Friday, August 29, 2014

#JusticeForAvalynn - Family of Girl Badly Injured In School Bullying Incident Cries Out For Help

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This is heartbreaking! AvaLynn was badly injured in an incident at her elementary school in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and an online campaign has been started asking for prayers and funding for AvaLynn and her family.

They will need help with AvaLynn's medical needs, travel expenses, legal fees, etc. due to AvaLynn's mother's lost wages.

According to the Youtube video, GoFundMe keeps removing the photos of Ava's injuries claiming they are too graphic. But you can still donate HERE.

See them below, read the story and please help this little girl. SHARE!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls - Oby Ezekwesili And Her Team Hand Out Fliers In Abuja

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Oby Ezekwesili and other advocates of #BringBackOurGirls have refused to give up, and are still having sit-ins at Unity Square in Abuja.

The group of protesters marked the 130th day after the abduction of Chibok schoolgirls by members of Boko Haram last April, by handing out fliers to motorists in Abuja.

I want to acknowledge Oby Ezekwesili for her consistency and being a hands on leader for the team and for continuing to motivate those that come out by being in the forefront of things.

Kudos maa'm!

Monday, August 18, 2014

#MichaelBrown - Trayvon Martin's Mother Writes Open Letter To Bereaved Ferguson Family

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Sybrina Fulton is the mother of Trayvon Martin and the founder of the Trayvon Martin Foundation. In an letter addressed to the family of Michael Brown, the Ferguson teenager shot and killed by a police officer, Trayvon Martin's mother tries to comfort them.

The letter was posted on TIME, and in it, Fulton writes about the, "exclusive yet growing group of parents and relatives who have lost loved ones to senseless gun violence." She writes;

To The Brown Family,

I wish I had a word of automatic comfort but I don’t. I wish I could say that it will be alright on a certain or specific day but I can’t. I wish that all of the pain that I have endured could possibly ease some of yours but it won’t. What I can do for you is what has been done for me: pray for you then share my continuing journey as you begin yours.

I hate that you and your family must join this exclusive yet growing group of parents and relatives who have lost loved ones to senseless gun violence. Of particular concern is that so many of these gun violence cases involve children far too young. But Michael is much more than a police/gun violence case; Michael is your son. A son that barely had a chance to live. Our children are our future so whenever any of our children – black, white, brown, yellow, or red – are taken from us unnecessarily, it causes a never-ending pain that is unlike anything I could have imagined experiencing.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Rapist Is Also Somebody's Son - Indian Prime Minister Talks About The Men Who Rape

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The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the issue of rape in India during his speech to mark the country's 68th Independence Day.

He called on parents to also pay some attention to their sons, to find out what they do, their friends, and to talk to them to stop rape. And, in a country where a rape happens every 22 minutes, this is a welcome addition to the national conversation. Modi said;

“When we hear about these rapes our heads hang in shame. Those who commit rape are also someone’s sons. It’s the responsibility of the parents to stop them before they take the wrong path.”

"Even when they are only 12, young girls are always being asked so many questions by their parents, like 'where are you off to?'. But do these parents ask their sons where they are going? The law will take its own course but as a society every parent has a responsibility to teach their sons the difference between right and wrong."

Monday, July 21, 2014

#RIP Eric Garner - New York Man Dies After Cops Put Him In a Chokehold [Disturbing Video]

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It was a family tragedy as father-of-six, 43-year-old Eric Garner, died on Thursday 17 July after being put in a chokehold by police and pinned to the ground on Staten Island, New York.

In the video below, you can see him get in a small argument with some cops before up to a half-dozen of them pounced, pushed him to the ground and sat on him. One of the cops had a locked elbow around his neck, a chokehold, and Eric Garner kept repeating, "I can't breathe, I can't breathe." before he became unresponsive.

His mother, wife and children are left mourning this unnecessary loss. May his soul rest in peace.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

See The First Woman Firefighter To Be Featured in Calendar of Heroes

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Danae Mines said she’s always wanted to be one of the fire-fighters featured in the yearly New York Fire Department Calendar of Heroes, and feels very happy to be Miss March 2015.
“I wanted my picture in the calendar so that young girls and young women can see me and know that they can do this job,” she said.
But for Danae, one of the city’s few female firefighters for more than a decade, being the first woman featured in the FDNY Calender didn't come easy. At first, she was told the honor was reserved for men only. "I was told that it was all guys. They said if I made it in the calendar, I would look like a pinup girl.”

Monday, July 14, 2014

Malala Marks Her 17th Birthday With Escaped Chibok Girls and Parents [Photos]

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Malala Yousafzai, who is currently visiting Nigeria, has pledged yesterday to help free the 219 schoolgirls being held by Boko Haram since April 15. 

Malala met with about 15 parents and five of the 57 girls who escaped from the Boko Haram custody. Some of the parents broke down in tears as Malala spoke at a hotel.

“I can see those girls as my sisters … and I’m going to speak up for them until they are released.”

Malala's 17th birthday is today and she cut a cake with some of her guests to cheer things up. She is also scheduled to meet with President Goodluck Jonathan today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pictures and Update From The Visionaries Hub Hangout Session

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Considering the current state of events and situation in Africa with a focus on Nigeria, it is obvious that there is need for immediate and continuous sensitization of the populace to demand strategic and solution oriented action from the leadership.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yadoma Bukar Mandara - The Youngest Delegate At The National Conference

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There has been a lot of talk about delegates to the on-going National Conference, those sleeping, those too old or sick and if it should be going on at all. I found this blog belonging to the youngest member and it has been quite eye opening to read.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Enugu State Association Washington DC Domestic Violence Fundraiser

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On May 17th, 2014, the Enugu State Association (ESA), Wash DC branch, will be having a Fundraiser Gala to increase awareness to the issue of domestic violence and abuse  of women in Nigeria and more specifically, Enugu State, Nigeria. In addition to raising this  awareness, the major  goal of the fundraiser is to provide financial recourses that will improve the overall quality of life of the  battered, widowed and disenfranchised women that are currently living and utilizing the services of a WACOL ran Woman's shelter currently located in Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mercy Johnson Okojie Reminds us of Disadvantaged Children on her Birthday

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Mercy Johnson has said that since she became a mother, the plight of children has come forefront to how she wants to give back to the society. And especially children who are less privileged and who have less opportunities in terms of family and support, most of these children live on the streets or in reform homes in various cities.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sickle Cell Awareness Day - Show Your Genotype Campaign

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June 19th was the World Sickle Cell Awareness day and it was marked all over including in Nigeria. Naijadaydreamer on instagram shared pictures to promote awareness and also of what she had got up to in Nigeria. One of the advocacy drives calls for members of the public to show their genotype as shown above.