Sunday, December 23, 2012

Date Night Movie Review - Lincoln

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Atala - I'm a fan of historical movies - I feel they are a great way to spark one's interest in the events of another time while being entertained at the same time (although if you're really interested in history, you probably will want to do your own research to roughen up the smoothed-out Hollywood storylines). With this said, I was very keen on going to watch Lincoln, even though I understood that the film wasn't a full blown biography, but would just cover the first few months of 1865.

I glad to say that I came away learning about an interesting sliver of history that I hadn't been aware of before. In a nutshell, even though Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Act prohibiting slavery two years earlier, he still needed to get an amendment to the constitution ratified by the House of Congress so that slavery's illegality would be made permanent.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here

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Let it Snow

Our Christmas tree went up yesterday after it was obvious the world was not going to end and we would all live to see December 25...just joking. Anyway, those following me on instagram would have seen the tree. However, we had gone for the symbolic lighting of the tree in a neighboring city weeks ago, which was when Christmas started around these parts. Shopping went into high gear and decorations and lights went up around the city center.

I chose for us to forego the lighting ceremony in our city and go for the neighboring one cos theirs had more adventure. While the highlight remained the lighting of the tree, following it was something called a Luminary Walk along a River Bank. I was sold.

I put on my parka and boots and prepared for a tramp through the dark woods. What it turned out to be was an almost magical walk along a trail lined with hundreds of luminaries - little paper lanterns placed in a row on the pathway. There were carolers, drum tattoo, and amazing decorations and light displays.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Magic of Marriage by Nena Ndioma

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The Sunday School topic at church yesterday centered on marriage. As the lesson progressed in the young adults class, I could see the longing in the young people’s eyes for an uncomplicated answer, an easy way toward ensuring they ended up with the right life partner – one who would ensure they maintained a joyful married life; one who would be there for the long-haul.

I explained that the solution lies in a combination of prayer and practicality. Prayer for God’s guidance and wisdom is essential, but after praying, you have to do your due diligence, using the wisdom He has given. You have to accept the guidance that He makes available (by not ignoring the red flags He shows you because you’re too much ‘in love’; by being open to listen to the impressions of others that have loved you and known you much longer than your suitor has, etc.).

Ultimately, you have to know how God speaks to you way before marriage – and you have to listen to what He impresses upon you when marriage time comes around – rather than ignore His voice and assume everything will turn out okay just because you ‘prayed’ and just because you’re a Christian.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mid-Winters Eve Blog Hop Giveaway

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As this year winds to a close, I want to use this opportunity to thank all the subscribers and regular visitors to this blog. You guys have been awesome, leaving comments, sending emails, and being very very supportive.

In my giveaway, 3 lucky people will each win a $10 Amazon Gift Card (US, UK and Canada). To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below. There are 4 entries, and you must leave a comment on this post to qualify.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

10 Women and 10 Questions on Relationships

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Djinee is one of the Nigerian musicians who has been around for a while but not really getting as much attention as the Wizkids of the day. I liked his debut Ego when I was still back in Nigeria and got to know he has some new singles out as well as a website. One of the singles is titled Lover's Rock and in the spirit of the song, Djinee decided to field 10 different questions on dating and love from 10 women. The questions are wide ranging and the answers, IMO, mostly on point. Different strokes indeed, enjoy

Susan: what was the lesson you learnt from your last relationship?

Djinee: To be less protective. With my last relationship I was too protective. Worried about her safety. Probably I was too obsessed. So I learnt to give some space.

Jemila: what do men want in a woman?

Djinee: Different men, different desires. Some men want trophy girlfriends/wives. The beautiful, model look-alike who they can show off to friends like a new car. Some men look out for women to complement them, good cooks, good lovers, good listeners… Different strokes for different folks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce with Green Lima Beans

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Spaghetti and Tomato sauce is a regular in these parts but the Green Lima Beans addition was a first recently. Frozen vegetables were on a half-price sale at the store so I decided to pick a few new ones I had never tried before, one of those was green Lima beans. I wasn't too sure how it would turn out, so on the day I tried it, I decided to use it as a side to a more familiar meal.

Bachelorette Ashley and JP's December Wedding

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Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum are the third couple from The Bachelor series to ever walk down the aisle, and I am so happy for them! I was rooting for JP from like the final four during their season and so it was so heart-warming to know they would get married.

I finally had the chance to watch their wedding which was televised last Sunday on the ABC website and it was beautiful. The gown, the preparations, everything was just looking great. Most importantly, the couple looked so happy and were smiling all through.

Who remembers that they had a fake wedding shoot during their show? I sure did, and I found me a screenshot. It's funny but for Ashley's hair, the look almost the same. In fact JP has on the exact outfit - a traditional black tuxedo and bowtie. Maybe Ashley knew he was THE ONE even back then? They are just so cute...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear Myne - Am I Expecting too much from Him?

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...I have been communicating with some guy for about 6 months, we live in different cities, he has almost all the qualities i listed above and is 6'3 :). The truth is i have come to like him a lot and i think that is why it is hurting me now. While he calls, send me mails, would run errands for me (online), send romantic songs and all that, he is yet to ask me out. He says he is scared of women and doesn't want to commit until he is sure he is being led to marry this person.

The truth is i never had an expectation in my relationships. I grew up not expecting anything from anyone and try to give so much. I probably felt being with me was just enough, hence i hooked up with people that were lovely in their own way but totally wrong for me. Even though i walked in without an expectation, i soon get hurt by their actions, they not understanding me and feeling abused because my emotions was not in the kissing and stuffs.

At this stage, i will say i have learnt to be my own woman and i will love a good cerebral man, that can communicate his feelings and frustrations, love God.. read spirit filled, Loves me, from a great family ( am an orphan) and hardworking ( young and up mobile) and Tall! because i am almost 6ft in my socks ... Everything else is negotiable.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Deals on Fekkai Hair Care Products

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When I was contacted by BlogHer to check out the various options available, my eyes immediately went to the Essential Shea family. And sure enough, it is a line meant specifically for African and African American hair. It's no secret that our hair is usually more dry than usual, and can break easily whether natural or chemically straightened if it lacks adequate moisture.

The hair care collection from FrƩdƩric Fekkai was first introduced in 1995 and it was originally developed to meet the particular needs of different hair types. FrƩdƩric Fekkai is a renowned style-maker and one of the most celebrated names in beauty and hair styling. In addition to providing exceptional professional results, Fekkai products feature luxurious textures and invigorating scents.

The hair care line is divided into regimen “families”, including: Advanced Care, Color Care, Curl Care Glossing, Repair, Styling and Styling Tools. Before his products are marketed to the public, FrĆ©dĆ©ric and his staff personally test every formula in his world-renowned FrĆ©dĆ©ric Fekkai Salon to ensure the highest quality and performance.

Joke Silva on Marriage - The Man can be Vulnerable too

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Over the next few weeks as December wedding season progresses, I'll be running a series first featured on Genevieve Magazine about three friends, three weddings and three marriages of 20+ years. I'll start off with Joke Silva, that doyen of the Nigerian movie industry, and her husband, actor, Olu Jacobs.

The Proposal: Olu and I dated for a couple of years before we got married. I remember he proposed when we went for dinner and a Greek meal was served. I think he got the people in the restaurant involved in the whole arrangement; oh…it was just so romantic! He was living in England at the time though, so that was their custom and he was used to it.

The first years of the relationship: When I first met Olu, he was this dashing guy. He was just such incredible fun! We got along very well. I didn’t even know his age; I thought maybe he was in his late twenties, early thirties. I screamed when I found out his age. He was 39 and I was 20! Well, eventually it was my mum who gave me the go ahead because she saw how serious I was with him and hadn’t seen me that serious with anyone. My dad was worried about the age difference but my mum was able to make him see reasons. She also had the background of her mum being much younger than her dad and didn’t really see a problem with it. She felt it was something I could handle.