Saturday, January 17, 2015

Veteran Anchor Jim Clancy Leaves CNN After Abusive Tweets About Charlie Hebdo Attacks

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Longtime anchor Jim Clancy has left CNN just one week after getting into a heated exchange on Twitter about the Paris Charlie Hebdo terror attacks. In the tweet spat with those who disagreed with him, the anchor used a derogatory term for disabled people and another for deriding pro-Isreal issues.

CNN, however, made no mention of the scandal as it paid tribute to Clancy’s 34 years of service with the channel with a spokesperson saying; “Jim Clancy is no longer with CNN. We thank him for more than three decades of distinguished service, and wish him nothing but the best.”

Friday, January 16, 2015

'The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven' Author Says Book Is Made Up Of Lies

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“The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,” is a best-selling Christian book by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey which purports to answer the question of whether God and Heaven are real.

The book was first published in 2010, and supposedly narrates Alex's experiences while he lay in a 2-month coma after a car accident when he was 6 years old. His injuries left him paralyzed, but the book said while he was in the coma, he died and went to heaven and moved around and met and spoke with Jesus.

Now, 16-year-old Alex says everything in the book was made up. "I did not die. I did not go to Heaven," he states in an open letter to Christians everywhere who are reading the book.

Teenage Bonnie And Clyde Suspected In Crime Spree Across Several States

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Two Kentucky teenagers, Dalton Hayes 18, and Cheyenne Phillips 13, are suspected in a multi-state crime spree that has police desperately searching for them since they vanished nearly two weeks ago from their hometown. Hayes' mother said the girl had portrayed herself as being 19 years old, and urged the young couple - who had been dating for about three months - to turn themselves in and "face the consequences."

Grayson County Sheriff Norman Chaffins said that after the couple disappeared Jan. 3, authorities believe they have traveled to South Carolina and Georgia. Along the way, they're suspected of stealing multiple vehicles and using stolen checks, law enforcement officials said.

Chaffins said the couple's behavior is "becoming increasingly brazen and dangerous," and he said they had evaded law enforcement twice. The sheriff said he believes Hayes is calling the shots as the teens try to stay ahead of the law.

Nick Cannon Files for Divorce From Mariah Carey

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Nick Cannon has filed for divorce from his estranged wife Mariah Carey, according to TMZ.

The website reports that he filed the papers on December 12 – just a week or so after Mariah showed up late for the NBC tree-light, which was reportedly because she was talking to lawyers  about a property settlement.

News that the America’s Got Talent host made the first move to make things final has surprised fans, as it was believed Mariah was hoping for a reconcilliaton.

Flu Vaccine Fails Newlywed Who Dies Just 4 Days After She Fell Sick

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Katie McQuestion - a 26-year-old who only just had her wedding last September - is dead from the flu just 4 days after she began to feel sick. The worrying thing is that she got a flu shot to comply with hospital policy and had no underlying medical conditions. Still she caught the flu and developed a serious complication from it: sepsis. She died on Jan. 2.

ABC News reports that McQuestion complained she didn't feel well on a mother-daughter trip to a dress shop on Dec. 29, said her mother, who asked not to be named. The following day, McQuestion was sent home sick from work. Her mother said she picked up a prescription for her on New Year's Eve.

Saudi Blogger Begins Sentence of 1000 Lashes For Sabotage - 50 Lashes Every Friday

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Raif Badawi, who runs a blog on human rights and social change, was arrested in 2012 and sentenced to 10 years in prison as well as 1000 lashes. He has began his flogging sentence which is portioned at 50 lashes every Friday. His crime is that his blog supposedly insults religious figures and the regime in Saudi Arabia. Raif has always denied these charges.

As the 31-year-old father of three received his first 50 lashes today, his wife Ensaf Haidar, who lives almost 6,000 miles away in Quebec, says it is too much to bear. She has accused the government of killing her husband week by week - and spoke of her agony at ‘watching him die one lash at a time.’

The US Supreme Court Agrees To Rule On Gay Marriage

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The Supreme Court agreed Friday to resolve the national debate over same-sex marriage once and for all. The justices will consider four cases from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, consolidated and heard together. They will hear 2 1/2 hours of oral arguments in April and issue a ruling before the current term ends in late June.

The new challenges to gay marriage bans are destined to become even more of a landmark than those decided by the court in 2013 — United States v. Windsor, which forced the federal government to recognize gay marriages, and Hollingsworth v. Perry, which made California the 13th state to allow them.

Oby Ezekwesili Slams President Jonathan For Campaign Visit to Maiduguri

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President Goodluck Jonathan made a surprise call at a military base in Maiduguri yesterday as a way to boost the morale of the soldiers for the Armed Forces Rememberance Day. But not everyone is empressed. On my FB where I shared the news, someone called it "campaingning and not caring."

Former minister of education and Oby Ezekwesili seems to agree, as she expressed her anger and disgust on Twitter. She also reminds the president of the promises he made and failed to the Chibok parents after the #BringBackOurGirls online activism.

Whose side are you on, all I can say is 'at least he finally visited.'

Angelina Jolie And Jennifer Aniston At The Critics Choice Awards Red Carpet - First Time In 6 Years

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Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston became joined at the hip by the media since Brad Pitt left his marriage with Aniston to hook up with Jolie in 2005. Brad and Angelina finally got married last year after 6 children, 3 adopted. But whether the two women are on good terms or not, they often try not to be at the same events, or be on the red carpet at the same time. The Oscars back in 2009 was the last time it happened.

It happened again yesterday at the Critics' Choice Awards event. Angelina was nominated for Best Director and Jennifer for Best Actress, so I guess there was no way to avoid this one. According to reports, both actresses arrived just minutes apart, with Jennifer arriving first and Angelina a few minutes later. Jennifer Aniston came with fiance Justin Theroux flashing her engagement ring, but Angelina walked the red carpet alone, but with her wedding ring. Pics below...

Yaya DaCosta Promotes Whitney Houston Movie With #IAmEveryWoman Photo Campaign

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The Whitney Houston biopic starring actress Yaya Dacosta, and directed by Angela Basset will be premiering on Lifetime Network tomorrow January 17th and to promote it, the star actress who plays the title role of legendary sonstress Whitney Houston has shot a series of photos in honor one of the singer's classic songs - I am Everywoman.

Yaya says she enjoyed filming the song in the new biopic and was motivated to create this campaign as way to pay homage to Whitney, and to a few of the women who have inspired her personally. She recalls that ‘I’m Every Woman’ is a song that embodies Whitney's hope that women love, encourage, support and appreciate each other.

In the #IAmEveryWoman photo campaign, Yaya poses in some iconic photos by woman such as Naomi Campbell, Meryl Streep, Frida, Lucy, Eartha Kitt, Pam Grier, Audrey Hepburn and more.