Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day Boycott - An Ode to The Local Romance of the Nigerian Man

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By Baba Willy

In as much as sending out Christmas cards does not make one a Christian but only proves an ability to purchase and address card containing envelopes, I put it to you that purchasing a Valentine card with an accompanying present does not make one a romantic. What is romance after all? I am sure you will find the answer to that question is subject to personal interpretation. For some, receiving a gift of yards of lace material fits the bill. For others, a pat on the back followed by a kind word is enough. I have an issue with this Valentine’s Day thing. Let us go to the very beginning.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Using Online Business Directories To Save Time and Money And For Convenience Too

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Many people in Nigeria are still slowly coming to terms with the use of the internet and how online resources can be utilized for various purposes. For a lot of people, using social media like Facebook, Twitter and others, is still the primary thought that comes to their mind when you mention the internet. For a few more, they are also using search engines and doing a bit of online shopping. From my experience, it seems the use of online business directories and yellow pages is yet to take off.

Magazine Covers - Kate Henshaw on TW With Fitness Challenge Winner

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Last year, Kate Henshaw took part as the motivational celebrity in the TW 2013 Fitness Challenge. The winner of that contest has emerged and is featured this month on the cover of the latest edition of TW magazine with Kate Henshaw. They are both looking great!

Monday, February 10, 2014

How to Keep Your Sex Life Fresh and Vibrant in Marriage

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When it comes to marriage, many couples often expect their sex lives to take care of themselves; the reality is that it is an important aspect of relationships that needs tended to like anything else. If you never changed the oil in your car, would you be surprised when the engine stopped working? Once we realize that a boring sex life is not a broken sex life, that’s when we can start working toward improving intimacy in our relationships.

Stolen Valentine Kiss, A Flirty and Feisty Romance by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku [Guest Author]

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Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku is a fun loving mother of two, married to her very own gorgeous alpha male. She lives with her family in London after they relocated from Nigeria in 2007. In her leisure time, she goes swimming, reads romance novels, goes to Cinema, and watches TV. For her, writing romance novels is an exciting adventure that began in St Maria Gorretti Girls Grammar School, Benin City, Nigeria. She wrote play scripts that she acted out with my toys, then in 2010, she created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Relationships and Marriage are about Marketing and Customer Services

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By Baba Willy

Buying and selling aids the planetary revolutions we enjoy. The same could be said about love as we pay for what we love with what we value. Living is all about exchanging items, services or concepts of value.  Each day millions of people wake up and go to where there is a market for the good skills they possess, (pick pockets included).  Those unfortunate to have nowhere to go will work hard at finding out who needs what they have to offer, in other words they market themselves.

Molasses - A Short Story by Unoma Nwankwor

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Twenty nine year old Adesuwa Eremu adjusted her eyes to the sunlight that invaded the room. This was the dawning of a new day, today she’d announce her engagement to sixty five year old Chief Xavier. She was never going to have an ordinary day again.  She turned over drawing the duvet over her head. She wished she could disappear. As a matter of fact, she had many wishes. Most essential among them, was that she had shut her mouth. She couldn’t believe the widowed millionaire was holding her to a wager she made six months ago.

Nse Ikpe Etim on New Movie Role, Marriage and How It Affects Her Career

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Devil in the Details is the title of Nse Ikpe Etim's new movie premiering in Ghana and online on Valentine’s Day, and in the previews and movie promos, the actress is seen topless. In this video interview filmed at her home in London, Nse explains the movie to Ghanacelebrities - why she took the job, and how it was working with director, Shirley Frimpong Manso and other Ghanaian actors.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don Jazzy Shares Traditional Wedding Pictures to the Surprise of His Fans

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Don Jazzy shocked a lot of his fans when he shared the picture above of himself in traditional wedding attire with a woman that many quickly recognized. You will recognize her too if you look closely, lol...below is what Don Jazzy said as he shared the post..

Dear Single Ladies: You Know Dating A Married Man Is A Dead End, Right?

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I bet the factual and blunt ones already know why,well there are exceptions, for those who attach no strings to polygamy, it's not a dead end ( maybe more of a ghost end now) but I will like to remind such ladies that it certainly doesn't end there. Another beautiful lady is still coming after you, so be prepared!