Monday, February 6, 2012

The Marriage Avowal Series - Talli Roland - Patience is definitely the key!

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Talli Roland says of herself on her blog, "When I'm not slurping coffee or wine, I write humorous romantic fiction." Her best selling novels, The Hating Game, Watching Willow Watts, and Build a Man, are available on Amazon. She is also the author of the 24 HOURS travel guides under the name Marsha Moore. Enjoy her marriage avowals below.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Best Superbowl Commercials - Couple Love

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I confess, I do not follow American football, nor do I watch the superbowl, but since moving to the US, I've gone from complete ignorance, to at least knowing what it's all about. And the major thing I like about the whole media blitz that comes along with the finals is the ad segment. Some of the commercials can be so good. As usual, I've just watched most of them, the good and the bad, and below are my favorites. They are about love and relationships :)

What are you getting your love for Valentine?

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I am so stumped I may just stick with a simple card like the one above. Any ideas?

And what are YOU getting for your sweetheart?

Introducing the LagosMums website

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Lagos Mums is an online parenting community for mothers and parents. We are dedicated to helping the typical Lagos Mum find answers to a questions, meet other mums, share ideas, advice and experiences, get information on education and events in the city and equip each other with information on the ever evolving task of motherhood. We also use it as a forum to encourage women owned businesses.

We believe that this would not only be a platform where you can share your thoughts about being a Mum but a place where we can all help each other to be better people; a place where we can survive in the city of Lagos as mums a bit more easily. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do you love Fashion, Live in Nigeria, Want to have a Reality Show?

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I think these days, a lot of people tick all those boxes. I saw this on Seriously Doughnut's blog and just loved the graphics of the campaign. I think they must have had a great creative director, the idea is on point, as is the photoshoot, video and everything. And then of course, there is the giveaway, who doesn't like a free lunch. Well, all the best to those fashionistas in Nigeria!

Where is our Safe Haven? Guest post by Chinwe Obi

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I wept as I listened to Chaz B’s Sharing Life Issues on Inspiration FM and the topic of discussion was “Incest”. I still shudder with goose bumps on my arms as I write this article. This is the kind of things that we read in the papers as they only happen in the western world “or maybe it used to happen here and people don’t speak much about it”. We are definitely not used to hearing of cousins, uncles, e.t.c sexually abusing the younger wards that they are responsible for protecting.

I remember growing up as a child in my family home; I felt so much peace, comfort and love from my parents, this is exactly how every child should feel, your home should be a safe haven for you, but the topic of discussion on the Chaz B show has shattered that belief for me.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Bouari Weight Loss Experience - Day 9: Doing it Right

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Sorry to those following these posts. I was supposed to update yesterday but was overtaken by some errands which spilled over into today. Anyway, I have some good and bad news to report. As you can see from the picture above, I've lost some more weight. So this makes a total of 8.6 pounds that I have lost so far. That is the good news. The bad news was, yesterday, I was at 146.4 and had been hovering between that and 147 for the previous two days. My weight loss had plateaued, and this was days ahead of what was usually the case. Why, you ask? I wasn't really following the meal plan in the program booklet.

I had an appointment with my health consultant yesterday, and as it happened, the founder of the Bouari program who drew up the nutrition plan, Dr. Carol Ann Chaney-Bouari, was there. The health consultant for the Tukwila branch of the program, Alan, was also there. It was a very interesting hour or so, as we really went into the plan in the booklet, with the sample menu and the acceptable food list.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Black History Month Around Town - Letter to an Old Master

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Today's post was suggested by a dear follower on my Facebook page and here on the blog too. On my first black history post, Sally called my attention to this letter of note that has been going round the internet and wondered if I could feature it. I checked it out and read the entire letter on Letters of Note. This blog hop post is supposed to be about black history month events in your city, state, or on the web. I think this fits perfectly. My thoughts and feelings are inserted between the paragraphs, please share yours.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Marriage Avowal Series - Obiora “Obiwon” Agu: Unconditional Sacrifice

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I was wondering if I should start with an introduction post for the series, but I decided to cut right to it with my first guest. The marriage vow series will comprise of guest posts by married people around blogsville and beyond. They will tell us how they met and answer a few questions on their marriage. This time around, I didn't want to ask them to write an essay so the posts were done interview style.

First up is Obiora Agu, more widely known as Obiwon, a singer and musician in Nigeria. His latest single is titled Good to me and it is a gospel song. I have to confess here that I absolutely love his track Obimuo (My Heart), a song dedicated to one's sweetheart. I guess from what he reveals below, that song may have been written with his spanking new bride of three months in mind. Enjoy his marriage avowals below;

Changing the Title of my Blog

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Hi guys, and welcome to February! I promise, I have a new series of love themed posts coming soon. You can also check out the ALR review and my interview with the Africa Book Club. Fellow blogger, Omonaikee was also kind enough to feature me. You can find out which of my books made me cry. :)

Yeah, about my blog. Around when I joined the BlogHer publishing network and began to display ads, I was done with my old look and I wanted to switch things up. Yet I was delayed by procrastination and a small fear of change. Blogger made it easy this year by introducing the reply comments which I had been wanting forever, and so I moved over to blogger templates. I've been tweaking the new look ever since. I know some of you have said you like the blue or pink, but I'm still not fully satisfied.