Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blast From The Past - Nnamdi Azikiwe's White Wedding To Miss Flora Ogoegbunam

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Nnamdi Azikiwe married his first wife Flora Ogboegbunam in 1936 when he was 32 years. The wedding was held in James Town, Accra, Ghana where Nnamdi Azikiwe was working as the editor of  African Morning Post at that time. Flora died in 1983 while Nnamdi died in 1996. Between them, they had one daughter and three sons.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blast From the Past - Chris Okotie Before and Now

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One of the means through which Rita Dominic's movie, The Meeting, established the age difference between their two main characters was signposting the generational gap using music. Ejura asked her mother for music of the eighties and I Need Someone by Chris Okotie came up.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Having the Help of Your Mother After Delivering Your Baby

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In Nigeria, it's called Omugwo in Igbo, and is such a part of our culture that not many people even think of not inviting either their mother or their mother-in-law to stay with them after they newly have their baby. The new grandma helps to take care of the baby, teach the new mom about taking care of the baby, and generally help to keep the home going.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Isaach De Bankolé and Danai Gurira Star in Andrew Dosunmu's 'Mother of George'

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Isaach De Bankolé is an Ivorien actor while Danai Gurira is an American actor born to Zimbabwean parents. Both play Nigerian immigrants in America in this new movie, Mother of George, which is written by Darci Picoult, and directed by Andrew Dosnmu.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Blast From The Past - Bob and Rita Marley and Their Many Children

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Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley died on May 11, 1981, of cancer. He is widely credited as the pioneer for Reggae music. Through his reggae music, Bob Marley is also credited with preaching one love and peace. He also lived it in his personal love life, especially after he became more widely famous in the late sixties and early seventies.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Throwback Thursday - My Mother The Seventies Fashionista

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Five Fashionistas from the Stylish Seventies

Which do you think is my mom? Also, do you have a caption better than mine? Let's have fun.

Happy new month peeps. August shall be a month of love, joy and excellence.

George Osodi Photographs The Monarchs of Nigeria

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Goerge Osodi is a Nigerian photographer, a documentarist as well as an artist. His work is used in news reports and also shown in art galleries around the world. His photo collection Oil Rich Niger Delta which focused on the oil exploitation in the Niger Delta was compiled into a book, Delta Nigeria - The Rape of Paradise and brought him to international spotlight.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bimbo Akintola and Toyin Oshinaike on Stage in A Husband's Wife

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“A Husband’s Wife” is a depiction of a hardworking married couple who suddenly find themselves wanting to do something new for the first time. The play provokes a consciousness that challenges the way people perceive the realities of their long-term relationships.This is definitely a riveting and soul-searching play that will keep the audience captivated

Friday, July 26, 2013

Did They Have Better Sex In the Past Than Now?

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In an interview I did recently with HealthnewsNG, they asked, "Which generation had the best sex life - ours or our forefathers? Why is this so?" My answer was; "I wasn't there at the time of our fore-fathers so I couldn't really say. But the fattening rooms of time past is also said to be venues to teach young women how they can enjoy sex with their husbands so they probably had it good."

A Harvest with Soyinka This Sunday At TerraKulture

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The harvest with Soyinka is potpourrie of smash hit sketches, skits and plays from Nobel Laureate Prof Wole Soyinka. On Sunday the Jero plays will be staged. They are two short plays about Brother Jeroboam, the rather less than holy West African “beach divine” created by Nobel Laureate Professor Wole Soyinka.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Oba Erediuwa of Benin Celebrates 90th Birthday

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The Oba's four wives and his first son

Among all the 200 and more of the various Nigerian cultures, the Benin Kingdom stands out as one of the oldest, longest surviving, and also most colorful. The monarch of Benin, Oba Erediuwa recently celebrated his 90th birthaday and his four wives were there to support him, as well as his children, the governor of Edo State, Adams Oshiomole among others. The Oba himself was not able to make it to this particular event, and his first son represented him.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Five Top Black Actresses Chat With Oprah on Skin Color

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Colorism can be about the shade of your skin relative to others in your own race, or it can be about race itself. On the same theme as that of Dark Girls, and how skin color can affect self-esteem and the opportunities available to one, Oprah has invited five of the top black actresses in Hollywood to speak on their experiences working there.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Men Experience Domestic Violence Too - Lamentations Of A Battered Husband

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By Bayo Olupohunda

I have known him for two years. He is one of those distant neighbours who had through casual interactions become a friend.  In the months that we lived together in the same neighbourhood and when we occasionally ran into one another, our conversation never went beyond the usual inquiry about the weather or the offhand question: “How is your family?”  As a casual friend and neighbour, I had observed him from a distance. He was introverted and easy-going, almost self-effacing. I knew him as someone who minded his business. He never got into trouble with anyone. That was as far as our friendship went until a year ago when I began to see him with a lady.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Persecuted For Being Gay in Nigeria

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To add a "back home" feel and face to the DOMA discussion, allow me to share the story of Bisi Alimi, a Nigerian male homosexual who currently lives in the UK after being persecuted for appearing on live TV - New Dawn with Funmi Iyanda, back in 2004. Bisi currently lives with his partner, and cannot return to Nigeria.

6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Dark-Skinned Daughter

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OWN asked two dozen African-American psychologists—student and professional members of The Association of Black Psychologists—to answer the question, "What should you never say to your dark-skinned daughter?" Below is a curated list of the answers some of them gave in response. These words should not just be avoided with children, but adults also.

Monday, June 24, 2013

What Are The National Symbols of Nigeria?

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By Atala

Big Ben. The Empire State Building. The vuvuzela. The Great Wall of China. The samba. I'm sure that you all recognise these as national symbols of the countries that they're in. And the worldwide recognition that these symbols have not only does wonders for the tourism industries of their respective countries, they also serve as a means for reinforcing the identities and the national pride of the citizens of those countries.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A John Kumuyi Wedding Eye-Witness Defends Love Odih

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A commenter on the wedding post of John Kumuyi and Love Odih claims to be an eye witness to the wedding and that the photos have been unfairly and maliciously over analysed. Looking at the picture above, one may be tempted to agree, but could it be that by the time reception photos were taken, some of the make up had faded? Read the account and decide for yourself. (

Saturday, June 22, 2013

On John Kumuyi's Wedding and the Deeper Life Dress Code

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Pictures of the wedding between John Kumuyi and Love Odih surfaced some days ago after their wedding last weekend and has been raising a lot of furor since then. I honestly had no idea when I posted them as I do some other celebrity wedding photos how controversial they would become. And it wasn't just on this blog. Almost everywhere I saw the photos, especially on Facebook where I got the picture above.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Couples Who Have Premarital Sex Will Be Considered Married

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This is according to a court verdict in a southern state in India where a judge, Justice C. S. Karnan, concluded that the relationship between adult couples who have slept together should be considered legally as marriage. The judge made these comments in an appeal from a woman who was seeking financial support from the father of her two children and live-in partner of five years.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Being Unmarried is almost a Crime in the Nigerian Society

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Jane (not her real name or picture) is a beauty; a sight for sore eyes. In her thirties, Jane who comes from Imo State can boast of the modern equivalents of what Chinua Achebe described as ‘solid personal achievements’ in his novel THINGS FALL APART: a sound education, a well-paying job and lucrative private practice on the side; a de luxe apartment in Ikoyi and a car.