Friday, February 11, 2011

International and cross cultural fairy tale! Real Love Story

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From Amy of Making Mrs Mauritz.

This is one sweet tale of love across race, culture and nationality. I came across her blog while they were planning the wedding and I marveled at how awesome love can be when it breaks barriers. Enjoy...

Love can be found in the most unexpected places with the most unexpected person. My unconventional love story began one fateful summer day when I was studying at the Starbucks close to my schools campus. My diligent studying was interrupted by a gorgeous young gentlemen who wanted to know if he could sit with me. I pushed my books to the side and thus began our love story.

Who would have known in 1984 when we were both born that our paths would ever cross and that we were destined to be soul mates? He was born in a tiny town in the midwestern United States to parents of Swedish and German ancestry. I was born in a small city in Nigeria to parents who barely had enough money to make ends meet. Fastforward 23 years and our paths collided. A Texas raised Nigerian girl and a Midwestern American boy meet and fall in love.

Three years later we got married in a wedding celebration that celebrated our love for each other as well as both our cultures and heritages. I am truly blessed to be living a modern day international and cross cultural fairy tale!


First to comment, do state your choice of chapter 1 - 35, and please leave your email for a fast response, or make sure it is on your profile page.

Have a fantastic weekend people. Remember to do all those secret shopping you need to make Valentine's day special.


  1. Before I read, m first!.. i'll come

  2. "Electric Slide dance" I am first I am first. Yippie. Loving the love stories. Please keep them coming.

  3. @funso.. hehehehehe no you are not! I would like chapter 2 please and thank you Myne ( As far the the story goes...I am not sure how I feel. I feel myself hanging somewhat.

  4. LOL...@Honeydame and Funso, that was a close call.

    Expect chapter 2 HD. And have a great weekend too.

  5. oh No what happened? I thought I was 1st. If only I wasn't busy doing the electric slide dance I would have posted 1st. "Dancing the Electric slide and singing congratulations HD and happy reading"
    @ MW : I think the 5hrs time difference had something to do with that lol. At least I was 1st in the UK :-). Have a lovely weekend P.S You make me wanna start a blog :0)

  6. @Funso, it must be the time difference. next time it will be for the UK people.

    And yeah, you should start a blog. I'll be looking forward to that.

  7. i read her blog.....beautiful love story

  8. its a short sweet story but i feel like i need to know more. like what makes these two tick? ..what atracted them to each other? ..i know, i know!..i'm a mini stalker, i wanna know every other person's business :p
    but forreals though, i'm still wanting to know more,lol

  9. i'm a sucker for a great love story.

  10. *sigh* I love love...
    Off to stalk Mrs Mauritz

  11. *laughs babe.

    So sweet!..congratulation & wish you guys a happy marriage.

  12. Why I like this story is that there are so many Nigerian women who are in love with people from different races/cultures, but are too scared to accept it for fear of what people back home will think...

    @MW, what are the rules for sharing the love stories?

  13. Amy and Jonathan inspire me so much. Such a beautiful story and they are both grounded which I love. God bless their marriage.

  14. sigh i always try to be first but it doesn't work..darn... anyways love the story..its so nice. i am happy for both of them. i can still drop my email may get

  15. Why do I also feel like I needed to read more?

    - LDP

  16. Hey all, thanks for the comments, I agree it was short and sweet, I wanted people to share only what they're comfortable with.

    I agree with Mamuje that as un-detailed as this was, it passed the message loud and clear. Love has no boundaries unless the ones we make for it.

    @Rita, there are no rules. Write a story less then 750 words of how you met and have decided to remain with your SO, and how it has been so far. Send it to myne @ with a picture (optional)

  17. It was a little empty, kinda broad but alright. Details please.

  18. wow! I love love storie....I miss this blog. Dunno why I don't get your updates anymore :(
    Here was me thinking you'd quit blogging x

  19. I love her blog! Her wedding was AMAZING!

  20. I like this post, I'm also living a cross cultural fairy tale, oposit colors ;-)

    sorry the blog is in french


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