Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How to Spot Signs that Your Partner Might Be Cheating on You

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No one wants to believe that their partner might be cheating on them, but you can’t ignore the signs. Failing to recognize the indications that your partner may be cheating on you is not only bad for your relationship and emotional well-being, but it’s also a risk to your physical health. While every situation is different, here are the major red flags that your partner might be cheating on you.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How Can Online Flirting Cause Divorce?

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Online flirting is a particularly common thing in the USA and especially in Florida. When we are online and have nothing to do, we can begin to flirt with somebody without any understanding that we can simply destroy our marriage. And we do! Really! If we are speaking about social media, we can truly realize that we do follow and stalk beautiful girls and handsome men in order to talk to them about something intimate or just to look at the pretty body. It is a natural feeling, however it can cause your marriage termination, so hold your horses and let’s get to know about online flirting in good details.

Friday, June 22, 2018

To Catch a Cheater: Is Your Online Date Actually Married?

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Say goodbye to parties and bars—the best place to date is the World Wide Web! More than 49 million people say they’ve tried online dating, and a fifth of new committed relationships begin over the Internet. If you’re looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend, the Web is the place to go.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Is Your Husband Cheating on You?

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The thought of a cheating husband is every woman’s nightmare. There are some women that know their husband would never cheat on them but there are also many others that are insecure or may even have cause to believe they are being cheated on. If you feel that you are being taken for a ride by a cheating husband, it is only natural that you want to find out one way or the other.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Online Infidelity - Is Your Partner Cheating On You Online

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Smart phones, tablets, and laptops have become every day necessities, keeping us connected to our personal and professional lives. Apps have made many of our tasks easier to execute and technology continues to push that need for a digital presence. From ordering food, paying bills, and dating sites, technology easily enables both our needs and wants.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Infidelity: The Cold Hard Truth About Cheating

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The Ashley Madison website hack last year had everyone, including the experts as well as the ordinary people married to the outed cheaters, asking for the real reasons behind infidelity. The info-graphic below outlines how many people cheat, why they cheat, and how couples can recover from infidelity.

It was very interesting to discover that 56% of men and 34% of women who cheat rate their marriage as happy or very happy, which makes the reason people cheat a little harder to understand. It is difficult to recover from infidelity, but there are certain steps that both the betrayed spouse and the unfaithful spouse need to take if they want to repair their relationship. Check out these helpful tips below...

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tiwa Savage Cries Over Roller-Coaster Marriage, Denies Allegations of Cheating With Don Jazzy

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Yesterday, Tiwa Savage refuted her husband’s cheating allegations in a video posted on Youtube by Pulse Nigeria. She categorically denies every cheating on her husband” and says Tunji knows this in his heart. On the accusations that she doesn't ask if her husband had eaten, she accepted that she didn't cook all the time due to her career, but that they have a chef. She also opened up to the emotional and psychological roller-coaster their marriage has been right from the outset, alleging that Teebillz her husband was a drug addict, an alchoholic, philanderer, and a fraudster.  Watch the interview and a summary transcript below...

Sunday, April 24, 2016

All the Lyrics and Spoken Word From Beyonce's Lemonade

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Lemonade, Beyoncรฉ's visual album dropped on HBO last night with some incredible new songs, but what I find to be the genuis is the story telling in the spoken word that the singer sprinkles abundantly throughout the hour-long album. It wasn't a surprise to find that Lemonade features words and lines from feminist writer and poet, Warsan Shire. Remember the inclusion of Chimamanda's We Should all be Feminists' in the 2013 Beyonce album? Click here if you want to watch again.

Some speculate that the songs refer to the cheating allegations that has plagued Beyonce's and Jay Z's marriage in the past few years. But Lemonade is not just about Jay Z and whether he cheated on Beyonce or not. It also addresses her father's cheating on her mom and speaks to every man out there cheating on his spouse or partner.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pastor Dies In Front Of Congregation Immediately After Confessing He Cheated on Wife

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A US pastor reportedly died immediately after confessing to his congregation that he had cheated on his wife of over 50 years by having an affair. Bishop Bobby Davis of the Miracle Faith World Outreach church in Connecticut US, asked his congregants to stay after his sermon on March 9 so that he could ask their forgiveness for his sins.

Emotions were apparently running high after Davis confessed his unfaithfulness, Judy Stovall, who said she witnessed the bizarre incident, told the Connecticut Post. She said congregants shouted that they forgave him and told him they loved him.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How Do You Know if Your Man is Cheating? Doktor Mofin Writes

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Joro Olumofin, popularly known as Doktor Mofin, is a known personality in Lagos' social circles who often shares his thoughts on relationships with his social media followers. His latest write-up is about how to know if your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you. He shared the long message on his Instagram page recently. Check it out below and see if you agree with him.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Miley Cyrus Fans Slam BF Patrick Schwarzenegger For Flirting With Another Woman

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Miley Cyrus has been dating Patrick Schwarzenegger for several months now, and  though some reports have it that their relationship is strictly for publicity, nothing has ever been confirmed. Supposedly, everything is lovey-dovey with them with recent pictures showing the young couple frolicking on the beach.

Yesterday however, Patrick, son of actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, was snapped by paprazzi in a close embrace with a bikini-clad girl in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. After the photos came online, Patrick defended himself by saying she was his best friend's girlfriend. While Miley has not made any comments on the issue, her fans are out for Patrick's blood, some even going as far as threatening to kill him. See their posts below...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Man Dumps Girlfriend of 11 Years One Day To Wedding Another Woman He Just Met

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So maddening, but what can one do really? Twitter User Fola S told this really sad story of how her friend dated a guy for 11 years, but then gets dumped by the guy on the day before his wedding to another woman he recently started dating. And to think that the lady started dating him while they were both still in Uni, and when she got a job before him, she basically took care of his needs till he too was similarly settled.

I'm mad for her sake, but what's that they say? A broken relationship or engagement is better than a broken marriage. She should take heart by knowing it was never meant to be, and he may have broken her heart in another more serious way if they did get married. Some men sha... Continue to see the rest of the tweets...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Woman Allegedly Poisons Herself After Husband Discovered Her Cheating

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33-year-old Seun Alabi, is currently being investigated by operatives of the homicide unit of Lagos State Criminal Investigation Department, after his wife died from a poison overdose. The man however claims he has no hand in the death, and that she killed herself by drinking rat poison after he discovered that she was cheating and threatened to expose her to family and friends.

It was gathered that the couple, who had been married for over seven years, had three children. The wife, a 27-year-old Togolese named Bose, reportedly committed suicide after her husband confronted her over allegations of extra-marital affairs.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Woman Destroys Range Rover In Cheating Revenge

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The photo of a totalled Range Rover as seen above has been circulating on social media, and women are sharing it as a warning to cheating men out there. Different women do different things to get back at their partners in revenge for their cheating. Remember how Seth Rollins & Zahra Schreiber's nude photos were leaked by his fiancee? Or the woman that left her husband and her twin sister naked in a parking lot after she caught them cheating?

In this latest viral photo, the white luxury brand car is seen with the windows smashed and the word CHEATER spray painted on the side. The gas tank is also shown open suggesting that a contaminant has been poured into the fuel. Would you do this your cheating man, and why? All I can say is... SMH...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

South Korea Removes Ban On Adultery

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In surprising news, because it's hard to imagine that any country had adultery as a criminal offence, South Korea has been reported to have recently legalized adultery. Not that they just said to their people to go ahead and have extra-marital affairs, but but they won't go to jail for it. The law that made adultery a crime has been repealed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Crowds Gather To See Adulterous Couple Stuck To Each Other After Sex [Photos]

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There was drama in a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa, as a man and his adulterous lover became glued to each other after having sex in the woman's home last Thursday. According to the report the man and the married woman screamed for help, after all their efforts to separate from each other came to nought.

Finally, their cries got the attention of their neighbours who joined in the efforts to no avail. Soon word spread and many people in the neighbourhood gathered to see the unique sight. Witnesses suggested the woman's husband, a Zimbabwean, may have put a muthi charm on her similar to the Nigerian Magun!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Bigamist Jailed After First Wife Finds Photos of Second Wedding on Facebook

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A bigamist has been jailed for 18 weeks after it turns out he married his second wife on the same beach in Mexico where he honeymooned after his first wedding. The first wife only found out about his second wedding when she went on Facebook.

Adrian Linham, 43, secretly dated Hayley Totterdell for three years while his loyal wife of seven years Liz, 37, thought their marriage was running smoothly. He spent a lot of time away from the couple's marital home near Bristol saying he was working in Bangor, north Wales for his job as a scuba diving instructor.

If Your Friend's Partner is Cheating - To Tell Or Not to Tell…

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Will you tell a friend that her man was unfaithful, will you tell if it is the woman that is cheating? Have you ever done it in the past, and how did it go? How easy is it being the bearer of bad news?

These questions and more is treated on this week’s episode of Toke Moments, as media personality Toke Makinwa talks about whether it is better or not to tell your friend about a cheating partner.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

3 Problems That Will Destroy a Relationship

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By Jenna Brown

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. In every relationship there will be arguments and problems. They won’t be constant (at least, they shouldn’t be constant) but they will pop up from time to time. Sometimes though, these problems grow and become too big for the relationship to survive.

Before we start detailing some of the problems that you should be aware of, it is important to know that most of the time these problems are going to be outside of your control. All of the compromises and adapting you try to do will not solve them or magically make them go away. It’s a hard reality to accept but it is important that you do so. It might even literally save your life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Woman Kills Herself Because She Was Childless and Unmarried at Almost 30

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Rachel Gow, 29, a hospital administrator from Lancashire, has been ruled to have killed herself, after she was found dead by poisoning last November. It was found at the inquest that she was worried her boyfriend Anton Tsvarev, 30 would leave her, and suffered a number of insecurities about the relationship.

Rachel was said to have struggled to overcome the death of her mother, and desperately wanted a family of her own. Her greatest wish was to 'settle down and get married' and she recently became very troubled that she was approaching 30 unmarried and childless.