Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Changing the Title of my Blog

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Hi guys, and welcome to February! I promise, I have a new series of love themed posts coming soon. You can also check out the ALR review and my interview with the Africa Book Club. Fellow blogger, Omonaikee was also kind enough to feature me. You can find out which of my books made me cry. :)

Yeah, about my blog. Around when I joined the BlogHer publishing network and began to display ads, I was done with my old look and I wanted to switch things up. Yet I was delayed by procrastination and a small fear of change. Blogger made it easy this year by introducing the reply comments which I had been wanting forever, and so I moved over to blogger templates. I've been tweaking the new look ever since. I know some of you have said you like the blue or pink, but I'm still not fully satisfied.

I did realize something as I was re-arranging the content of my blog. The Myne Whitman Writes title no longer did justice to what this blog is all about. I started blogging by sharing my romantic poems and excerpts from by romance novels but in the last year, I've been blogging more and more about real life topics, relationships, and what's happening in the society. You see, my first couple of years blogging were a labor of love for my books. Now, I think the blog has become a brand on its own, and deserves a new title.

After many iterations with Atala, I settled for Romance. Meets. Life. What do you guys think?

I wanted something about crossroads and intersections - the meeting point that this blog has become. I toyed with the following, At the junction of fiction and reality, Where real life jams romantic fiction, At the crossroads of romance and life, and so on and so forth. This one basically came at the last minute, and I'm still not sure it is the final title. However, I am looking for a Graphic Designer to make a logo for me (If you're out there, give me a shout. I'm cheap but we can work out something), and that will be that once it's done. In the meantime, fancy smancy font will do.

Finally, I have to say blogger templates are light, and I was happy to hear from those who used to have problems loading my site that it was now much easier for them. But it can be bland for the beginner I was and it took me a while to figure things out. In doing that, I lost my blogroll. And when I went over to the help forums, turns out there is a known issue. I'm sorry guys, it means it's more difficult to visit your blogs. While the blogger techies work on that, I want to use link lists. If I used to follow your blog or you follow mine, please use the contact me page to send your URL address.


  1. Me thinks Romance. Meets. Life is very good. It captures the essence of the blog. Keep tweaking, you would get a "perfect" look soon.

    By the way, what ever happened to Babs story?

  2. Myne, I like Romance. Meets. Life. It is simple, but conveys a lot. I'm not into the super fancy titles. How exciting for you to undergo these changes. I like change :-)

  3. I like the new name a lot! I think you should tweak the font a little bit and you should be good to go!

  4. I haven't commented over here for ages but I love Romance meets life. I think it perfectly encompasses what your blog is about.


  5. I'm really feeling the new blog name o, but I don't really like the new colour.

    Good luck with your tweaking, 'can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  6. Very very very nice.

  7. I really like the new blog name. It all makes a lot of sense. The pink is more a peach and that's nice.

  8. I was looking for you on my blogroll last night. I thought maybe my eyes were too clouded with sleep. The new blog title is nice. It captures the essence of the blog. I also like the new color. Good luck with the tweaking.

  9. I love the new title. It captured me right away and seems to be more consistent and descriptive of the posts I read here. Well done!

  10. I like the new name too! lol! and thanks for doing the interview,there's a lot of great stuff there that you shared!

  11. lovely blog u have here,kip in touch and follow me,i will follow right back....cheers

  12. Good one. Apt! Move the ad next to the title i think...

  13. I love the new name but is there a reason for the period after Romance & Meets? or did you intend for the pauses in-between? I'm not too crazy about this background color ;( I'm sure you'll find the perfect look soon!

    1. Thanks. I liked the idea of pauses in between, kind of to give the reader thinking time.

  14. I love the new name and I'm feeling this pink theme too.

  15. I love the new name. Not really feeling the color though.

  16. Nice titling. Now I know why I couldn't follow your blog as I couldn't find the "follow" button.
    There's only room for those who followed and were followed,so those of us who just want to follow would just have to await the techies yo figure things out

  17. lol! you've finally opened up your anon comments....Fishing for more comments yeah? Perhaps as high as Temiville's settling.

    I love the romance concept of couples love stories in february and also the ones in your books. I however find your ideologies on love, marriage and relationships to be somewhat skewed towards a certain angle. You try to impose your views and sometimes come accross as rude to your commnenters who disagree.

    I wish you all the best on this new blog path


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