Friday, June 13, 2014

Kefee's Last Video + Nigerian Community In Las Vegas Asks For Help To Return Her Body Home

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I was really shocked and sad when I woke to the news that Kefee died. I hear some of you who are not happy about my earlier unverified reports and I apologize again. I will be doing more 'gutter press', it is only that way the 'publicists' etc will send me their statements. That said, I'll try to be sensitive.

The following statement was made to the Nigerian community in Las Vegas, by the president, Mr Festus Ebonka. He announced the death of Kefee at the Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas, after her heartbeat stopped naturally. And he is appealing to all Nigerians to help take her remains back home, and says her husband is devastated and not ready to speak yet. [Via Chi Chikelu of African Beats LV based in Las Vegas.]

Also, a commenter on my report of Kefee's death shared a video of Kefee that had me tearing up at how fickle life can be. He also had the following correction and insight into the last days of Kefee in the US and before she went into the coma that led to her death. He wrote;

Woman Who Started the Petition to Comb Blue Ivy's Hair Says It Was All A Joke

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This is the picture of Blue Ivy's hair that got Jasmine Toliver starting a petition to have the hair combed. Now she says via her FB page that it was all a joke. Really? SMH...

My joke took off anything I guess with "sign a petition" is funny if I would've said "sign a petition to save Lebron James hairline" that would've took off too! It's a clever joke.! Nobody came up with before. These blogs and websites are doing the most.

My hair looks like blue ivy right now except its moisturized and detangled. Yes I'm natural.! Have a seat to most people. I can care less about Beyoncé or jay z but I do care for the kids hair.

People make nothing out of something. I love being black! I'm proud my bloodline runs from Africa. I'm proud of my own tightly coiled kinks. I'm proud of my big lips and brown skin. People just need to breathe and chill out.

Jennifer Lopez and Maksim Chmerkovskiy - A Match Made in Tabloid Heaven?

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Jennifer Lopez is reported to be dating Maksim Chmerkovskiy, one of the professional dancers on Dancing With The Stars TV Show. I watched the Entertainment Tonight evening show yesterday and I was just laughing my head off at how the anchors presented this news as the "match made in tabloid heaven".

Why? Because there is no shred of evidence to support this so-called relationship except the say-so of some online tabloids and bloggers.

Supposedly the two got to know each other after they performed together at the 2013 American Music Awards last November, and that friendship has now grown into love.

Tonto Dike The Actress or Poko Lee The Empress Of DB Records?

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Tonto Dike is a well known actress and has now began to make her mark in the Nigerian music industry. The actress been part of the production of many Nollywood films though her appearance in movies seems to have dwindled in the past year as her music career took off. Only a few days ago, Tonto celebrated her birthday, and was then announced by DBanj, head of DB Records, as the Duchess of that label.

Tonto Dike is very active on social media where she often refers to herself as POKO and it seems that is the name she prefers for her music. The actress cum singer who has released three singles and performed them live on stage on a couple of occassions is to be known now as POKO LEE as one of the LEE Family. All members of D’banj’s record label, DB Records are to take the Lee last name for their stage names.

At this point, I can't help asking, which do you prefer? Tonto the actress, or Poko Lee the singer?

Singer Kefee is Dead, Official Statement Denies Earlier Reports of Pregnancy and Pre-Eclampsia

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Kefee Obareki Don Momoh has died at the Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas where she was taken to after she collapsed on a long-haul flight and went into coma. She never came out of the coma contrary to earlier reports. And she also was not pregnant or suffered pre-eclampsia.

Kefee was a gospel singer, known best for her singles Branamah and Kokoroko. She was said to be in her mid 30s, she had recently released a song, and was working on an album. She and her husband had spent the last few months in the US pursuing courses in video production and directing to aid them in their business.

May her soul rest in peace. And may her husband especially, and the rest of her family be comforted.

Her manager confirmed her passing in a statement and Kefee's husband also spoke to a radio OAP who announced it on air. Below is the official statement from Kefee's UK publicist for the family.

Sex Education For Married Women, Have You Read This?

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The text from the picture above is suppossedly an extract from a sex education school textbook for girls, printed in the 50s or 60's to help women to enjoy sex with their husband and keep their home.

However, according to those that know better, the extract is a fabrication. It didn't surface until long after the text began circulating by email and is "clearly a mock-up". It is just possible that it dates from the 50s - presumably as a satire on contemporary images of the ideal housewife. On balance it's likely to be far more recent, however. It is said  to have been circulating in faxed form since the 1980s.

Read the text in full below, and laugh. Or maybe not. In this day and age, some people still think this is how sex in marriage should be. Do you agree?

25 Signs You May Need to Get Out Of That Dead-End Relationship

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Being in a dead end relationship isn't always your fault. When you love, or have loved, someone, it can be incredibly difficult to accept that maybe it's not what's right for you or what you want anymore. ​However, what is your fault is when you do know and do nothing about it. That's just messed up.

So​ for all you women out there who have a feeling it's going nowhere and need some proof to hit it home, take a look at these 25 signs your relationship is on a one way street to nowhere.

Have You Seen a Baby Moving Inside The Womb Like This Before? Watch!

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A close up shot of the belly of a 37 weeks old pregnant woman shows the unborn baby moving around in the womb, pushing so hard that the outline of its head, behind and legs are visible on the mother's stomach. Have you seen such an amazing sight before?

I've heard that babies kick in the womb, and I always thought that was something only the mother felt, or if you put your hand up close, I never realized you could actually see it outside the tummy!

RMD Replies Critics Of His Recent Weight Loss - 'I'm Not Sick, I Changed My Lifestyle'

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When actor Richard Mofe Damijo or RMD as he's popularly known, was spotted at the AMAA's last month, above were some of the pictures that emerged, and many online commentators said he was looking not like his usual robust self.

Everyone acknowledged that RMD had lost some weight, some said a lot of weight, and many asked if it was all from healthy living, a bad camera angle or something more troubling, like illhealth, or cancer.

The Nollywood actor and politician has now responded to the rumors. Speaking with the Weekend Groove, the actor who anchored the Night of Tributes for Amaka Igwe at the Haven in Ikeja on Monday said:

Jimmy Fallon Talks About Infertility Struggles and How They Found Success With Surrogate

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Jimmy Fallon's popularity has skyrocketed since he took over on The Tonight Show, but his proudest accomplishment is becoming a father. In a new interview the 39-year-old discusses the five year struggle it took he and his wife to get their daughter.

On the cover of the current issue of People Magazine, Jimmy poses with his 11-month-old daughter, Winnie Rose, and they both wear matching grey suits and polka dot ties.

Inside the magazine, Jimmy Fallon discusses in detail how he and wife Nancy Fallon, 47, tried to have a baby by undergoing five years of fertility treatments, some which were initially successful but then failed. Finally, the couple found success with a surrogate: