Friday, March 1, 2013

Fun Facebook Teaser - What Am I?

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I saw the following teaser on several of my friend's walls and on some pages too, and the answers got me laughing so hard. Who has seen it, and what is your answer? I have added some multiple choice answers so you can have maximum fun with it, LOL...

My name is Funmi, I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to see if he'll cheat on me. Now they have sent me a wedding IV......WHAT AM I?
A. Beginner
B. Matchmaker
C. Single Again.
D. Other

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Facebook May Offer Dating Options with Graph Search

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Facebook recently launched a new tool called "Graph Search" as a replacement for its current Search functionality which only searches people, pages, groups and some posts. This new search feature will let anyone find people and maybe connect with them by searching through their profile information and the interests they have added on Facebook. As usual, Facebook is covering their behind, only those things a user has left as public will be returned in the search results.

When they announced the Facebook Graph Search, the focus was on how Graph search will help Facebook users in getting recommendations from your friends and friends of friends when you are looking for say a doctor, a plumber or electrician, a particular product, book TV show. The tool is in beta now and anyone can try it free, here.

When it goes live though, I won't be surprised if Facebook users capitalize on the search graph to find people for dating or stalking. Think of search terms that fit a specific dating profile, such as "Friends of friends who are single" "Single men 30 - 35 who live in New York," or "women under 30 in Lagos." Hmmm...