Thursday, February 28, 2013

SVU Predicts Tragedy For Chris Brown and Rihanna

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One of my must see shows on TV is Law & Order: SVU (NBC), and after last weeks episode, they showed a preview of today's show. A beautiful young hip-hop star is beaten up by her boyfriend and it becomes a media circus when her crime scene pictures make it to the papers and blogs. Sound familiar?

I knew immediately they were referencing the Chris Brown-Rihanna saga from some years ago, and looked forward to seeing what they come up with. This is not the first time they're basing their episodes loosely on real life characters or events. In this case, I was intrigued by the timing with Chris Brown and Rihanna recently back together and talking about how much in love they are with each other.

So how did their episode go? Micha confronts her hip-hop star boyfriend when she sees him flirting with another woman and he beats her up. The witnesses all refuse to testify against him, either afraid to lose their jobs, or losing face. After her wounds heal, so does the assualted Micha. According to her, she's receiving tweets that are either calling her a ho or begging her to forgive him.

Even their producers are in on the cover-up, and play all cards including the race and hip-hop card to get the police to drop the case. Bottom line, they want Micha and Caleb Bryant to keep making money for them. And of course, there is the love card, the two young people are in LOVE. "Their relationship, it's complicated," one of them says.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When Fishes Drown - AfriNolly on Domestic Violence

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When Fishes Drown is a short film entry to the on-going Afrinolly Short Film Competition. Since discovering that The Promise was from that, I have seen most of the other entries, including the documentaries. Most of them are quite good, When Fishes Drown  stands out even more for it's message.

This film, which serves as an advocacy material against domestic violence, tells the story of a young hardworking guy who witnesses domestic violence both at work and at home. He usually turns a deaf ear to these victims, especially his neighbour but soon learns that the simplest actions actually could avert cases of domestic violence.

Director: Soji Ogunnaike
Producer: Bamigbe Onasanya
Screenplay By: Soji Ogunnaike and Arome Ameh
Cast: Seun Kentebe, Wole Ojo, Tana Adelana
Year of Release: 2013

Leap into Books Giveaway Hop

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This giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer. Several blogs are taking part, with lots of amazing gifts to be won. This is not a leap day year, but we want to carry on the tradition from last year. I want to know the book you're currently reading. Entries close March 7, winner announced here on the 8th and I'll also email them.

My Gift will be a book available on the Book Depository store. One Winner will receive their book(s) of choice (not more than $10) shipped to them. Only people living in countries on the Free Shipping List are eligible. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below.

How to Make Lasagna with White Sauce

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Lasagna is one of the more complicated meals I prepare, and one which I'm still learning each time I cook it. Generally, I always make the white sauce myself, but sometimes I just buy Alfredo sauce from the store. This particular recipe with eggs and mozarella cheese is the best of my aresenal.


8 sheets of lasagna pasta
250g of lean ground beef
1 meduim sized white onions diced
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
1 tin of tomatoes sauce
Garlic pepper
Mixed Vegetables

Kim Kardashian's Love Like a Movie Interview with Eku Edewor

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In this interview, Kim Kardashian talks to Eku Edewor about her role at Darey's Love...Like A Movie, what she thinks of the concert, and Nigerian music in general. She also pays tribute to Goldie, and shares her plans and dreams for the future. OK, I may never start watching her show, but she comes across as a down to earth person in this, probably her first interview I've seen. She says she wants to be remembered as kind to everyone, #kanyeshrug, I wish her the best.

11 Ways to Deepen and Grow your Relationship

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1. Never go to sleep angry. Try a little tenderness.

2. Apologize, apologize, apologize. Anyone can make a mistake. Repair attempts are crucial—highly predictive of marital happiness. They can be clumsy or funny, even sarcastic—but willingness to make up after an argument is central to every happy marriage.

3. Some dependency is good, but complete dependency on a partner for all one's needs is an invitation to unhappiness for both partners. We're all dependent to a degree—on friends, mentors, spouses. This is true of men as well as women.

4. Maintain self-respect and self-esteem. It's easier for someone to like you and to be around you when you like yourself. Research has shown that the more roles people fill, the more sources of self-esteem they have. Meaningful work—paid or volunteer—has long been one of the most important ways to exercise and fortify a sense of self.

Finding Styles for Mid-Length Natural Hair

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Before I did the big chop to my hair, there was no transition, or any epiphany or decision to go natural. I consider myself lucky with regards to my hair, which I think I get from my mum, who has long and abundant healthy hair even now in her sixties. My hair is usually full and dark, the edges don't fall off easily, and it can grow.

As some of you have experienced yourselves, or may have guessed, it has not been easy for me to maintain my hair, and have it growing and healthy at an optimal level. And this is beyond that the hair is relaxed or in it's natural curly state. As a Nigerian who grew up in Nigeria, I am used to handing my hair over to salon stylists, and barely adding enough daily hair cream to get by. I'm now learning how to do it myself.

Let me not lie though, I still go to the salon regularly, maybe like once every couple of months for deep conditioning, a proper comb out, and sometimes to get the hair flat-ironed.

Online Chatting Brings People Closer than Ever

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Online chatting has already proven to be a great help in connecting people in more ways than one. It’s a useful tool that allows people to form a bond and stay connected whenever and wherever they are in the world. The people use it to stay close with their friends and families even when they’re thousands of miles away from them.

Communication has already played a vital role for mankind since time immemorial. That’s why it’s not surprising that the methods of doing so gradually improved as time progressed, with technology becoming the very backbone of it.

The need for communicating with one another has become so dire that rapid advancement in technology in this field has been made to provide for the growing needs of the people who wanted to stay connected with each other even when they’re thousands of miles apart. And thus, it gave birth to mobile phones and of course, online chatting.

Uti Nwachukwu - February Man Candy #27

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Uti Nwachukwu won the Big Brother Africa show and has translated his success into a career in entertainment as an actor, host and presenter.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

#NigerianBloggers Trending on Twitter [Yabbis]

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I am terrible at using twitter, most of my posts are automated tweets of my blog posts, but once in a while I try to join in the conversation. Today, I logged on and noticed that #NigerianBloggers was trending in the tweets coming from Nigeria, so I clicked over to find out what the fuss was about. Laughter wan kill me, the tweets are so funny! The tweets are yabbing us bloggers who are mostly celebrity and gossip blogs, and the kinds of news we break, especially the headlines. See the tweets below...