Friday, July 1, 2011

What is Blogging all about?

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Before I go on, please go and vote your favorites at the Nigerian Blog Awards.

In my opinion, blogging is about reaching out and personally, that is why I blog. That some people promote their blogs, or are nominated for awards is nothing to be ashamed of. My blog for instance is not a diary, and was never meant as one. I started off in late 2009 to share the stories I write, and I have published two books along the line, counting it a blessing that blogging brought me this far. It was since I became more comfortable with the community that I started to share my thoughts and the person behind the pseudonym.

Still, this blog is quite different from a lot of blogs that are about deeply personal experiences. I respect some of such blogs, many of which have added to my perspective on different issues.  However, when some anonymous bloggers complain about popular blogs, I wonder why they're public? If really you're not seeking comments or traffic, why not ensure you're only writing for yourself by making the blog private? Once your blog is public, and has the sharing button, you're speaking from both sides of your mouth.

On the Naija Blog awards, some people are drawing parallels between 'real' and 'Twitter' bloggers and between excellence and popularity. I don't believe these are mutually exclusive; excellence can lead to popularity and vice versa. If I visit a tweeted blog a few times, and think it's rubbish, I'll likely stop. If I unfollow because I think they're too popular, and though I love what they blog, na bad belle. I'll prefer to let a million blogs start up, and let time and the readers do the rest.

In most blog communities, what matters is that people find a platform and are able to build supportive networks. I'm a big fan of the NBAs and don't think Nigerians have even begun to scratch the surface with blogs. The Huffington Post (sold for $315m), Belle Du Jour (Bestselling book and TV series) and BellaNaija, among others, started as blogs. So if you want a private or small blog, by all means do you and don't knock others. However, if you want to dream big, the sky is just the beginning.

All the best to the nominees, and especially to my blog followers and those I nominated.

Happy 4th of July weekend to my American peeps. Have fun, everyone!

ps, If you saw my name among the nominees and didn't see it again, I asked to be excused.


  1. That makes sense, I was wondering what happened to your name. Great write up as usual Ms Myne, you are a ball of knowledge on this blogging thing :)

  2. Happy fourth of July!

    I think blogging should be about what works for you as a person, so I can't stand people that knock others for being different from them. Who made the rules???

  3. Hmm interesting,

    Gbemi i agree with you, i think blogging for me has been like writing my experiences, my walk and times or my life in God etc. So why should I knock down another man who's using this medium to express his- gifts,talents, mind etc?We aren't all the same and that makes us unique....

    Btw, whether there's an award or not,let our blogging add value,knowledge and a lot of wisdom to people who read ours. Well done Myne

  4. I never knew "twitter" bloggers existed. My blog has certainly evolved over the years. I'm no longer as personal on there as i used to back in 2007. Like you said, people should do what works for them and not worry about what other bloggers are doing.

  5. what is twitter blogging, sorry I feel like it should be obvious but I still don't get it.

  6. @9jafoodie, thanks dear.

    @Gbemi, you're so right. if all blogs were the same, I would find it very boring.

    @Enybees, we should bear in mind that our definition of adding value, etc is very relative to our individual worldview, but I agree with the rest of what you said.

    @Sting, I also heard the term recently myself. I guessed then it was nostalgia speaking. :)

    @Wendy, I think it's used to refer to bloggers who also tweet a lot, and don't mind promoting their blogs via their twitter.

  7. happy 4th July,I hope to get to where yhu've reached someday,I know-hardwork and dedication
    thanks ma.
    more grease to thy elbow

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I agree. It wasn't until my friend suggested I start a writing blog that I fell into the community of bloggers. The most important thing I've gained from blogging is connection and you only get that from, as you said, reaching out.

  10. Thank you gretel and Elle! And have yourselves a wonderful weekend too.

  11. You're very gracious. I wasn't nominated so I removed their sticker from my blog and delete the post I made about it *covers face* lol.

    I didn't want to nominate myself cos I felt it was tacky to do so. O well sha lol.

  12. O and happy holiday! Love your blog. I should comment on stuff more.

  13. LMAO @ Noble, you better toot you own horn, otherwise, people will blow it from the wrong end.
    Let's just say I find the varied themes of blogs very interesting. Keeps me entertained, which is what got me into it in the first place.

  14. Ohh... Noble, you're one funny young man, LOL. But I like your candidness and fresh personality, always gets me back to your blog. :)

  15. I don't think there should be a rule to how one blogs. Everyone is here for varying reasons. Do what works best for you without bullying.

  16. One thing blogging has done is help express myself better attimes. On some sad days, its a sort of escape route for me.

    Actually, there are no laid down rules for blogging and there shouldn't be. Through blogging, I've met loads of people I haven't seen but are an integral part of my online life *LOL*
    e.g. Myne, Afrosays and the likes.

    Though sometimes we need to draw the line if its a personal blog or otherwise.

  17. "If I unfollow because I think they're too popular, and though I love what they blog, na bad belle"---this here is the truth oh jere!!

  18. LOLsss. Twitter blogs indeed. If you want popularity do all you have to do to get it haba! You cant stick your head in the sand of anonymity and cry 'wolf'. Personally I know the limitations of not tweeting and facebooking my posts and I can live with that. chikena.
    Where are the honeymooners off to this holiday weekend? Enjoy. wink wink.

  19. WORD!!! Happy 4th of July!! :)

  20. Gbam!!!

    As you said, 'just do you'
    We have a lot of talented people out there and it's refreshing to see creatives repping Naija.

  21. Thank you for speaking up, Myne. I was waiting for someone who has a popular blog to say something. Whether you write personal stuff or stuff for public consumption, you have a write to contest for the Nigerian Blog Awards.

    People almost make you feel that you do not qualify if you are not writing sensational drama(as if, if I started blogging about my drama, they could bear it :)

    The blog that campaigns the most and that people like the most will win and everyone else will congratulate and not hate; hopefully.

    Keep up the good work. I particularly like to hear that you have published 2 books along the way. Too impressive abeg!

  22. Very well written, I think today's blogging is different from what it used to be, maybe why am lacking some interest in blogging

    Hopefully it would all become better and stronger for good. love ya Myne.

  23. "Twitter bloggers" - That's a new phrase (to me)

    Wo, just keep being yourself and doing what makes you happy! The sky is just the beginning.

    Stay blessed!

  24. Twitter blogger here *points to self*...LMAO. I dont know how they came up with this name tho....facebook blogger too cos i share my blog there. Blackberry blogger, i use my blog on my status...nioce piece myne!

  25. Oh and congrats to all nominees!

  26. Happy 4th of july myne!! you have said it all o jare.. (y)

  27. I love this post. Very short. Very precise. I couldn't have said it better. Also like the fact that you gave good examples.

  28. Happy 4th of July. What you said in this post makes a lot of sense!

  29. I don't even know what is popular or not. I just read the blogs that I like, end of matter. I don't think any of these things really affect my world or my blog in anyway, lol. Na the same people wey dey come my blog na im still dey come there after all these years. People can blog for whatever reason and people do it in different ways. I no even fit waste time for this topic. Whatever, jare.

  30. Oh well, people will always have issues about everything under the sun. I really don't want to get into the popularity vs excellence debate or that other thing...hmmmm;-) Like you said blogging is about reaching out or else one might as well blog for one's self only, lol. It is not a popularity or an excellence contest. And as you implied, it is important to have a healthy attitude.

    Best advice today and for all've said it...'do you'. The best bloggers do what they want how they want and they are in for the long haul too.

  31. Thanks to you, I may find myself saying 'peeps' and actually liking it. How to refile it again under uncool? ;-)

  32. I blog because i love it..I think it was nutty jay that put my name up for nomination.

    well dont to those who won. I dont have a clue about these things oh.

    But I LIKE your blog!!!


  33. @Adura, peeps is uncool? I didn't even know that, lol...

    Thanks Mena, you're good too.

  34. I couldn't agree more. Used to follow a lot of the comments on the NBA site b4 my pension plans got realer - and some of the POVs were just off!

    You're a great, Myne - and not even your (voluntary) exclusion can ever change that!!!

  35. i think people should do what works for them,

    SO you towed Don Jazzy's line. LOL

  36. Happy july 4th.

    Blogging???...simply DO YOU!

    Who likes-follow, don't like-WAKA PASS chikena!

  37. lol... but have people forgotten that twitter is like a mini blog??

    I think people should write because they love to.. ther's is nothing wrong with marketing one's blog.. of cos if you love to write, you also love it when people read ...

    You make intelligent points here...

    All the best to nominees btw


  38. It is not very easy for new bloggers to gain an audience in the blog world. I've been there and I can tell where the shoe is 'pinching'...


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