Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Choose - Happiness, Money, Love, Health or Fame

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So I saw this picture on Facebook and decided to share here. It asks, how would you rank happiness, money, love, health and fame in your life? Seems pretty simple, right?

I chose health, happiness, love, money, fame. But it wasn't an easy choice, and I'm still not sure I shouldn't re-arrange. I thought to put love first, but I am a fan of happy ever afters, and that's not possible without health. And surely that also means happiness must be present to feed the love?

Anyway, the picture got as many different itirations as the number of comments I got on the status update. Most people put fame last, except one friend who put fame before money. Another peace first.

What about you? How do you choose, and do you think something is missing?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do you Call Him Boo or Baby in Public?

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Or do you only call them the pet names in private?

I ask because most people usually have a personal name they call their partners, those sweet, romantic names like boo, baby, sweetie, honeypie, sugar, daddy, mummy, etc. These endearments are used most often in private, and sometimes there are those deeper ones one uses only during tender, intimate moments, like ahem, ahem :)

But what if one gets so used to using those names that it comes out in public? I have found myself in that situation a few times,but it was OK because it was just one or two close friends around. In a real crowd, I'm usually more self aware when it comes to calling Atala's name.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Fling Giveaway Hop - International

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Hey, and welcome to the Spring Fling hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Eve's Fan Garden. I am an author of romance novels and I will be giving away to the lucky winner, an eBook of my first novel, A Heart to Mend. The synopsis of AHTM...
Gladys moves to live with an estranged aunt in Lagos and to continue her search for a job. Before long she lands the job of her dreams with the foremost oil company in the city and makes several new friends. She also gradually resolves the mystery of why her aunt previously cut all ties with their family. But the best part about her new life is meeting Edward Bestman.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Royal Wedding - One Year Anniversary

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Who remembers today one year ago? Everyone, or at least some of us, were glued to the TV set watching either the full wedding ceremony, or later clips of it. I even remember that Ms.Buki (BTW, where is she?) wore a hat for the occasion. In her Royal Wedding post, she confessed that she and her friends dressed up, and she couldn't resist topping off her outfit with the Queen's trademark :)

I personally was cheesing seriously when I saw the clip below in the videos. Well, more love to them. See you guys tomorrow with a proper post. Meanwhile enjoy the pictures.

Obama at the White House Correspondent's Dinner

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The White House Correspondents Dinner is a light-hearted congregation of journalists, politicians, celebrities, the United States President and other White House people. The President pokes fun at everyone, and the chosen comedian pokes fun at the audience, the President included. Jimmy Kimmel started with a joke about Obama's ears...

Obama winks at a joke about where he was born :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Renew Marriage Vows

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Four years and twin babies later, they say "I do". Again. Now I can't forget the other couple that also had the culture of publicly renewing their vows - most of us regular folks jejely do it in our living rooms or bedrooms - annually, but I do like Mariah Carey's songs and Nick Cannon on AGT (he does get annoying sometimes) and wish them the best of love and marriage.

Isn't that just the most romantic thing you ever saw? Eiffel Tower, Paris, here I come...LOL... Enjoy some more pictures below, and do have a lovely, if possible romantic, weekend. Mwah!

MI's Loving Me - Romance Meets Music

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I'm not a big fan of rap music but a rap track will often get to me depending on the method of delivery, the music behind the rap as well as the hook, usually a sang chorus. All three come together in MI’s “Loving Me” which is from his new album, Illegal Music 2.

The video for Loving Me was released recently, and tells the story of a young girl who gets tired of an abusive and messed up relationship and decides to love herself. Enjoy.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Jesus of Sports Hall by Lulufa Vongtau

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The tragicomedies of living in Sports Hall still haunt me. The male Sports Hall, sited at the very gates of the Sports complex, was originally home to the Defense Academy’s sportsmen. It had however degenerated into a den of the worst blackguards to be found anywhere in the city of Kaduna; blackguards who gave new interpretations to all laws pertaining to survival. It was in this sad state of affairs that my friend Zang thrived.

Zang was what is called in literature, a proper caution; one that looked narrowly upon any laws not created by himself and sometimes, depending on convenience, even upon his own. I still wonder how Zang, the last person you would consider given to sportsmanship ever, came to roost in Sports Hall, but that is another story.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Abstinence for the Mature Singles

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I decided to share this post in the light of this recent post. I believe that if a mature single wants to practice abstinence from sex, it is important to make it a personal decision. Be sure it's not because you're scared of sex, or you feel pressured by society or some particular people to suppress your emotions. Stop looking for passages or verses in the bible to back you up. Don't depend on your pastor to prop you up because God forbid, he/she could be the one you'll be getting down with the next day. Pastors aren't angels or saints.

Part of knowing yourself as a mature single is knowing where you personally stand with sex. Let your reason and unbiased thinking guide you to make a personal decision. That decision could be to abstain completely, and that is fine. That decision could also be kiss, cuddle, or even have sex, and that is OK too. Yes, I mean it. Sex can be beautiful, and it is a natural part of life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fairytale Giveaway Hop - The Other Slipper

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This hop is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and features YA Books with a fairy tale theme, or fairy tale retellings. And so I present to you, The Other Slipper by Kenechi Udogu. One random winner will receive an ebook copy by answering the question at the end of the post.

AND THE WINNER IS TecknicoleurGrl

The Other Slipper is a twist on the Cinderella story, it is not really a retelling, rather it weaves another story thread and new characters into the fairy tale. Jo is a teenager who is present at the dinner where Cinderella meets the prince. Things take a magical spin when Jo stumbles onto Cinderella's glass slipper and has to return it, leading to a journey of adventure and self discovery. The author tells it better...