Monday, January 6, 2014

A Safari Wedding - Corey and Lynette Perkins Renew Their Wedding Vows with Elephants in Attendance

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An interracial couple, Corey and Lynette Perkins got married three years ago in the United States, but her family couldn’t make it, and the couple were in the middle of a green card process so Lynette couldn’t travel at that time. So they had a small ceremony with just Corey's close relatives. The couple recently renewed their vows in Zimbabwe, where the bride's family, and some elephants and giraffes, were able to be in attendance.

Married Women Who Contract HIV While Seeking For Babies

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This is a long article, but do try to read to the end. In this in-depth article in the Punch, Toyosi Ogunseye tells the stories of women who contracted HIV while desperately seeking to have children and the societal pressure that pushes them into the hands of quacks and pseudo-medical centres.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rape is No Joke - Basketmouth Offers Weak Apology For Sexist Rape Tweet

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I've written a lot about rape on this blog, it is one of the subjects that riles me up no end with male patriarchy, the rape culture that means that most men, and a lot of women too, see nothing wrong with rape, blaming rape victims, making jokes about rape, and actually advocating rape! Which is what Basketmouth basically did in the tweet below! What is wrong with some people?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Family Time - Obi Emelonye With His Wife and Kids

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Obi Emelonye, the director of Nollywood blockbuster movies including Mirror Boy and Last Flight to Abuja, shared this picture of his beautiful wife and cute kids over the holidays. Lovely!

Couple Love - IK Osakioduwa and Wife in Dubai

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A visibly ecstatic IK Osakioduwa who is on vacation with his family in Dubai shared these happy pics with his wife while the children was being cared for by others. He tagged the above, "Love and friendship go together. Always marry your friend." and below, "Love moments like this. @O_osakioduwa and I chilling. The kids are locked up inside. Ain't nobody got time to chase no kids."

Friday, January 3, 2014

Stepping Stones~ A Short Story By Unoma Nwankwor

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“Excuse me, excuse me coming through” I raced through the airport, the announcer had called the final boarding call for my flight. I was about to miss my flight due to all the prayers my family insisted on having which if you ask me where excessive. Missing this flight was not an option I was willing to entertain; I had to get out of this country and fast.

Okechukwu Ofili will be signing Books, Hugging people and Kissing babes at Patabah Tomorrow

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Patabah bookstore hosts author/artist Okechukwu Ofili as he talks about his latest and slightly controversial book How Intelligence Kills: our dangerous Addiction To Respect, Religion, Intelligence and Lots More.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

[Advice Corner] My New Suitor Only Texts But Has Never Called Me Since We Were Introduced?

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Dear Myne, Can you please post on your blog? I'd like feedback from your readers, thank you. :-)

I was introduced to a guy by a colleague/friend a while back and he sends me text every few days to say hello but he's never called. This has been going on for a while but the conversation never goes beyond that. I try to ask and know more about him but he doesn't seem to get the hint.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

#Fact - Millionaires Prefer To Date Women With Less Money Than Them

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According to a new survey by, a dating site for millionaires, rich men have very different dating preferences than their female counterparts.

The site surveyed a random sample of nearly 15,000 of their members in order to discern what type of people millionaires prefer to date. The results revealed that the vast majority of millionaire men, 79.6 percent, seek out non-millionaire women, while 84.5 percent of the female millionaires would prefer to date another millionaire.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pope Francis Says There is no Hell and The Creation Story is a Moral Fable #Hoax

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How many people saw this news report that supposedly copiously quoted Pope Francis in the wake of a Third Vatican Council? Did you believe it? Did it send you and your faith into a tailspin? Well, wail and curse and judge the pope no more, it was all a hoax from a spoof site, The Diversity Chronicle.