Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wife Wants To Call Cops On Husband For Wanting Sex Daily - Says He's Too Big

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A woman just posted this on Facebook complaining about her sex life with her husband and how she's completely tired and done. She says he's too big down there, he lasts for too long, wants sex daily, and tries to carry her when they do it. She's also not happy that he gives her massages, plays music and goes down on her in foreplay.

In fact, she is just not enjoying her sex life anymore. She wants to see a divorce lawyer or report him to the police. I want to believe she's joking because this is what many women are praying for, LOL... See her complete FB post below..

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sex Toys Are Fast Becoming More Fashionable In Nigeria

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By Onyinye Orabuike

Is it my Imagination or is sex toys fast becoming fashionable?

Certainly not all women use dildo and sex toys for sexual gratification. But the realization that the number of people that indulge in such pastime may be much higher than I had imagined came as a rude shock.  Much as I have tried, I have not been able to grasp what on earth could be the cause.

The discovery was quiet accidental. Sometime last week, I came across a face book post in a wonderful women group that I joined. Someone advertised a dildo, with several pictures, and she really did a good job of demonstrating its unique features and benefits.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Funmi Akingbade - Nigerian Men Rush Sex And Rarely Stop to Please Their Women

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Sex Therapist, pastor Funmi Akingbade says the average Nigerian man is not the most patient lover. In an interview with City People magazine, pastor Akingbade said Nigerian men see foreplay and other activities before intercourse as a waste of time. She says to have a bliss marital life, great sex must be incorporated and that the woman should not be seen as an object just to 'release' into.

Excerpts from the interview below..

How would you describe the Nigerian man when it comes to sex?

The Nigerian man is always in a rush when it comes to sex. They rush into it and quickly rush out once they "come". Every driver that wants an accident-free trip must drive safely, know his road signs, have good driving skills and be a good observer.

This is also true with sex because marital sex is a journey and not to be done in a rush. Those who want to succeed in marriage give their sex life a lot of attention and sex is what makes it different and wonderful. So, for no reason must a spouse "beg" or "plead" for sex from her partner. Rather, good sex should be given mutually at all times"

Thursday, July 17, 2014

6 Ways For You and Your Partner To Get Your Sexy Back After Baby​

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Anyone who has ever had a baby has probably been there: Standing in front of a mirror, breasts swollen and heavy, body still stretched from childbirth and pregnancy, exhausted from newborn night confusion, and wondering how on EARTH you will ever find the energy, desire, or confidence to be with your partner again in any sexual way.

Take it from me who has been there three times: It comes back. But it takes a while. Still, the truth is the faster you get back on track to intimacy, the better things will be for everyone in the family (including mommy!). "Sexuality and, more importantly, intimacy are extremely important in a marriage. Sexless or low sex marriages are very fragile," says Dr. Lauren Napolitano, a psychologist and author.

Indeed. But how does one get back on track when they feel ANYTHING but sexy?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Do You Agree With This Sex Advice By a Pastor's Wife to Young Brides?

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by Ruth Smythers, beloved wife of The Reverend L.D. Smythers, Pastor of the Arcadian Methodist Church of the Eastern Regional Conference.

INSTRUCTION AND ADVICE FOR THE YOUNG BRIDE on the Conduct and Procedure of the Intimate and Personal Relationships of the Marriage State for the Greater Spiritual Sanctity of this Blessed Sacrament and the Glory of God.

To the sensitive young woman who has had the benefits of proper upbringing, the wedding day is, ironically, both the happiest and most terrifying day of her life.  On the positive side, there is the wedding itself, in which the bride is the central attraction in a beautiful and inspiring ceremony, symbolizing her triumph in securing a male to provide for all her needs for the rest of her life.  On the negative side, there is the wedding night, during which the bride must pay the piper, so to speak, by facing for the first time the terrible experience of sex.

At this point, dear reader, let me concede one shocking truth. Some young women actually anticipate the wedding night ordeal with curiosity and pleasure!  Beware such an attitude!  A selfish and sensual husband can easily take advantage of such a bride.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sex Education For Married Women, Have You Read This?

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The text from the picture above is suppossedly an extract from a sex education school textbook for girls, printed in the 50s or 60's to help women to enjoy sex with their husband and keep their home.

However, according to those that know better, the extract is a fabrication. It didn't surface until long after the text began circulating by email and is "clearly a mock-up". It is just possible that it dates from the 50s - presumably as a satire on contemporary images of the ideal housewife. On balance it's likely to be far more recent, however. It is said  to have been circulating in faxed form since the 1980s.

Read the text in full below, and laugh. Or maybe not. In this day and age, some people still think this is how sex in marriage should be. Do you agree?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Top 9 Foods and Supplements To Improve Your Sex Life

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Technique and sexual aids always seem to be the focus when it comes to improving sexual performance, but the real improvement starts within the body that allows any sexually active person to put on a show. There are countless reads out there on sexual techniques and how to make a woman orgasm, but let’s step aside from the sexual positions and take a look at boosting your libido by eating the right foods.

The Earth that we inhabit contains everything the body needs to function on high levels daily, and when it comes to aiding in the sexuality department Mother Nature has provided some pretty amazing foods that help keep our bodies stocked with the minerals it needs to become ultimate sexual machines.

Take a look at these 9 foods and supplements that every man (and woman) should incorporate into his/her diet to boost libido and to keep the sexual body healthy.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Husbands Say They Have Better Sex When Wives Make as Much Money As Them or More!

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If it’s not the root of all evil, money is at least the root of most marital spats. (Roughly 70 percent of marrieds say money causes the majority of their bickering, according to a new nationwide survey conducted by the magazine Money.) That’s probably not a huge shocker.

But this is: About 56 percent of men who make the same or less than their spouses reported a “hot” or “very good” sex life, versus just 44 percent of husbands who out-earn their wives. (Read: If you make more, the sex is hotter!) Guys who make the same or less are also about 15 percent more likely to rate their marriages as “happy” compared to men who earn the lion’s share of the family income, the survey finds.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Six Tips to Improve Your Sex Life With Your Spouse

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Dr. Laurence Levine, a urologist and CMO at Promescent, says that some of the most common reasons married couples have sex less is lack of stamina, time constraints, and dissatisfaction with quantity and quality of sex. These are also common causes for cheating and divorce. He gave us 6 tips on how to have a better sex life with your spouse and how to improve your marriage.

Monday, April 21, 2014

[Please Advice] One Year of No Sex With My Wife - Should I Consider Divorce?

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I'm a 30 year old man, I've have been together with my wife for about 6 years and 3 years married. No kids, no house. The upcoming July will mark the 1st year anniversary of Not having sex. I can tell you that before that 1 year mark, sex was maybe once every 2 weeks.