Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Health Benefits of Red Palm Oil

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Did You Know…

… that red palm oil is healthier than olive oil and coconut oil and has been proven to reverse the symptoms of heart disease and protect against certain cancers? Move over olive and coconut—there’s a new oil in town proven even more effective at cutting the risk of heart disease and degenerative illnesses: red palm oil.

Kevin Lucciano and Mariah Mogoli's Traditional Wedding Pictures

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Kevin Lucciano-Gabriel of Questionmark Entertainment and his girlfriend, Mariah Mogoli, had their traditional marriage some months ago in their hometown, and shared these wedding photos on their Facebook pages yesterday. The white wedding holds in the UK next month.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

#WifeHerIf - Top Qualities of The Woman You Want to Marry

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So you're in a relationship with this amazing lady and lately the question has been coming up more often than before, will you get married to her? And that is where crowdsourced advice via Twitter comes in. Yesterday, the hashtag #WifeHerIf was trending and I found some of the tweets very pertinent. See more pointers below, some good, some hilarious, and some you should just overlook :)

It's still a huge deal for some men when the time comes to take that final step and commit to a lifetime with the women in their life. What would your own advise be?

Bananas Thrown At Black Italian Minister, Cecile Kyenge

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Italy's first black minister, Cecile Kyenge, has been a target of regular racist insults since her appointment in April, especially as she has made the issue of immigration reform in Italy one of her pet projects. Fellow politicians, who are anti-immigration, have called her an orangutan or said that she needs to be raped to understand the scourge of crime that immigrants bring into the country.

Rita Dominic Talks About A Special Nigerian Man

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I don’t believe in the statement that all men are the same. Human beings are influenced by the societies they live in so let me tell you something about the Nigerian man I know, especially ones who live in Nigeria.
When you find a good Nigerian man, the good feeling can’t be described no matter how you try. This is obviously why they are much sought after by women of many nations. Knowing one or two things about what drives the Naija man is very important to your relationship with them.

10 Personality Traits in Women That Men Love

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By Steve Ubah

Without wasting much time, I will get right to the point. I am going to give you 10 personality attributes that men love to see in the women they fall head over heels in love with. Men are attracted to women that are:

Tina Turner Marries Erwin Bach - Wedding Album

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Tina Turner got married last weekend in a traditional wedding, and not a buddhist wedding like some people reported because she's now a Buddhist. However, her wedding dress was non traditional. It was a Giorgio Armani designed green taffeta and black silk tulle gown which she'd fallen in love with even before she got engaged to husband, Erwin Bach.

Nature’s Gentle Touch & Make Me Beauty Place present The Root of the Matter

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In an effort to help Nigerian women overcome their various hair and scalp challenges, Nature’s Gentle Touch and hair salon Make Me Beauty Place are working together to impart knowledge and showcase the best hair care practices that is most ideal for the African hair. Attend to get a free hair consultation and free hair treatment.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Did They Have Better Sex In the Past Than Now?

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In an interview I did recently with HealthnewsNG, they asked, "Which generation had the best sex life - ours or our forefathers? Why is this so?" My answer was; "I wasn't there at the time of our fore-fathers so I couldn't really say. But the fattening rooms of time past is also said to be venues to teach young women how they can enjoy sex with their husbands so they probably had it good."

Dear Myne - My Boyfriend Ignores Me But Sexts Other Women

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Dear Myne, my boyfriend lives with me, he says he loves me but he does not call me during the day nor does he text me anything nice. He says that he is soooo busy with work but I recently discovered on his mail some dirty chats he's been having with some women telling them how much he misses them or want to go and have sex etc and this really hurt me.