Saturday, May 14, 2011

Americans love the British Accent

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Yesterday, Youtube was offering these new and free apps to make animated videos. In a moment of procrastination, I logged on and whiled away about thirty minutes to make the one below. Who else has noticed how much Americans love the British accent?

For the video, you get to choose your set, the actors, and most importantly your script (screen play and story). It was fun making it. I had like four takes before I got this version that I was happy with.

What do you think?


  1. Good job on the animation.

    I don't hear a British accent with the man though.

  2. Me too i don't hear the british accent. But i love the animation though.

  3. Nice animation. Yep I've noticed that Americans love British accent.

  4. He does have a British accent, though it might not be the one you're familiar with.

    Thanks girls, have a great weekend.

  5. Totally random and unrelated to your post! I just ordered "A love rekindled" via Amazon and I am super-excited to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay! My summer reading starts in a week and it's at the top of my list! :D

  6. That's so exciting. Thank you dearie, I hope you enjoy it! :)

  7. omg! That is so awesome... I'm totally playing with that next second I get... LOL! :D

  8. That Brit accent is tres cute. Maybe its the baritone voice shaa. good work there!

  9. lol its not jst americans, i'm in love with the british accent too! tres cute :)

  10. LOL...hello Myne Whiteman (with British accent. Will you like a cup of tea?
    Lol nice one, I guess the man's accent is diluting with American accent just as Naija people accents dilutes when they leave Naija

  11. For some strange reason, it's not working for me, but I bet it's great!

    Happy weekend!

  12. Accent still works but it is 'watered down' by the American speaker.

  13. we love British accents here too but little else. How can people with such a hot accent be so cold.....I suppose its the climate.

  14. So Americans love the british accent?! That's new to me.

  15. Ohh I love me a British accent! Any accent really!

  16. Yes, yes! I love the bloody Brits and their bleedin' accents. Heehee.

    I had to read the first two Harry Potters to my kiddos with the British accent, so I've become pretty adept at it myself. ;)

  17. British accent rule..If i stay 6months in UK, i will have 1

  18. Cute. Lol. I love me some British accent. Wish I had one. The proper classy ones though, not the razz ghetto ones that contain more slangs than English words : )

  19. Lol! I've noticed. But you have to admit, the James Bond accent is pretty sexy :p


  20. Ooo, very nice! I hope the free apps will still be running for a few days!

  21. i cant see anything, except my company logo...thanks to my ICT dept

    Not been here in ages, how have you been MW?

  22. If you are looking for a guide on how to speak with a british accent, then you must be thinking where to get it. You can easily get lots of guides and tutorials online, but the important point is not everyone make you learn to speak British accent quickly.


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