Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dads Who Do Household Chores More Likely to Have Ambitious Daughters - Study

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To all the dads out there: if you want your daughters to aspire to high-paying careers, you might have to start doing some extra chores around the house.

A new study conducted by a group of psychologists at the University of British Columbia suggests that fathers who perform household chores, like cleaning dishes and doing laundry, are more likely to raise daughters who aspire to less-traditional female careers, such as becoming a CEO or lawyer.

30 Things A Lady Can Do To Keep Her Man Happy

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When you're in a long term relationship, one of your earnest desires is to make your man happy. When you are able to achieve this, it will be much easier to keep your relationship vibrant and loving. Below are 30 things to choose from on the journey to a happy man and a peaceful home.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou Dies at 86 - Some of Her Inspirational Quotes

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Maya Angelou was one of the most famous and inspiring poets and writers of her time, an author of several books and an American poet laureate. Maya Angelou died last night with her family beside her in a Winston-Salem, North Carolina hospital while recovering from an illness.

Selfie - One of The New Fall Shows on ABC I'll Be Watching

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Selfie is a new sitcom starring John Cho and Karen Gillan that's slated to come to ABC this fall. Eliza Dooley has 263,000 followers who hang on to her every post, tweet and selfie.   But one lonely day she has a revelation: being friended is not the same as having actual friends.  She asks marketing guru Henry to 'rebrand' her self-obsessed reputation and teach her how to connect.

Epic Proposal Video Takes Man To 26 Countries And 4 Years to Make

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Jack Hyer went the extra mile, thousands of miles in fact, to create an epic marriage proposal for Becca his girlfriend. According to Jack, he had always wanted to travel, and he started filming his travels to stay in touch with his girlfriend. He also knew ahead of time that he would make the recordings into an epic video proposal and selected the theme song “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by the Proclaimers. It took him four years, and 26 different countries. She said YES!

The New York Post Publishes Insulting Kimye Wedding Announcement

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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian got married this past weekend with a wedding that while lavish by all means, turned out to be small and intimate as she had said. While most of the entertainment press decided to forgive and forget Kim's past or Kanye's famous bad temper - it is their wedding day after all and gossip never ends - The New York Post went a different direction, publishing this insulting wedding announcement in their Sunday’s paper.

Woman Sentenced To Death For Marrying Christian in Sudan Gives Birth In Prison

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Meriam Ibrahim who is currently in jail now and facing execution in Sudan for marrying a Christian, and thereby changing her faith [read HERE] gave birth early to a baby girl after 4 months of being in prison. She will receive 100 lashes before she is executed - sometime in the next two years.

Pregnant Woman Stoned to Death by Family for Marrying Against Their Wishes

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Farzana Parveen, who was three months pregnant, was stoned to death by her own family in front of a high court in Pakistan for getting married without their consent, to the man of her choosing. Several members of Farzana's family, including her father and brothers, attacked her with batons and bricks in broad daylight and they killed her before a crowd of onlookers.

Guy Talks About First Time He Asked a Girl Out, They're Now Married

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Remember my post on firsts? For this young couple, today being Children's day in Nigeria is the anniversary of the first time they ever met, and the first time the guy had to ask a girl out. Bidemi was still a teenager in secondary school when at a march past at a Lagos stadium, some of his school mates pressured him to "toast" his first babe. His wife, also named Bidemi, was the lady selected to help him pass through this manhood rite. Hilarious! Read on for his account...

What Are The Yardsticks We Measure Women By? Regina Askia Williams

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Coming on the heels of the bride price debate [read here], former beauty queen and veteran Nollywood actress Regina Askia Williams wrote an interesting article about the identity of Nigerian woman and the societal pressures and demands placed around her marital status, age and what she does with her private parts. She shared the following on her Facebook page.