Friday, May 16, 2014

Pregnant Woman Sentenced to Death For Marrying A Christian

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In Sudan, pregnant Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, has been sentenced to hang to death for renouncing Islam and marrying a Christian. One wonders, how can you decide to kill a woman just because she converts to another faith? Well, in Sudan, it is a crime termed Apostasy!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Helen Ukpabio, "Child Witch" Pastor Deported and Banned From Britain

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Helen Ukpabio is known in Nigeria and other circles as the Lady Apostle, but her apostleship is not to spread the gospel, but to liberate those under spiritual attacks. The unfortunate aspect of her message is that she targets defenseless children, and usually burdens then with the woes of their families, labelling them witches and asking their families to get rid of such children.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Pope Francis Calls For Love and No Condemnation For Divorced Couples

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Pope Francis has said today that couples whose marriages have failed should be "accompanied" and not "condemned". He said this while responding to queries on his views on divorce and how the Roman Catholic church should treat divorced couples. Today, during the daily mass he holds in the Vatican, he said specifically on the subject of divorced couples,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Letter That Got Ali Baba Mad at Pastors Living Large Instead of Funding Enterpreneurs in Church

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About a week ago, comedian ALi Baba shared some tweets where he suggested that the pastors of large churches needed to have development funds for their church members instead of using the church tithes and offerings to enrich themselves and stock up on more exotic cars for their garages. He received a lot of blowback from his followers defending the practice. Today on his facebook page, he shared the reason for his tweets. I wish he had named and shamed. Anyway, read his account below...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pope Francis Says There is no Hell and The Creation Story is a Moral Fable #Hoax

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How many people saw this news report that supposedly copiously quoted Pope Francis in the wake of a Third Vatican Council? Did you believe it? Did it send you and your faith into a tailspin? Well, wail and curse and judge the pope no more, it was all a hoax from a spoof site, The Diversity Chronicle.

Monday, November 11, 2013

In God's Name - Charly Boy Writes on Religion

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My guy, things are falling apart and the Center can no longer hold. People just dey craze anyhow and dem go see anyhow.  Jungle don mature, HA!!! I fit faint. When I was a little boy in the city of Peterkwa, called Port-Harcourt, I was taught NEVER to use God’s name in vain. Nowadays, everybody just dey call God name anyhow dem like.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Tattooed Jesus - Blasphemous or Preaching The Gospel to Today's Generation?

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For a visual Jesus when I was growing up, I turned to pictures on Roman Catholic bulletins, the movie series on the life of Jesus featuring Robert Powell, and then there was my book of Bible Stories. All the images showed a long haired, bearded Jesus, but otherwise he was so clean cut. A new campaign from a group in Texas is using a different image of Jesus to preach the gospel. A tattooed Jesus.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Funny - A Man Woos His Lady Using Only Bible Verses

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This is a fun read, and especially for the ladies who want a god-fearing man. If a guy walks up to you like the guy below and responds to all your conversation with bible verses, wouldn't you just fall in love with him? Some lines in the Bible sure are toast-worthy. Read, memorize and share :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fresh Revelations on COZA Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo and His Alleged Affair With Ese Walter

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Japheth Omojuwa is a one-time COZA church member, and he wrote this open letter to Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo asking questions that the pastor needs to answer over his alleged affair with female church members, especially Ese Walters. Japheth was contacted by several female victims after the news broke, and as much as their stories are different, common threads had him wanting to hear from the pastor too.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Olu Of Warri Does The Right Thing, Agrees Not To Renounce Traditional Title

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So the Christian monarch of Warri, the Ogiame Atuwase II had decided to get closer to God, and one way he felt to do that was to renounce one of his titles, the Ogiame. However, Itsekiri people in Warri were not having it, they have been protesting since Sept. 7 to prevent the chief from doing that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ten Lies The Church Tells Women

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By J. Lee Grady

Monday, September 9, 2013

Kendra Spears becomes Princess Salwa - Changing Your Religion and Your Name After Marriage

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If you watched the Disney princesses as a young girl, or ever crushed on British prince William or Harry, you may have dreamed of one day becoming a princess. And for Kendra Spears, an American from Seattle, she did get her prince.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pastor Lazarus Muoka of Lord's Chosen Church - Another Man of God That Needs Investigation?

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I just came across the confession of Juliet Ezeonye Idu, who was once a catcher, as she calls it, or evangelizer for of Pastor Lazarus Muoka, the General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Renewal Mission. She accuses him of using threats and false promises to hoodwink desperate members of his church into parting with their life savings, of staging miracles, and of using her and others to fight his detractors in the press.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chris Ihidero Unedited "Interview With Pastor Biodun" - An Acceptable Contribution to the Discussion?

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I just read this satirical contribution to the on-going conversation about Ese Walter's open letter [read here] alleging an affair between herself and Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA church Abuja. I'm the first to say I want the conversation to continue and stay on the front pages so that those in a position to take action do so, including Pastor Fatoyinbo himself.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Stand For What You Believe In - Ese Walters Shares Her Evidence In Hopes of An Investigation

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Following the conversation spurred by the revelation of Ese Walter's affair with Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA (see here) she has written what she says is her last article on the topic titled “Going Forward”. Ese thanks all those who supported her and says that her evidence is with a respected minister in the hopes that the Christian body in Nigeria will investigate Pastor Biodun to prevent further abuses.

Between Ese Walter and Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo - Schadenfreude and Fair Opinion

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By Philip AMIOLA.

I have taken a break from mass media for a while to take care of some personal projects. However, I have been so harangued by the sex scandal involving Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo and Ese Walter that I think I should offer a word or two on it. Reading Ese Walter’s account on her personal blog, I couldn’t help but admire the courage with which she is learning to live her authentic life. However, it is quite unfortunate that many people have had their minds so beclouded with anger, jealousy or some other strong emotions that they have completely missed the point.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pastor J of God's House Abuja Confronts Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA and his Supporters

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For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.”
Isaiah 9:16 
“Let them alone: they be leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
Matt 15:14 

I was going to be silent on this sad, pathetic but true (in many shades) allegation against Pastor B and his popular and trendy ministry. My silence was borne out of respect for the kingdom of God and things that pertain to God. But all this changed when I heard the horrific tales of people who had been through the mess of this blind man, and the fact that he had no moral motivation to deny or accept the allegation; all he showed on Sunday was a demented swagger and perverse talk. [see post]

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Biodun Fatoyinbo - Don't Try to Man In-between, Say the Truth or Keep Quiet

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So, the conversations have continued, including funny memes like this picture above. One of my friends said the conversations better also be happening at "church, at Bible studies, at women's groups EVERYWHERE." and I dare say it must be. Biodun Fatoyinbo tried to add to the discourse but couldn't take a stand. Like writer Puis Adesanmi posted on Facebook;

Koye's Thoughts on #EseWalter's Affair With Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of #COZA

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By Mogbekeloluwa Koye-ladele

I must start by saying this is not a response to Ms. Walter’s exposé of her short-lived affair with Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA. What follows is a collection of random thoughts and beliefs, some of which I have held for years – and have now decided to share. You will find that not all of them are directly correlated to the situation Ms. Walter describes.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

On Pastor's Sexual Affairs With Church Members - Another Woman's Experience

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I called for a conversation on this topic, and someone called the FB thread I was discussing it on a pity party, and Ese's mention of the word, "abuse" ludicrous. Seriously, can we not see that this man abused his power over her? I wonder, does he also so easily ask women not his church members or in the PCU to book hotels and taxis for him, and chastise them when they drop the ball?