Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Julius and IB Agwu on Marriage - Don't Bottle Issues

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Julius Agwu, a comedian/musician, has been married to his wife, Ibiere for five years and they have a daughter, Zahra. They talk about their marriage in this interview, and personally, I think this is quite honest, the way they engaged with the interviewer's questions.

You have been married for five years. How has the journey been like?

Ibiere: It has been good.

How did you meet?

Julius: We met at a wedding in year 2000; she was part of the bridal train. Incidentally, Okey Bakassi and I were the comperes at the event, and both of us competed on who would be the first to ask her out. I made the first move but she was too little, she was underage.

Ibiere (cuts in): I was 18, I was not underage.

Julius Agwu: Well, she was 18 but she was a baby. I just saw one beautiful girl. I was smarter, I was faster, and I was able to get her contact. We became friends but she started putting up an attitude whenever I tried reaching her. At a point, I called her bluff and wondered who she was. In fact, I forgot about her.

Adams Apples Season 2 Premieres Feb 14th

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The Adam's ladies are back. Or they will be, come Valentine's day for those in Ghana. Oh...I wish I were there! Adam's Apples is a Sparrow Production’s 10-chapter film series directed by Shirley Frimpong Manso. I only just finished watching the series over the Christmas holidays, and thought that was it. But there's season two, which is going to be on TV [does that mean it comes online sooner?] Below is part of the transcript from a video interview with Shirley on what to expect;

Well, we’re meeting the Adams family a year after we left them. And we left them on a very good note. So, yes, there wasn’t much of a cliff-hanger but I guess the interesting this is where can we take the stories of these people who seem to have found happiness at the end of a very long, for want of a better word, turbulent life experience. We are starting the second season on a big bombshell. Okay? Yes.

And we are taking…I think the most exciting part for us is the fact that we’re starting, not necessarily from Ghana. We’re starting some of the scenes from Paris with Jennifer and her young husband on honeymoon. And then, of course, we’re catching up with all the other couples. But we come to realise that after marriage, after you’ve said your ‘I dos’, that’s when life really begins, you know, for married couples.

DJ Exclusive - February Man Candy #13

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DJ Exclusive is a Nigerian music producer and has worked with several high profile musicians including the EME Group. He was nominated by a reader, and I agree that he looks great!

Get a Free Divorce for Valentine in Michigan

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I thought I'd seen it all when I read on Vera's blog about a funeral company offering their service as the perfect Valentine gift. It is so morbid, but in some ways can be seen as romantic - you guys will be together till death and not even that will separate you - and funtional. Now some lawyers are taking it a step further, offering a valentine contest with the prize being a free divorce. Again, this gift is not for me. In fact I reject am though the lawyer offering up believes he's being nice in doing it.

He got the idea, he tells ABC News, when one of his students in a night school class he teaches invited him to a party. "She'd just had her divorce finalized," says Bentley, "and she was celebrating. I'd never thought about that before—celebrating divorce. So, I thought, why not do something special for Valentine's Day? You can't find a new love before you close the chapter on the old."

Bentley's website gives contest rules: "The winner will be chosen based on the most compelling and convincing story as to why they should be the winner. The divorce is limited to an uncontested divorce with no or minimum child custody issues." It's limited to Michigan residents. The deadline for applying is 11:59 p.m. EST on February 12.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Questions on the Pope's Resignation, Answered

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Since the news of Pope Benedict's resignation yesterday, some questions had been on my mind. I am not Roman Catholic, but as a child, we held loads of these long discussions on the pope and RC catechism. Like I was saying to someone, Pope John Paul II was like THE POPE then, I never heard anything like a resignation or abdication. I assumed Popes couldn't and only death could separate them and their office. Well, now I know better...not only can popes resign [Benedict is not the first], they are also not always infallible. The eye-opening Q and A below;

Will he still be infallible?

No—and in fact, he’s never been infallible. In accordance with the First Vatican Council of 1870, the pope is infallible only when he makes an ex cathedra statement—that is, a statement concerning “a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.” Most popes never make ex cathedra statements during their papacy; only one infallible statement (regarding the Assumption of Mary) has been made since the First Vatican Council of 1870. Pope John XXIII was quoted as saying, “I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible.” Pope Benedict XVI has never spoken ex cathedra, and he will lose the ability to do so once he resigns from the papacy.

No Nonsense Wife by Abimbola Dare Now a Short Film

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Abimbola Dare is the author of Small Print and I interviewed her here.  Her short story, “No Nonsense Wife” has recently been made into a short film by Canada-based director, Henry Eruotor, and stars Omodudu Onidada Osun, Efe Mike- Ifeta, Divine Emeovrode and Hans Oreva. Watch the film below and share!

Congrats Abimbola. BTW, when are you coming back to your blog?

PSquare Release Magical Healing For Valentine

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I want a more lyrically driven song, and not generic club music, especially if they are promoting this for Valentine. PSquare, are you listening?

20 Signs Your Boyfriend is into You

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Eku Edewor on Love, Marriage and a Nollywood Career

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Share with us some exciting memories while growing up in Nigeria

I have always had a very vibrant imagination and because of the fun I had growing up, I like to describe my childhood as something out of the Famous Five. I lived next door to my cousins in Apapa and we got caught up in so many adventures. We built boats for the rainy season. We chased the nanny away because we thought she wasn’t nice enough. School was fun too, [with] the theatrical activities and a few other things. I remember performing at the National theatre once in a professional play, and the country’s first lady was present. That, and many more, make memories of my youth, and I cherish every bit of it.

What challenges did you face in your new environment?

Before we travelled, my twin sister and I had always been lovers of adventure. We just saw that as another adventure. I wasn’t really the shy type, so it was easy for me to relate, and I had my sister. Again, the school we attended made it very easy for me. There were allowances for me to explore my creativity and develop my love for sports, and meeting other international students made it more fun.

You only spent a few months in the country before becoming 53 Xtra’s co-host. If you had not been picked, what would you have gone into?

I would still be in entertainment. Studio 53 was a very good opportunity, but I am a very determined person. I would have probably done more with my own production outfit and probably sold something to MNET. I would have focused on film, because that is what I have always wanted to do. I never planned to go into TV presenting but when it happened, I took it with a smile.

What do Women Really Want from Men?”

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A fellow blogger (male) recently asked me the ancient question no one has found an answer to, viz:

“What do women want from men?”

I want to believe he asked me this because he sees me as this all-knowing feminine oracle, but I know better. I don’t know what ALL women want from men, but I know what I want. And I know what my friends say they want, so here goes…

I, woman, want…

- To lounge around the house sans makeup, in my ratty t-shirt, flip flops and jeans shorts if I feel like it to enjoy the feeling of my own skin.

- To wake up late on Saturday morning and find that you’ve done all the chores.

- To wake up on any morning with your arms around me.