Saturday, March 30, 2013

Short Story - You Forgot Us by Daniel Okoli

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They took their Val’s Day celebration to the Vignette restaurant.

This was the day he would propose, this was the day he would ask her to be his wife.

The table had been booked three weeks ahead of time, the wine pre-ordered about the same time.

They sat close to each other, arms touching lightly, before a table softly lit by four fragrant white candles that cast a glow on two serving plates, embroidered napkins and silverware.

She ordered chicken soup for first course and he said “Make that two.”

They waited. She smiled a lop-sided smile at him. “Let me show you something.”

She placed an iPad on the table, a gift he’d given her three months ago, on an ordinary Monday evening. She powered it up.

Live Theatre on Sunday - Zulu Sofola's The Wizard of Law Free

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Zulu Sofola is one of Nigeria's foremost playwrights, the best if you ask me. Yes, better than Wole Soyinka :) I have seen a couple of them, and wish I had the opportunity to see this one too.

Zulu Sofola's The Wizard Of Law is being presented free on Easter Sunday at The New Unity Centre, 28 Isaac John GRA 4:30pm and 6pm. Sorry it is coming late, I just got the notice.

Though free, you need to book your tickets before the show. Find them at or or SMS 08039754365.

Summary of Wizard of Law;

The Wizard of Law deals with an old lawyer, Ramoni, who has met with reversed finances and who tries at a festive period to impress his wife by purchasing expensive lace material on credit at a time when he is penniless.

The cloth-seller, Rafiu, takes advantage of this opportunity to inflate the prices of cloth in order to make a heavy gain.  Ramoni, not having the money with which to pay, gets more and more into trouble.  He desperately looks for a court case through which he would get the needed money.

Friday, March 29, 2013

This Story Makes Me Think I May Adopt From Nigeria

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Olusola Stevens and his wife, Chinwe are workers in the the Christian Missionary Foundation (CMF). He has been in missionary work for 22 years and most of it has been rescuing infants and babies who are victims of the practice in most of the indigenous villages around Abuja of the killing of infants or burying some alive when their mothers die.

Their story was in the Sunnewsonline and it is making me seriously think whether to adopt from here or Nigeria. Obviously, there are children here who also need parents and permanent homes, but this level of abuse of children, it is killing me. Stevens and his wife have 33, but some are still lost, and the same things may be happening all over the country. I am so proud of Nigerians like the Stevens and the work they do. To me this is real missionary work, and I want to be part of it.

Stevens recalled to Abuja Metro the challenges of taking care of the rescued children but remains happy that: “God has never failed. Though there could be delays but He will surely come through and this we can testify to in our case.”

The Christian Missionary Foundation (CMF) is a non-denominational body with task of evangelising the interior and remote societies. That is the gospel that touches human lives.

“We just don’t preach the gospel. In some of the places we have been to, we have established schools, especially in the North East. We also have medical outreach centres. Basically, we don’t stay in city; we go to the interior to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to people.”

Letter To My Future Wife by Noble Igwe

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After following the trending #dearfuturewife yesterday, I wanted to know what started it, and I found that this letter written by Noble Igwe on 360Nobs in 2011 had recently started making the rounds again. Who knows if Noble is married now, this is a sweet and beautiful letter.

Dear Future Wife,

I don’t know what you look like, if you are out here or reading this right now! If you are, please print this letter and bring it to our wedding reception. It will make a good read before our guests. They say behind every successful man is a woman. I’ll like to say that behind every successful man is a good woman because I’ve seen men that have shut down their businesses because they got involved with the wrong woman.

I want to be successful and I need to find you right now more than ever. You may not know how much I need you but I come home every night with stories that I would love to share with someone special. I come home late from clubs sometimes wishing you’d be in bed waiting for me to hug your warm body. Your slot in my life is so empty it hurts because I know you are out there without me.

I’ve often imagined how you look. Are you dark or fair in complexion? Are you Igbo, Yoruba or Hausa? I play around with different images in my head but one thing stands out, I know you are very curvy.

Dear Myne - He Almost Raped Me, Should I Report Him?

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Dear Myne, I am such a dilema and very hurt. I am in my mid 20s and work as a researcher somewhere in Europe and was presenting at a conference this week. The lodging was in a flat with 2 guys ( the venue was a resort), I had my own room and so did the guys.

However, after a trip to the city, one of the guys (non-Nigerian) had to do something in the city, leaving me with this other guy. I didnt think anything was amiss, we gisted, chatted and I told him I want to take a nap, so as to wake up to do some work.

Somewhere in the night, I felt a movement around me and I saw this guy naked! I started screaming and he was asking that I stopped. I was so terrified. In my shock, I went into the patio and found a place to sleep. Called my boyfriend in the UK, and he was very angry and he asked me to walk the guy out of the apartment ( I could because, he was staying an extra night, based on his travel schedule. I made arrangement with my other colleague as a means of helping a brother from home).

Homeless Man Who Returned Ring, Reunited With His Family

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Who remembers that story last February about a homeless man that returned a lost engagement ring left in his donation cup? If not, read here. Harris, who had been homeless for years before then, now has a home, a job, and last Sunday, he reunited with the family he had not spoken with for 16 years.

Four of his siblings surprised him on the set of the Today show, after his younger sister Robin saw a story about Harris and his good deed online. The lady whose ring Harris returned was so impressed by his honesty that they set up a website to take donations for him, hoping to raise the $4,000 the worth of the ring. That fund raised $185,000!

Talk about how it pays to be good and do good. I hope things continue to work out for him.

Official Video For Waje's I Wish

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The part of this video I liked the best was where she was playing piano in a room lighted by chandeliers of hurricane lanterns. And Waje sings very well too.

Natural Hair in Dreadlocks Becomes Target For Thieves

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Dreads are one option I've been considering for my natural hair, so this news gave me the shivers. In economics, it is said demand must match supply, otherwise a black market flourishes. When it comes to using natural African hair as extensions, this is coming true in a very nasty way. In south Africa, men who seem to have longer dreadlocks are being attacked on the streets, and their hair cut with a knife, a broken bottle, or whatever.

Jack Maseko was a victim recently, three men attacked him and took his mobile phone and the dreadlocks he had been growing for three years. Mutsa Madonko had been growing his for 10 years before his hair was shaved off outside a Johannesburg night club also. According to the BBC;

Shoulder-length dreadlocks are sold for between 200 rand ($23; £15) and 700 rand, while longer ones cost as much as 2,000 rand.

So what happens to the stolen hair?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

#DearFutureWife - What Would You Say To Your Future Wife?

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This hashtag has been setting fire to twitter with good and bad tweets like "Your Twitter record must be clean, no twitfight, no nudes. U must trend for the right reasons." and the one embedded above." See more below;

Women Who Go Out on Dates with Men For Free Food

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Some ladies have made it a part time career. It was in 2006 that the concept of 'dinner whore' was popularized when the New York Post published an article about Brooke Parkhurst, pictured above. She was then a 26-year-old food blogger, and confessed to running up a combined tab of $30,000 after going on more than 200 dinner dates.

More recently, a New York Carrie Bradshaw wannabe, Brittny Pierre, kept her food budget down by utilizing online dating sites like OKCupid and Craiglist personals to score dinner dates, not for romance but for the free meals. In her own words on XOJane;