Thursday, April 17, 2014

Helen Ukpabio, "Child Witch" Pastor Deported and Banned From Britain

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Helen Ukpabio is known in Nigeria and other circles as the Lady Apostle, but her apostleship is not to spread the gospel, but to liberate those under spiritual attacks. The unfortunate aspect of her message is that she targets defenseless children, and usually burdens then with the woes of their families, labelling them witches and asking their families to get rid of such children.

Because Nigeria lacks robust child rights laws, and child protection services, Helen Ukpabio has been getting away with her campaign of violence and hate against children for decades now. To make matters worse, various copycat pastors are emulating her methods, leading to many children left out on the streets or dead.

In a move that shows that outside of Nigeria is the only place Nigerians can get justice, child rights campaigners in the UK have succedded in getting Helen Ukpabio out of the UK for good. She was asked to leave the country and never return.

The campaigners lobbied the Home Office that her controversial views are dangerous to children – including what was written in her book that, ‘if a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health, he or she is a servant of Satan’.

I wish the Nigerian government will also look into the activities of such pastors and evenagelists who seem to operate outside and above the law.


  1. Lol @ servant of satan. Unfortunately this is not at all priority for the Nigerian government. Or isn't this the same government that granted entrance to a Muslim extremist with fanatical views who's been blacklisted by many developed nations? The only priority the Nigerian government has is to amass as much wealth as possible for their own personal gains. Just a handful actually do care.

  2. This is great news. Next, she needs to be imprisoned in Nigeria for all the atrocities she has committed.

  3. victory to lovers of humanity. Ukpabio is a lesson to Parents to give good education to their children, otherwise they develop dysfunctional world view in attempt to project self confidence and earn a place in the social stratum. Helen is a disgrace to Woman Hood.


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