Sunday, August 11, 2013

Word For the Day - Good Relationships

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You'll know when a relationship is right for you. It will enhance your life, not complicate your life - Brigitte Nicole.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Woman Offers $10,000 To Any Friend That Helps Find Her a Husband

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It sounds like a joke, but it's real. After reading Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg, a book for women to take charge of their work lives, this lady in San Francisco decided to also take charge of her marriage prospects. She is offering a reward of $10000 to any of her friends who introduces her to her future husband - the money would be paid on their wedding day.

I would have said, pay $1000 annually for the first 10 years, because what if a so-called friend colludes with a fake husband to fleece her of her money, and she's hit with an annulment after the money is paid? Read her letter below, and would you ever offer a reward or openly ask friends and family to help you find your wife or husband?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Do You Run Other Women Down Because of Men?

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Toke Makinwa's vlog this week is about women who talk bad about other women in front of their love interests, either because they're interested in the same man, or out of a presumed "honesty" to save the man from himself. Toke feels so bad about it that she's really ranting, and I do see where she's coming from. However, in as much as we want to be all kumbaya, one may ask, is it not sometimes necessary to call out a woman who's behaving badly? Check out the video and let's discuss.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When Is Too Early To Discuss Sex in a New Relationship?

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This is a question I just discussed with some friends. When it comes to looking for a serious, long-term relationship, I don't believe sex should be on the table. I consider the two like old enemies, and ne'er the twain shall meet. However, it does need to be discussed, the question is when? How soon is too soon? And what shall be said?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Types of Women To Avoid On Twitter and Facebook

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Rejoinder to Types of Men to Avoid on Twitter and Facebook[post] by Oyebanji Ayodele

Nowadays, it is nothing new that a lot of relationships start off on the internet. However, it must be said that beneath every online personality is some sort of anonymity. Or symbols meant to be decoded. Thus, it is essential you look beyond the façade of the posts, pictures and chats you have on Facebook, Twitter and their likes. So if you're a guy, looking forward to getting hooked up online, or your hook has already caught a fish, this is for you. In case your online love falls within any of these groups, don’t just sit, watching. Find an escape route.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rita Dominic Talks About A Special Nigerian Man

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I don’t believe in the statement that all men are the same. Human beings are influenced by the societies they live in so let me tell you something about the Nigerian man I know, especially ones who live in Nigeria.
When you find a good Nigerian man, the good feeling can’t be described no matter how you try. This is obviously why they are much sought after by women of many nations. Knowing one or two things about what drives the Naija man is very important to your relationship with them.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Did They Have Better Sex In the Past Than Now?

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In an interview I did recently with HealthnewsNG, they asked, "Which generation had the best sex life - ours or our forefathers? Why is this so?" My answer was; "I wasn't there at the time of our fore-fathers so I couldn't really say. But the fattening rooms of time past is also said to be venues to teach young women how they can enjoy sex with their husbands so they probably had it good."

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Love Letter To the Woman of my Dreams 2

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By Iweka Kingsley

Dear You, "Love has a face, I'll recognize it when I see it"

I close my eyes and I see you. This feeling is familiar, I recognize it easily. Indeed, if only it were possible to love without injury; fidelity is not enough. The hurt is in the act of possession. We are too small in mind and body to possess another person without pride, or to be possessed without humiliation.

The 80/20 Rule of Relationships - Are You Guilty?

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The 80/20 Rule states that in most healthy long term relationships, you only get about 80 per cent of what you need/want from your current partner. This is because no one is perfect and a couple are usually two different individuals with diverse backgrounds and personality. But if you're well matched, you're both respectful of one another, loving, and share a lot of the same interests - This is the 80%.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How The Wife And I Went For Pre-Engagement Counseling

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That's right, I said Pre-Engagement. Not  Pre-Marital. Why? Well...Given the stats of divorce....we'd be foolish not to.  It was either that or we sign a pre-nup (so funny how we actually discussed such. Don't know what that woman was thinking when she asked if I'd sign one. As if we have two kobo to rub together, talkless of millions at stake)

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Definition Of The Modern Nigerian Husband

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What is the modern Naija husband like? My wife asked what I thought and I responded with just one characteristic. He likes to eat?

Seeing the look on my wife's face, I could tell I got it wrong. So I asked my wife what she thought the list should be, and a few hours later, this is the list she gave.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tiwa, Toke and Toolz in Braids - Is This Wife Material Hairstyle?

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So as I was writing up Toke's recent vlog about wife material syndrome - how women begin to show they're ready for the proposal or marriage when in a serious relationship - I realized something. Toke had a hairstyle in common with a couple of other ladies whom I had profiled as being in a relationship or engaged. Both Tiwa Savage (engaged to T-Billz) and Toolz Oniru (Coupled up with Tunde Demuren) are currently rocking braids.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Wife Material Syndrome - Cooking, Cleaning, No Clubbing?

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In this episode of her vlog series, Toke Makinwa talks about the "wife material syndrome" - women who think they have to behave in very specific ways before the man they're dating will propose. She uses the more common "domestic and homely" examples like cooking, cleaning, and no-clubbing which some Nigerian men and women seem to think is the be all and end all of what makes a woman a wife. Watch and share your thoughts.

Doing Things Alone When You're Already Coupled Up

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This one is for people in a relationship or married. There is the common advice to try to do things together as a couple, and I'm a big fan of that, like I pointed out in this post. However, it can also help sometimes to do your own thing even after you're hitched with the so-called ball and chain. Couples, whether married or single, are not necessarily conjoined at the hip. You're still two different people, and it is OK to have your own individual identities with the attendant likes and dislikes.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Will You Accept For Your Man to Cheat Because You're Celibate?

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So, Nick Carey and Mariah Carey Waited To Get Married Before Sex. Back in December, Nick Cannon told Howard Stern that he and Carey, 40, didn't have sex until they were officially married, candidly revealing on Stern's radio show, "It was Mariah Carey. If Mariah Carey gave a bad blowjob, I'm still going in ... Either way she's still one of the most beautiful women that ever walked the planet."

The Top 12 Reasons Why He Suddenly Quit Calling.

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By Dina Z. Colada

I was shopping in one of my favorite consignment stores and found an awesome bikini for my trip to LA. yesterday. Shopping and talking about men with the girls is so good for a woman’s soul. It releases oxytocin and we feel so much better about ourselves when it floods our body.

Monday, June 17, 2013

How To Know You're With The One

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By Erika Ettin

Have you ever wondered whether you made the right choice to be exclusive with someone? If you’re questioning things, then you have a few choices:

1 - You could write a pro/con list (though, this might be up there with making a spreadsheet).

2 - You could see how you feel when you’re not spending time together.

3 - You could apply what I have affectionately named “the bar test.”

Monday, May 20, 2013

Is Infidelity Always The End Of A Marriage?

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We've all heard the story, either a public figure or celebrity, or someone we know confesses to an extramarital affair, and tongues start wagging. Sometimes, the marriage in question withstands the infidelity; other times, the breach of trust is too deep, and the couple splits. The question of which marriage will, and which will not withstand infidelity continues to be a guessing game.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

POLL - Should You Remain Friends With An Ex?

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When you date someone, for most people, it means that you hope for the long term. But sometimes, it doesn't end that way. After the memories you've both made together, the laughter or the tears, you have to get up, dust your backside and move on. In many instances where there is a break-up discussion, and both people are trying to show they're mature and all, they decide to remain friends. Is it worth it? What would you do? Vote below and give more details in the comments too. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Church Remains the Top Place To Get Married

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This was the resounding result according to a poll carried out right here on Romance Meets Life. Having a wedding in or around your home was the least favorite place people dream of getting married with just about 7% of the votes. A Landmark like a castle or popular building came in a close second followed by Beach and Public Garden which tied for third place. Of the 114 people who voted, the results are as follows;

Church or Registry  31.58%  (36 votes)

Landmark e.g Castle  26.32%  (30 votes)

Beach  17.54%  (20 votes)

Public Garden  17.54%  (20 votes)

In Your Home  7.02%  (8 votes)

Check out these audacious ideas for wedding locations. Next Poll coming up soon, leave some suggestions in the comments if you have any topic in mind. Thanks for taking part in these polls.