Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Removed as President of Christ Embassy U.K. Branch

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According to reports, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has been removed as one of the trustees of the United Kingdom’s branch of Christ Embassy. With his removal, Pastor Anita, his estranged wife is now the president of the seven-man Board of Trustees of the branch which is said to be worth N8.2 billion.

Church documents reviewed by PREMIUM TIMES have shown the six other members of the board are all pastors believed to be loyal to Mrs. Oyakhilome. They are as follows:

Friday, October 3, 2014

Told To Stop Saying 'God Bless You' To Drivers, Toll Collector Quits Her Job And Sues Bosses

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Cynthia Fernandez, a toll collector, has quit her job last week after being told by her manager not to say “God bless you” to drivers. She has also gotten herself a lawyer to sue her employers.

Do you think she has a justifiable reason to sue? I think the manager has a point, and then it's not like they asked her to quit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pastor EA Adeboye Of Redeemed Doesn't Want To Live Up to 100 Years Old

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Pastor E.A Adeboye, Geneal Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, talked about age and how old he'll like to live on earth while preaching at the 60th birthday celebration service for Bishop David Oyedepo of Winners chapel over the weekend. He says the world is wicked and he would rather die sooner, rather than later.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pastor Anita Oyakhilome Removed from Current Edition of Rhapsody of Realities

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One of the outward unity between Pastor Chris and Anita, even though they both lived miles apart, was the church's monthly devotional, Rhapsody of Realities, which the couple have co-authored over the years. Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome are currently embroiled in a court case as they go through their divorce, and another casualty of the split between the couple has emerged.

Available copies of the devotional show that Anita’s name has been removed from the October edition of the Christ Embassy ROR. The new front and back cover of the new edition is shown above.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Female Fighter Pilot From UAE Disowned By Family For Bombing ISIS

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A female airforce pilot has been disowned by her family after she recently made headlines with her pictures being published as participating in airstrikes against ISIS .

Mariam Al Mansouri's participation in F-16 bombing raids for the UAE drew the ire of her family and they have now disowned her. They also showed their support for ISIS in the anonymous statement they released to make their decision public. See the statement below...

Bishop Oyedepo Marks 60th Birthday With His Wife, Children and Grandchildren

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Bishop David Oyedepo, founder of Living Faith, aka Winners' Chapel, held a state dinner to mark his 60th birthday Saturday September 27th, 2014. At the Bishop's side was his wife of 32 years, his children and their spouses as well as his granchildren.

Read - 20 Facts About Bishop David And Faith Oyedepo's Marriage

Here's wishing Bishop Oyedepo more blessed years.

How Real are TB Joshua’s Miracles? Most People Say They're Fake

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TB Joshua has released an official statement on his church's Facebook page saying Saturday Vanguard should be investigated for the building collapse at SCOAN. Reason, the paper published a report titled, “How Real are TB Joshua’s Miracles?” and found that respondents said the miracles were not authentic.

OK, I'm still scratching my own head. These people are definitely not for real! How can they even think that somehow, the paper must have planned the collapse since they report that TB Joshua is fake. I missing something? I guess TB Joshua is not happy about the money he dished out, hehehe...

Read the church statement, and the Vanguard report from their investigation below...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Want To Drink Petrol This Sunday? Pastor Who Made Members Eat Grass Has Tasty New Drink

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Lesego Daniel is the pastor that told his Rabboni Ministeries members to eat grass right out of the ground and they did. He has also been known to trample on the back of his members to pass anointing to them.

This time the pastor, who believes he is of a higher anointing, told his members to drink petrol, and no, he did not convert it to wine first even though he asked other pastors not to try this stunt until they can turn water to wine.

American Preacher Refuses To Marry Black & White Because God Hates Race Mixing

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My mouth hung open as I watched this video said to have been recorded just last year of Brother Donny Reagan of The Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ in Tennessee. The preacher rails against interracial marriage and mixed race children using the examples of Black athletes wanting to marry white women. He ranted;

“Today we have so much fussing and stewing about this segregation of white and colored and everything. Why don’t they leave it alone? Let it be the way God made it. There is a move in the message, of blacks marrying whites, whites marrying blacks. And folks think that is alright."

Thursday, September 25, 2014

South Africans Intend To Sue TB Joshua For Neglecting Building Collapse Casualties

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South Africans who lost relatives when a church hostel in Lagos collapsed have said they intend to sue Nigerian evangelist TB Joshua.

According to this BBC report, two men, who both lost sisters in the collapse, are appealing for more families to come together in bringing a case against the preacher. At least 115 people, including 84 South Africans, died when the multi-storey building fell down earlier this month. The authorities say it had more floors than its foundation could hold.

On Sunday, Mr Joshua, who is one of Nigeria's best-known evangelists and is popular across Africa, announced plans to travel to South Africa to visit the families of the deceased.

Emergency workers allege they were prevented from participating in the rescue, only gaining full access to the site on Sunday afternoon - accusations denied by Pastor Joshua's Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

SA Journalist Slams TB Joshua - He "Feasts on the Blood of the Ignorant, ­Gullible and Desperate”

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Following a building collapse at the church that claimed the lives of 115 South Africans, it is clear that South Africans have a huge following for TB Joshua and his SCOAN church, with many of them coming to Nigeria for healing. But does he grant them the honesty and respect they deserve?

Nicholas Ibekwe leaked an audio recording from a meeting between TB Joshua and Nigerian journalists where the prophet is heard offering N50,000 the reporters, and then asking them to write reports that will protect the reputation of the church above those that lost their lives.

Now, another investigative journalist, a renowned South African documentary maker, Jacques Pauw has come forward with claims that Joshua also tried to bribe him.

Pauw says Joshua gave him and his camera crew thick envelopes full of hundred dollar notes. They had been at Joshua’s Synagogue Church Of All Nations to produce a TV documentary featuring the Prophet and his reported miraculous healing of terminally South Africans. Pauws alleges the “brown envelopes” were to ensure a positive programme was produced.

Read his article for City Press SA below:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nicholas Ibekwe On Why He Released Audio Of TB Joshua Offerring Bribe Money To Reporters

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Nicholas Ibekwe is the journalist who published the audio recording of T.B Joshua offering N50k to journalists. Click here to read the full transcript.

The money was tagged transport money, but the pastor also ensured the reporters understood they were to give the Synagogue Church a favorable coverage, and make it look like a guest house building collapsing on their premises was no big deal. It was finally from the SA President that we found out that the incident had claimed over 115 South Africans. See my own opinion here.

Nicholas has just written a blog post that explains why he decided to become a whistleblower and release the audio. He also argues strongly on why he believes the money offered was a bribe.

Read below,

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Full Transcript of TB Joshua Offering 50K Each to Reporters - A Clear Case Of Bribery

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I've been getting a lot of pushback from my blog readers on FB after my blog post [here] about TB Joshua giving blood money to reporters to influence their reports of a building that collapsed in his chrch premises.

To be clear, I listened to the audio and was appalled that instead of making a statement on the collapse, or sending sympathies to those that lost loved ones, TB Joshua badgered the journalists with the promise of money until they accepted his own accounts. A former journalist wrote to me;

Myne,really he did not offer them bribe at all. Back home as a reporter, each time we attend a press briefing,we get a brown envelope with money inside for lunch or for gas. He is not doing anything others have not done. Journalist back home counts on such goodwill each time they attend any press briefing. No one influences how a journalist writes a report,its totally up to the journalist to present a report the best way that tells the accuracy of a story.

My response is this - that it's done does not make it right. TB Joshua specifically told the reporters where to focus and what to leave out. And let's be clear that this is not an ordinary press briefing for a product launch or brand activation. We are talking about a catastrophe in which more than 80 people died! In the end, all TB Joshua could ask was, "so what will you write?"

For those who were not able to listen to the audio, please read the full transcript that Emeh Achanga has transcribed and then let's start having honest conversations.

Friday, September 19, 2014

3 Dead So Far As Christ Chosen Church of God Building Collapses In Edo State

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A one-storey building in an Edo State church has collapsed today 19th of September, 2014 according to the Nation newspaper. The building owned by Christ Chosen Church of God, located in Egor, was an old building in the church premises, which workers were asked to demolish when unfortunately, it collapsed on them.

According to eyewitnesses, the building housed offices and residences of church officials, but only six people, all construction and casual workers, were trapped in the building. Three were rescued and sustained severe injuries while another three were killed.

Youths in the community after saving people trapped under the rubble, angrily set one of the church buses ablaze. Edo State Commissioner of Police has also confirmed the incident.

More photos after the cut.

Archbishop of the Anglican Church Says It's Acceptable to Have Doubt, and Still Be a Christian

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Some are coming for his head but I totally agree with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby who has said he sometimes has doubts in his belief in God.

In an interview with BBC,  Bristol the leader of the Church of England said he doubted in “lots of different ways”. When asked about doubt by presenter Lucy Tegg, he said:

“It is a really good question. I love the Psalms, if you look at Psalm 88 that’s full of doubt. There are moments, sure, when you think, ‘Is there a God?’ ‘Where is God?'”

“The other day I was praying over something as I was running, and I ended up saying to God ‘look this is all very well, but isn’t it about time you did something, if you’re there?’

“Which is probably not what the Archbishop of Canterbury should say.”

The archbishop has recently completed a tour of the West Country and made his comments at an event called Standing Room Only at Bristol Cathedral.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

They Are Not Matyrs! TB Joshua And SCOAN Should Accept Responsibility For Building Collapse

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TB Joshua and his Synagogue Church of all Nations have released an official statement via their Facebook page on the collapsed building within the church premises. The incident happened on Friday September 12th, and has so far claimed over 77 lives.

The statement insists they are co-operating with investigations and rescue, but takes no responsibility for the collapse. They say it was an attack on the church and particularly, on T.B Joshua, and vow to witch hunt the planes that could just be incidental to the collapse.

The worst part is that while commiserating with the bereaved families, they called the dead matyrs. Matyrs are those who give up their life for their faith. Are those who lost their lives in this instance matyrs really, or innocent victims of the church's greed and incompetence?

Who are the engineers and project managers in charge of raising that building to unapproved heights? They are the ones responsible for this loss, reaching all the way to TB Joshua's desk! I hope that with all this platitude, they find a way to compensate the families of those dead.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Semi-Nude Fashion Show At Church Sanctuary In New York - Is This Right?

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This picture of gospel singer, Onlyone Harmony, holding a mic at the Riverside Church in New York appeared on my Facebook timeline with the following question: "is this outfit appropriate for her to be singing in the church?"

A little research showed that Ms. Onlyone Harmony was part of a fashion show that involed a number of people, both men and women, wearing different types of revealing costumes.

According to Zimbio, this is "the Adrian Alicea fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015 runway at Riverside Church on September 10, 2014 in New York City."

Still, many Facebook comments are not pacified and wondered why would the church allow it venue to be used in this way, as it shows lack of respect for the church. They also wonder if it is appropriate for a gospel singer to be dressed so even if it is for a fashion show.

What do you think? See more pictures and some of the comments below...

Ayo Oritsejafor Admits He Owns Private Jet Used To Smuggle $9.3Million Into South Africa For Arms

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News broke over the weekend that authorities in South Africa had intercepted an Israeli citizen and two Nigerians who attempted to smuggle $9.3 million cash into the country.

The money was seized by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) from a private jet arriving at Lanseria airport in Johannesburg on September 5th. It was alleged that the money was meant for arms, and subsequntly, the case was to be investigated by the police.

Now, Sahara Reporters have uncovered a connection between the smuggled money and Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, the president of the Christian Association of Nigeria.

Anyone remember the uproar when he got the plane, and the questions on how he could afford it? This might be our answer. Read on...

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Suspends Pastor For Discussing His Divorce, Calls It Blasphemy?

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Blasphemy is supposed to mean speaking out against God, now Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, founder of Christ Embassy, has given it a new meaning.

The pastor who is embroiled in a divorce drama with his estranged wife suspended one of the church pastors in Lagos, Michelle Okojie, for her “subversive activities” - read, discussing the divorce with church members and not being supportive of the sainted pastor Chris.

Citing Bible passages from Romans 16:17-20 and Titus 3:10 wherein Christians were told to “watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles,” the church warned every member of the congregation to stay away from Ms. Okojie.

So from being beloved, a Pastor has been cast into outer darkness from the church. Na wa o... see her pictures during happier days as part of the church below...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Atheist US Airman To Sue Military Following Sack Threat Unless He Swears By God

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In the latest religious controversy to roil the air force, the atheist airman last month was denied his request to re-enlist because of his refusal to swear to God -- and he is now poised to take the military to court, his lawyer said.

'We have not received word from the Air Force regarding our letter. It has not indicated a willingness to settle out of court,' said Monica Miller, an attorney for the American Humanist Association, which has taken up the service member's case.

The US Air Force has told a sergeant he will have to leave the military unless he agrees to take an oath with the phrase 'so help me God,' officials said Tuesday. The airman is based at Creech Air Force base in Nevada. In the past, an airman could opt for an alternative phrase and omit the words 'so help me God,' but the US Air Force changed its policy in October 2013.