Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Relationship Advice For Nigerian Women Via Skuki of Peeshaun

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It was around this same time last year that a lot of entertainers shared their relationship wisdoms with the rest of us. Maybe these nuggets from Skuki of Peeshaun are the beginning of another round of celebrities doing their bit as agony aunts and uncles. The truth is that many need that life and relationship coaching as there is glaring lack of professional therapists or counsellors in Nigeria.

Skuki's wise words may not be for me, but the way I see these things, there is no one size fits all, so maybe other people will find some or all of his advice beneficial to the problems they're having in their marriages.


  1. What a brainless boy, is he married? Does he have a steady girlfriend or fiancee? His groupies may worship him but someone should tell him that's not how real life works!

  2. All these stupid games in the name of protecting a man's ego. SMH. So not here for it.

  3. I don't disagree completely with what he's said but, to be honest I'm getting tired to all these articles asking us to treat men like they're some rare, endangered superior specie! What's more irksome is that there are never write ups on how to treat women right. Or don't we deserved to be treated like queens too. I don't see what makes men more superior, gone are the days of them being sole breadwinners and providers, now this is usually shared by both parties. What other reason is there for this master-slave syndrome between men and women?
    Oh I get it! Having a penis automatically entitles you to royal treatment! Seen....


  4. It takes two committed man & woman to make any relationship successful. Respect, sex etc that are usually portrayed as being the most important things to men are equally important to women. So, brothers if you don't like what you're getting..check out what you're giving! Don't think you can go on having affairs and expect to or demand to be treated as a king.

  5. Please read why men love bitches. Inspriring book

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