Saturday, March 19, 2011

Picture Weekend - Bellevue Botanical Garden

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I've missed having this feature on my blog for a while now. Blame the weather that made it not so appealing to be outdoors as much as one would like, and also means that pictures taken would not look good, due to poor lighting. When there's rain, I don't even want to bring out my camera! Anyway, these are taken with my Blackberry camera, so bear with the quality.

A lovely, welcoming garden in my city. We decided to go after seeing an article in the local paper about it. The weather still isn't that great, but hey, that's what jackets and hats are meant for, right?

It definitely does grow! Lots of different plants and flowers, thriving even in the cold weather. Kudos to the gardeners.

I'm practicing my professional photography skills here...

I was scared the rocks were precariously balanced, but he proved they were glued? together somehow.

I don't think I got this beautiful miniature waterfall as I wanted, but it passes.

OK, me. You know who's behind the camera.

I think this is almost perfect! I just caught that beam of light coming through the trees. I just need someone on that rock to complete the iconic picture.

Don't ask me what he said, and then his shadow almost spoiled the shot. LOL...

Ehen, I'm more composed here.

The sculpture just gave me ideas, I'm going to fly too!

Location we make our way back...

 Like this rock, we'll always be here.Thanks for coming, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. lovely pictures!..i'm not much of an outdoorsy person. like if i'm going to go to a garden like this, i wont go jst to appreciate nature,'ll probably be for like a group project or a picnic.
    but the pictures are lovely!

  2. Nice scenery...ain't an outdoor person too. But when I decide to go out, even the birds of the air will know that Vyvyka is out today :)

  3. This is nice... I miss the amazing outdoors

  4. I like the pictures oh...and id love to visit that place....sigh! Oh when! Oh when!

  5. Now that spring is coming up again, I am SO looking forward to walking by quiet lakes and appreciating nature. Love the simplicity in the pics.

  6. Wow... this seems so relaxing... Must have been nice. It's still a bit too cold here to go out and appreciate nature but hopefully the weather will improve soon. :)

  7. Lovely pictures. I love. Congratulations on your book. :) Stay winning and on the top.

  8. Just to let you know, the Mr. Linky for the Now Starring Blogfest is fixed if you were still interested in joining in on the fun :)

  9. Lovely pictures! I really appreciate nature :)

  10. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... LOOKS LIKE fun. I love the picture where you were laughing. too cute!

  11. gorgeous gardens. I love wandering thought gardens and discovering things.

  12. Lovely! I love gardens :D

    And i bet you can't wait for April :D


  13. Blessings.....
    Looks like you had fun.
    Congratulations on your next book lounging.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.


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