Sunday, January 12, 2014

Short Film - Big Man Via The Afrinolly Competition

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In Big Man, Uzoma loves playing games with his little brother, Chize, in spite of their father's warnings that being the older brother, he is a big man. One day, one of his simple games has serious consequences, and Uzoma has to come to terms with really being a Big Man. There are other interesting shorts on the Top 10, but this is my favorite, the acting, the setting, the direction, production, the sound, everything was on point. If you like it too, vote HERE, or check out the others too when you log in. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Short Story - Forgotten Love By Thelma Nwogbo

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I retired to the bedroom, tired of waiting up for Derin. The room was lavish and very spacious, but it was the bed that did things to my mind and body. Especially as all the sheets were silk and the pillows were filled with what felt like feathers. No wonder the minute I got into it I always fell asleep. Except Derin was there with me of course.

Couple Love - Uche Jombo Shares Birthday Message to Hubby

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To mark her husband, Kenny Rodriguez's 40th Birthday, Uche Jombo shared their wedding picture above on Instagram, with the message, "There are Few people you meet that can change your life for the better and ....forever!!! Happy birthday to this guy right here!!! You are an amazing human being Kenney Rodriguez LOVE YOU!#youSureGoingToTurnThe40sIntoTheNew20s #FitKROD #CapricornMan #10thJanuary. 

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde on CNN African Voices - Behind The Scenes Photos.

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Omotola Jalade Ekeinde is featured on today's CNN's African Voices. The programme which brings on board some of Africa's biggest personalities already, through its CNN correspondent, Vladimir Duthiers, interviewed her where she talked her upbringing, career, achievements, activism and future plans. Check out some behind the scene pictures...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why Men Cheat And Other Answers From One Man To Other Men

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By Onuoha Obinna

In a world where there are many broken homes & relationships, where marriages are even over before they begin and where the young ones detest the idea of marriage or have certain prejudices regarding it, the nobility, faithfulness and fidelity of partners comes to the limelight raising the question "Is there anyone faithful?"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Confession On Dencia's Whitenicious And Gluthathione - I Have Used Skin Toning Creams Too

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I've been meaning to write this post for almost a month now, since the soaring popularity of Glathathione hit the news. Now I'm reading news that Dencia's whitenicious skin care line has just sold out within one day of being launched. It could be a marketing gimmick, but being here in Lagos, it's not hard to see that a lot of girls are actually crazy about lightening up their complexion.

Congrats to Tuface and Annie Macaulay Idibia on Their New Baby Daughter

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Annie Macaulay Idibia delivered her her baby three days into the new year. She and husband, Tuface Idibia were blessed with a healthy and beautiful daughter and baby sister to Isabella, their first child together. Annie's friend, Maryann Bassey shared these first pictures of the baby, on her social media. Congrats to the Idibia family.

Relationship Advice For Nigerian Women Via Skuki of Peeshaun

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It was around this same time last year that a lot of entertainers shared their relationship wisdoms with the rest of us. Maybe these nuggets from Skuki of Peeshaun are the beginning of another round of celebrities doing their bit as agony aunts and uncles. The truth is that many need that life and relationship coaching as there is glaring lack of professional therapists or counsellors in Nigeria.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Couple Love - Comedian and Actor Okey Bakassi Poses With Wife

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Okey Bakassi is a Nigerian comedian and actor, and star of Onye Ozi, an Igbo language movie by Obi Emelonye. This is the first time I'm seeing his wife, and she's so cute, love her smile!

A Safari Wedding - Corey and Lynette Perkins Renew Their Wedding Vows with Elephants in Attendance

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An interracial couple, Corey and Lynette Perkins got married three years ago in the United States, but her family couldn’t make it, and the couple were in the middle of a green card process so Lynette couldn’t travel at that time. So they had a small ceremony with just Corey's close relatives. The couple recently renewed their vows in Zimbabwe, where the bride's family, and some elephants and giraffes, were able to be in attendance.