Saturday, April 9, 2011

H is for Haircut

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Forgive me if there seems no rhyme and or reason to my April challenge posts, I did not win the Versatile Blogger award for nothing, lol.

Today I share with you all, for the first time, and exclusively on Myne Whitman Writes, my new haircut. Yes, it is THE BIG CHOP!

I had a hair accident in March after I removed some weaves, and this led to the worst hair tangling known to man. The only solution? Cut it all off. Well, I'm comforted knowing my hair grows quickly. With time I'll share more with you guys about the hair journey.

Have you ever had a hair accident? Is your hair shorter than mine? Do I look like a boy?


  1. You look good in your hair cut. You look like mother of boys.

  2. Seen it, Admired it. Voted it beautiful!!

  3. I think your hair looks great! Besides I spent a lot of money on my hair once for a cut and a color and my husband couldn't tell I'd had anything done! I had to tell him!

  4. Happy to meet you through the challenge! You look lovely in your new haircut! Enjoy!

  5. You hair is certainly shorter than mine. The nice thing about hair is that it grows back fast.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  6. Your hair looks great and healthy, your face looks unique and youngish.

    I also did my big chop last month but i have it hidden under my weave for now. I just got fed up with putting chemical in my hair and wanted a change.

    I also dont have a clue about natural hair, since my daughter has natural hair, I thot it might be an incentive to learn about it.

    I look forward to unveiling my afro sometime in the near future.

  7. I gave you my hairy tale Myne and commented on yours but today I want to focus on your face. I love that you wear some make-up, especially lipstick. it's such a ladylike thing to do. I suspect I'm still a tomboy, I can't get it right. I have plenty of it in and out of my bag but it never makes it to my face LOL.

  8. Lol Myne! No, you do not look like a boy. You look quite nice actually, It suits you


  9. You really look good!
    Mine's shorter than yours..
    Wow this is nice!

  10. You look lovely! Now that it's almost summer in Florida, I'm leaning towards getting mine cut really short. The only problem is that it requires more frequent cuts to keep it from looking shaggy. It's thick and straight, and short hair (on me) requires more work and product. Not fair!

  11. Thank you all, LOL..

    @Walk2write, that's true, short hair does seem to require a lot more products and work. Not really fair :)

  12. Hie Myne, good to be here after what seems like a lifetime. So much to catch up on, I will get there.
    Thanks for your prayers, I appreciate them. :)
    I loved your Feb real life love amazing! Thanks for that.
    Your blog is always refreshing, so much variety and interesting stuff, keep it up.
    I love short hair too.:) Is it now all natural then?
    Right that's enough rambling... have a lovely week!

  13. My hair is just like yours now and you look lovely

  14. Beautiful! Beautiful!

    I have been contemplating whether or not to have a hair cut... you are almost tempting me! :)

  15. Cute 'do, Myne! You look gorgeous. :) When I was about 8, I accidentally shaved parts of my eyebrows off (long story)!

    I have finally added a LinkyTool list to my "Inanimation Blogfest" if you would like to join us.


  16. Someone is obviously fishing for compliments here;)
    No you don't look like a boy. You look like 'Myne'. You are 'Myne', right?

  17. awww...cute healthy short hair...I like the new look

  18. Gosh, I so envy you right now...been longing for a haircut for a while sure suits you too

  19. Ha, for courage! Of course, not. You don't look like a boy. Nah, you look like a gurrl... No, like a lady...

    My hair is now natural but long and mostly in braids or kinky twists. I have been thinking of cutting but I haven't summoned the courage yet.

  20. Ha! Yeah, you can read about my accident here, I wanted to die...

    But my hair also grew fast so it was not an issue in the end.

    You look really good! Much better than I did in low cut anyway...


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