Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth End Their Engagement, Call Off Wedding Plans

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So Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have agreed to go their separate ways, after a year plus of being engaged and having dated for over three years altogether. Both social media mavens, especially Miley, she first unfollowed Liam on Twitter over the weekend, he returned the favor today after their reps confirmed to E! that their relationship was over.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Nigerian Post-Graduate Student Uses Basic Science To Prove Homosexuality And Gay Marriage Wrong?

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So a Nigerian made a scientific breakthrough over the weekend while I on a mini-break. According to the summary of his science research results as published by Thisday Live, a University of Lagos post-graduate student has used physics, chemistry, maths and biology to prove, without a doubt, that homosexuality is not proper and is physically impossible. Hear him,

10 Secrets to Finding True Love Based on Dr. Wayne Dyer's Book

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Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite teachers of all time. His book, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, is timeless, full of wisdom and provides a simple guide for living an inspired life. In the spirit of love and sharing Dr. Dyer’s message, here is my perspective on how his 10 secrets translate to romantic love.

Nina Davuluri Becomes First Miss America of Indian Heritage, Brushes Off Racist Criticism

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Nina Davuluri was crowned the first Miss America of Indian heritage last night and has brushed off most of the negative racist comments that flooded the internet after her win. She said, according to AP,

Controversy Trails 72 Year Old Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu’s Marriage to 22 Years Old Bride

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Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu is one of the most prominent businessmen and politician from the South East. His wife, Eudora Iwuanyanwu died last couple of years in 2011, leaving him a widower. Last weekend, Chief Iwuanyanwu celebrated his marriage to 22 years old Frances Chinonyerem Enwerem in a traditional ceremony, with the church wedding to hold next week. Some say his children, most of them older than the new wife are not very happy about the marriage. RML says happy married life!

Dear Myne - Douches Seem To Work For Me, Why Are People Against It?

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Dear Myne, top of the day to you. Good blog you have here, i must say. Tackling all issues, social and health. May God bless and keep you. I was going to respond to your post about keeping the vagina clean and smelling fresh immediately you wrote it, but i decided to wait out my treatment.

A British Journalist, David Hayward, and His Government Sponsored Thoughts on Asaba and Nigeria

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So David Hayward visited Nigeria recently and wrote an op-ed for Vanguard on his impressions of the country after a few weeks in Asaba. Mr Hayward makes it plain from the first paragraph of his article that he's there for a media consultancy, and being that he met Uduaghan, the Delta State governor, and they played tennis on the same courts, it makes me believe he must have been on the purse of the government.

Couple Love - Emma Nyra's Parents in Old School PDA

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Mommy & Daddy at Church #RealLove #Asaba #African&Proud
Emma Nyra shared this lovely photo of her parents on Instagram. While she was visiting, they all went to church together, and in one of their pictures, decided to strike this PDA pose. RML loves! Their love has come so far, may it last forever, Amen.

Quote of the Day - Love Takes Courage

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

#BossLadies - Toke Makinwa, Gbemi, Toolz, Oreka Godis at Media Ladies Hangout

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The RML #BossLadies tag will feature ladies who work hard at their job and are happy in it. If you want to be featured, please tag your pictures on Twitter or Instagram. This is Toolz Oniru, Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, Toke Makinwa, Oreka Godis, and Fade Ogunro, all radio presenters in Lagos. The ladies try to hangout regularly and just have fun. Nice one.