    If you'd prefer a different question, how about:
    Who is your favourite author?
    How did you decide to self-publish your book?

  4. starting a new theme thats nice....

  5. awww nice - u know for a minute there, i thought u lived in Naija - aww @ all the SO love - wishing u both the best - imma need more details on what u planning to do with the blog, but it sounds good
    no questions for now :)

  6. Love the new idea! Btw, you're pretty!

    Sooo...how long have you and SO been married? and if that's too personal, how long have you lived in Seattle? what are the pros and cons of living there?

  7. Yea..me too I want to know which blogger SO is.

    I want to contribute!
    Pick MEEE!!!!!


    Ohhh u saw the bodies exhibit! Didnt u just LOVE IT?

  8. Seattle? Hitman seriously?
    Who ever heard of a new hit man who lived in Seattle?? Nobody gets assassinated there lol..
    Loved the vid, sorry me I can't contribute nothing o already have my hands full with my own contributors on my blog lol.
    But I will be here commenting as usuall.

  9. @Burramint, congrats on being first. Your questions are noted but let me say that no it doesn't rain ALL the time. LOL

    @GNG, you'll soon meet SO and yes we're married. I'll answer the other questions later.

    @Neefemi, probably cos I'm naija deep and through. LOL. I'm working on the details. I had you in mind when we thought of the idea..

  10. @Sunnyside, thanks a lot.

    @Blowing blessings, LOL, thanks I just dey try. We've been married since valentine's day, almost 9mths. Will answer the others in the next post.

  11. @Fabulola, thanks dearie, I knew I could count on you. You'll soon meet SO, he's commented here one or two times before.

    Bodies was amazing, I really wanted to see it and was glad we did. SO had seen it in Denver before and it turned out that the Seattle exhibit was an abbreviated one.

    @Azazel, don't mess with Seattle oo, esp not now I'm here. LOL. Your comments are really appreciated. Votes will be coming, please do that too.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Please dont remove the video want to watch it but i'm in school right now,would watch it as soon as i get home.tanks

  14. its like i saw KSA and Governor fashola somewhere ,anyway cool and nice pics + video

  15. Nice video,seattle looks cool. You soo pretty.Wish you and SO the best.Would always keep on commenting and vote when its time to.

  16. Hi Myne, really nice video. Need to watch it again as no audio where I am at the mo! Good to know things are working well with the book! No questions for now but looking forward to reading answers of the questions others have sent in. Take care

  17. Nice!
    Glad to find out about the person responsible for the mushy mushy things, hmm, so sweet!
    Pick me as a contributor! i will be a good girl

  18. I'll be waitin till all this evolves gradually so i know where i fit in...

    Change is good once in a while..nice one..

  19. I love the direction in which the blog is going, so a dude writes those mushy poems. I enjoyed the video of settle, my question is how long have you been married and do you have any kids. What did you study in college? Are you a writer for real? Questions & Answers for Myne. Stay cutie always.

  20. Another 'Power Couple Blog' coming up?

    Hope you guys won't up and go just about when we get used to you.

  21. Myne, biko,..hope am not too late.
    What part of nigeria are you from?.
    What language do you speak?.
    Other than writing, what else do you enjoying doing.

  22. @Muyiwa, yes there was KSA but no Fashola, I don't think he's come to this part of the country. Sunny Ade is a great performer.

    @Shorty, Thank you very much. I appreciate you.

    @Believer, Thanks, the audio is a song I really like. Hope you enjoy. Have a nice week.

    @ Omotee, Thanks, he inspires me, LOL. Watch out for the details.

  23. @Trybes, Thanks, details will be available soon. I think this change is what I need right now. Lets see how it works out.

    @YNB, Thanks. I wrote the poems but he inspires some of them. Your questions will come up on the next post.

    @ NIMMO, He's here temporarily ooo, so don't get used to him. But hopefully he'lll guest once in a while afterwards.

    @Andrea, No you're not. But you've given me the 10th question so maybe others won't be so lucky. LOL. I'm delta Ibo, that answers both questions in one. The next will be in the post. Thanks

  24. @Myne

    Yeah to answers to my questions, looking forward to that sooner. Keep up the good work.

  25. okay now i get the new novel bit. good luck with this one. i can't watch the video from the cafe, i wish i could. now i can't ask anything. i look forward to reading your replys, especially the blogger that's SO

  26. Being that I came to blogging really late...I always wonder how you manage to sit and write an entire story without throwing your laptop out the window. I have a big issue with over-editing my stuff.

  27. can't w8 till i see d changes!!
    Luvd d video... whats d name of d song dt was playing plz??

  28. oh wow all these has been going on and i`ve missed it? plz dont take down the video yet cuz im on my break at work and im typing from my phone so i cant see the video pls pls pls pls...im sure is too late for question now innit?

  29. @HYAW, thanks. The time is nigh. LOL

    @Lucidlilith, thats my job for now so I can't do that. LOL

    @La pimpette - the song is I don't wanna miss a thing by Aerosmith. One of my fav songs.

    @Cici, It's on for the rest of the day. Thanks for all your comments.

  30. This is so not right. It seems like I can never been in your top 10 comment box. I'm always somewhere in the 20's. Bloggers have love for you, that's beautiful. Well, since I'm not the top ten then no need to ask a question, lol. Maybe next time, right. Thanks for sharing a bit of your world and I like the new turn that your blog is going for. I wish you the best!

  31. that's fantastic..... I like the new idea

  32. seattle, i dont know much about it but thanks to you i know more than i ever did. beautiful city! and looking forward to the new project. keep on updating us

  33. ok first lemme shout, i love that song, its on repeat on my phone right now!!!

    second, my question: are you and SO going out or married???? pray tell

  34. Read my reples to the other questions, CB. LOL...

  35. you married?
    i just did not think you were. guess i'll blog when i am married too!
    you sound really young.

  36. Oh nooo. why did u take down d viddy??

  37. see,i didn't get to watch thevid.. am so mad..lol..but seriously,i've missed being on blogger these past few days..

    i love the new theme..i'm so late..lemme go read more


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