Monday, June 30, 2014

#HobbyLobby Wins Supreme Court Case Not to Insure Women's Contraception Against Their Faith

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The US Supreme Court has ruled today, 5-4, that the government can't require certain "family owned and small business" employers to provide insurance coverage for methods of birth control and emergency contraception that conflict with their religious beliefs.

In a deeply divisive case pitting advocates of religious liberty against women’s right’s groups, the Supreme Court said today that two for profit corporations with sincerely held religious beliefs do not have to provide a full range of contraceptives at no cost to their employees pursuant to the Affordable Care Act.

In the case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the majority opinion was written by Justice Samuel Alito who insists that for purposes of the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, closely held corporations should be regarded as “persons” and have their religious freedoms upheld.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Looking For the World's Biggest Boobs - There's a Map For That

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world's largest fake breasts

Do you ever wonder which country has women with the world's biggest boobs? You won't be too wrong if you say America, after all Norma Stitz, the woman with the world's biggest natural breasts is from Atlanta, Georgia. Maxi Mounds, the lady above with Guinness world record for largest breasts in 2005 is also an American. So does America have the world's biggest boobs?

Well, there's a map to give us a scientific answer. Generally, the women in the U.S. have mostly D-cup breasts, along with South American countries, Venezuela and Colombia. Not to my surprise the smallest breasts, are apparently those found on women in Asia, particularly in East Asia. So now you know. What I did not foresee was that women in Africa, including Nigeria were also classed in the A-Cup group, the smallest sized breasts. I'm beginning to think this map is biased.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

South African CEO Receives Wife As Gift From Traditional Rulers - Faces Probe

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South African Broadcasting Corporation CEO Hlaudi Motsoeneng was given a wife, a cow, and a calf as gifts by Traditional Venda chiefs during his visit to their area.

About 10 bare-breasted women were lined up in Tho hoyandou, Limpopo, last Wednesday, and Motsoeneng was asked to choose one. He picked 22-year-old Vanessa Mutswari, a human resources management student shown smiling and standing bare-breasted in above picture, next to her new husband and the cow and calf.

Motsoeneng told the Sowetan he received the gifts because he was “committed to his job and understands the strategic objectives of the SABC”.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wendy Williams Show Gets Nurse In Protest After She Condemns Public Breast Feeding

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Wendy Williams is known for stirring up controversy on the news of the day segment of her show, and now the talk show host is currently facing serious backlash for her opinions on public breastfeeding. While discussing Karlesha Thurman, the 25-year-old college graduate who posted a picture of herself breastfeeding her daughter at her graduation ceremony, thereby stirring a maelstrom of criticism, Wendy expressed her staunch opposition to breastfeeding in public, saying;

"I am all for breastfeeding, but do not like breastfeeding in public. I don’t want to see it at my kitchen table, I don’t want to see it at Target, I don’t want to see it at Starbucks, in the airplane -- and I especially don’t want to see it at graduation.”

To protest Wendy Williams using the platform of her show to pull down breast-feeding, 30 lactating mothers have protested in front of the studio of "The Wendy Williams Show". All the women were defiantly nursing their babies to protest the host’s dissing of Karlesha Thurman.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Useful Tips on Shaving Pubic Hair With Step By Step Guide for Women

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Removing pubic hair seems like an ordeal to most women as they often end up getting nicks and painful ingrown hair. A smooth and well-shaven pubic area provides a feeling of freedom to women and helps them enjoy more intimacy with their partner.

However, shaving pubic hair is tougher than shaving legs or underarms owing to the sensitivity of the pubic region. Women need to shave their pubic hair patiently and carefully to avoid getting nicks and ingrown hair.

Given below is a step-by-step guide that will ensure your shaving process is easy and nick-free.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Teenage Girls Trade Sex for Mobile Phones in Sierra Leone – Study Reveals

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Teenage girls in Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown are selling their bodies to buy mobile phones, putting them at increased risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, says a study by Save the Children. According to the report by Thomson Reuters Foundation, the desire to own fashionable mobile devices is a key driver of childhood “transactional sex” in Sierra Leone.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meriam Ibrahim's Brother Tells CNN She Should Be Executed if She Won't Denounce Christianity

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Brother of Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese Christian woman who was sentenced to death for apostasy, in a new interview with CNN says his sister should be executed for leaving Islam. Al Samani Al Hadi Mohamed Abdullah had handed his sister to the authorities because, according to him, his family are “Muslim people.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Top Tips To Make Your Breasts Grow Bigger Naturally

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This is a silent trending topic among a lot of ladies. The average woman is not satisfied with the size of her breasts, and desires to make them bigger! This article has the top tips and ways to make your breasts grow in the most natural way possible!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sudanese Woman On Death Row For Apostasy Will Only Be Freed On Successful Appeal

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Meriam Ibrahim who has been sentenced to death by hanging after receiving 100 lashes will now be freed, reports say. Meriam Ibrahim was convicted on charges of abandoning her Islamic faith and marrying a Christian [read here], which is Apostasy in Sudan and carries a death sentence.

Monday, May 26, 2014

7 Common Yet Complicated Vagina Problems Every Woman Faces

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Every day, women everywhere are betrayed by their vaginas with “normal,” pain-in-the-ass issues that interrupt our sex lives, social lives, and just our ease of existence in general. Like many women have experienced, I woke up one day with some weird itching and burning in the land down under and knew that it was the beginning of the dreaded yeast infection.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Should Women Get Paid Menstral Leave and Would You Take The Time Off?

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By Charlotte Andersen

Remember how embarrassing it was to tell your middle school gym teacher why you couldn’t participate in class that day, thanks to lady problems? (OK, in middle school it was probably because we were still figuring out how to work a tampon but still.) Well now think how it would feel to tell your boss. Yet many women worldwide are lobbying to either keep or instate paid leave for the few days the crimson tide is more like the crimson tsunami.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Womb For Rent Business in India Raises Ethical Questions

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Couples, especially wealthy foreigners, who are not able to have children of their own are reaching out to Indian women to carry their babies for them in a peculiar baby farm business that essentially allows Indian women to offer their wombs up for rent.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Can There Ever Be a Positive Abortion Story? Emily Letts Shares Video of Her Procedure

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25-year-old Emily Letts, an abortion counselor has shared a video of herself having a surgical abortion on YouTube, saying she wants it to help banish stigma surrounding abortion. Personally, I'm pro contraceptive and pro-life, and only pro-choice where certain externuating circumstances are involved, like extreme young age, rape, health impacts, etc.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

#Bossladies - Women: Inspiration and Enterprise Africa Event in Lagos

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So many notable and inspirational women turned out for the Women: Inspiration and Enterprise Africa Event held last week in Lagos. Above is Ngozi Coker, Dakore Egbuson Akande, Uche Pedro of Bellanaija and Bola Balogun. Others who attended include Biola Alabi, Fola Alakija, Isha Sesay, and more.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vaginal Yeast Infection: Best Herbal Cure For Candida To Reduce Vaginal Itching

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About 75% of women suffer from Candida infection in different stages of their lives. The infection, caused by yeast like fungus Candida albicans is most prominent as the vaginal yeast infection affecting women of all age. Moderate to severe vaginal itching followed by creamy white discharge resembling cottage cheese is the main symptom of vaginal yeast infection.

Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Reasons Why Your Period May Be Late, And It's Not Pregnancy

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If you're newly married and starting a family immediately, you might be eagerly looking forward to breaking the good news to your husband of a new baby joining your small family from the first month after your wedding. And if you're even a day late on your period, you will put some buns in the oven around the time your sweetie returns. But hold your horses, lol...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ten Lies The Church Tells Women

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By J. Lee Grady

Monday, August 26, 2013

How To Tighten the Vagina and Keep Away Any Bad Smells

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Have you ever wondered once or twice or more, how tight your vagina was, or whether your vagina has a bad smell? If you're married or sexually active, you probably want to know how to take better care of your vagina. It will definitely be on your mind when you want to do the do or it's time for your partner to go 'down'.  I also talked about Vaginal Yeast Infection and Best Herbal Cure For Candida To Reduce Vaginal Itching. Read post to stop itching here. Also read the 15 Facts to know about the penis here.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Do You Wear Thongs or Not?

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I have a confession to make, I don't wear thongs! OK, may I have worn one or two a handful of times over the past decade and more, but I've just never felt comfortable in one. I tried them on when they became the rage while I was in university and it felt so strange having the thong in my crack, like a wedgie that can never go away, so I went back to my cotton briefs.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Some Safety Tips For Women

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These tips are supposed to be from the experts but all I could find was that it was posted by a crime alert FB page located out of South Africa sent to them as a chain mail. I wouldn't post it, except I see a lot of sense in some of the tips. There are pointers on what a woman could do if she feels unsafe in a lonely place like a lift or corridor, in a taxi, or in a garage. Read and share your thoughts.