Monday, November 22, 2010

What are you Thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Posted in:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING in advance to everyone, especially those in America.

I love the spirit of the thanksgiving day here in the states because apart from its history and the turkey and all, it is good to have a thankful heart and give thanks always. As it is, this is also the period when most churches in Nigeria do their various major thanksgivings, you know the ones that have the bazaar at the end. I remember as a child, looking forward to that day because of the variety of food that would be on offer. There were games too though I rarely won at those try-your-luck. Still it was the closest thing to a town fair and we got to meet most of our friends and family friends.

This year, God has been especially good to me and my heart is glad as I prepare to travel back to Nigeria. I am so thankful for life, love, health, but especially for my family. We had some crisis with my Dad and my sister, both around the same time in the middle of the year. But God proved faithful and answered our prayers. God is good and I thank him for EVERYTHING.

I also thank my SO, he's the most wonderful, supportive and loving man to me. Someone said to me, "What has got into you in the past two years? I didn't know you had so much in you." And I replied, it's all in the person who has become my husband and more importantly, my partner within this time. It couldn't have been the same without him. Thank you so much darling, I love you.

I am also thankful to you all, my readers, commenters, reviewers and supporters. Your words keep encouraging me and I am very grateful.

So what are you thankful for today?


  1. Another Lovely post Myne. I am thankful for everything, I am so blessed and lucky. Sometimes i feel like am not worthy of all the blessings God has given me. Two years ago, i thought my life was going in the wrong direction and now when i look back, i have more reason to say Thank you God.

    Being alive and not needing any help breathing is another reason to be thankful, hey am awake and alive is another reason.

    I have so many reasons to be thankful everyday of my life.

    Pls follow my blog

    And thanks for stopping by.

  2. here in the Philippines, churches also celebrate thanksgiving. And yes, we have NO reason to NOT be thankful.

    Thanks for inspiring us Myne. May God bless you with more than what your basket can fill :)


  3. Am thankful to GOD to have met friends like you in Blogsville & most importantly for HIS DIVINE PROTECTION upon our lives. Happy thanksgiving day to all Americans.

  4. Thank you too for everything. Hope your Nigeria trip proves successful.

  5. Lovely Myne...and I like your new picture. Really fresh.
    Totally agree about having a supportive partner, that's the best thing that can happen to anyone. Regards to SO!

  6. Happy Thanxgiving I am grateful for my friends and family and even tho' the butcher thinks am a psycho for looking for Turkey when its not xmas-time I will still celebrate my own version of thanxgiving

  7. Just when I was expecting God blessed me far more than I had expected and in quick successions.. I am thankful for my parents, for life,health and his grace and mercy upon their lives..
    Thankful for the wonderful friends I have and great family..
    Thankful for the numerous opportunities he gives me each day.. I'm thankful for everything..

  8. thankful to God for a year well spent, thankful that he answered most of my prayers, thankful for blessing me in so many ways.

    On another note, i love ur picture, te new one at the top right corner of ur website

  9. God is indeed good..praise be to him for your dad and sister.

    I am particularly thankful for Life, Love and Laughter..

    Safe trip to 9ja

  10. Our Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October, but US Thanksgiving gives us just another reason to remember what we are thankful for. Me, I am thankful for my friends, family, books, health, and more.

  11. I'm thankful for my family, their love, and for life. I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving Myne.. :D

  12. Such a sweet post, l enjoy reading thankful post, your profile picture is lovely and the layout as well, keep being thankful.

    I am thankful for life, work, hubby, the gift of my family and extended family...everyone is still alive, it's something to be thankful for...:=)

  13. I am thankful for my life, my family and friends and all the things chineke has blessed me with.

    Safe travel and journey mercies(as they say in 9ja)

  14. I'm thankful for my lovely family and friends who love and support me. (not forgetting the friends I've made on Blogger)
    God has also answered a 3 year old prayer and I'm so thankful.

    Happy thanksgiving Myne.

  15. Hmmm,thoughtfull...what am i thankful for???
    And whattodo in naija Myne???

  16. I am thankful for blogs like yours...amongst MANY other things!

    Happy Thanksgiving Myne!

  17. This is such a beautifully written post!!! I'm thankful for my family!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  18. Aww Myne. This is such a nice post. Thank God for all the blessings in your life and for your SO. Glad your family is also doing well.

    I'm thankful to God for life, salvation, family, good health, friends, and positive growth.

    PS: Do have fun in naija and be safe:)

  19. I'm grateful for life,my BF and God-dad.They've helped me to remain a virgin.
    Myne,you rock with this post.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, in advance. Enjoy the atmosphere, company, dinner, warmth & all.

    Nice shoutout to your husband.

    I am thankful for the wonderful feeling that lies within my heart; thanks to my girlfriend & best friend, my daughter, mother, myself and the blessings that i've encountered in my life.

  21. This year has been such a trying year for me, especially the 2nd half.. but i've realized that all i've ever had to do was trust in God and stop worrying because he always makes a way. I took one week and jus fasted chale..straight up 6 to 6 the whole week, and I was jus like Homie G, thanksgiving is fast approaching, please give me something to be thankful for, because rightnow diehh, my life is shit..funny how just a week before thanksgiving, He just sorted me out..and is continuing to do so. I thank God for the people in my life who help me, listen to me, encourage me, inspire me.. and for the lil lil thns that make me smile/laugh/muse about issues..such as blogville. Good Luck Myne!

  22. Wish you all the best in your travels to Nigeria. I love the spirit of Thanksgiving although have never celebrated it but its always good to have a grateful heart. Its wonderful your SO brings out all the best that you have in you. I'm sure is thankful to be the one that can do so and be a witness to your life. HAPPY THANKSGIVING

  23. Happy Thanksgiving Myne. Really hoping to see you!

  24. Thank you all so much. I am in transit now and will reply more later. Happy thanksgiving!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Myne.
    Your new profile pic is beautiful!!!

  26. Blessings....
    I hope your thanksgiving was inspiring and filled with joy.

    Love the new pic of you. Beautiful


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