Thursday, August 25, 2011

Platform Building Campaign for writers

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Most of you know that both of my books are self-published, but a lot of people are amazed at how well they're doing.  I've heard the question, What's the secret? a few times and I never fail to refer them to my blog. I've worked hard on this blog, but more than that, I was able to connect to other blogs and bloggers through it. I'm taking this opportunity to build it even further through a campaign pioneered by a fellow writer.

Rachael Harrie is a blogger and aspiring author of YA Horror and she started the Writers' Platform-Building Campaigns as "a way to link writers, aspiring authors, beginner bloggers, industry people, and published authors together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all people in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs."

If you're interested, you can read about what's involved in being a Campaigner, and the idea behind the Campaigns. For my followers who are writers, it would be great if you can join in the campaign, because with these things, the more the merrier. I already follow and read the blogs of some other campaigners and I can assure you that they're all very helpful in sharing posts on how to write better, and also about querying, publishing and promoting. See you there.


  1. Good to see you're doing well with your books and more importantly sharing your success with others. I hope I would one day consider writing professionally and I'm sure I may learn a thing or two from you. Keep up the good job -:)

  2. I downloaded your first book and i enjoyed it so much I went to kindle store to get the the second one immediately. Now i am thirsty to read more. Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks for posting this. I'll definitely check it out. ;-)

  4. coolio! it's no secret i want to be an author someday :)

  5. Hi Myne, I linked over here from the Campaign. I am in the Adult-All Genres group. I'm so happy to hear that your two self-published novels are doing well. I self-published my first and am currently still trying to find the more traditional route for my second. Of course, if I can't get a bite that way, I'll go the SP route again. I'm so grateful for the community of writers here in the blogosphere, and I'm happy now to be meeting you!

  6. Thank you all so much!

    @Okeoghene, thank you! That put a smile on my face. :)

    @Katie, I'll be coming over to yours too. Thanks.

  7. You're so going to find your name on a lot of author acknowledgments soon ;)

  8. Hi! I'm in the contemp group with you! Can't wait to get to know you!

  9. What a great idea! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today so I could learn about this!

  10. I'm in the women's fiction group with you and just stopping by to say hello :)

  11. I am a fellow campaigner also in a group with you. It is nice to meet you and I look for wors to the challenges..

  12. Hello,

    I'm making my rounds through my Campaigner groups. Nice to meet you :)

  13. Hey Myne. I'm a first time campaigner in your romance group. Nice to meet you. Congrats on the success of your books.

  14. Hi! I'm in your Contemps group...looking forward to getting to know you! Sarah

  15. Hello, and a warm welcome to my fellow campaigners. I look forward to meeting you all too.

  16. Already a follower but dropping by to say hello. We're in the adult fiction group. Happy writing! -Vanessa

  17. Hello. New reader, connecting from the campaign.

    I love your blog, you've worked really hard on it and it really shines through. It's always worthwhile to put a professional touch to what we do, no matter what it is.

  18. Dropping by from the campaign. Looks fun!

  19. Hi Myne, thanks for stopping by my blog, and here's to campaigning!

  20. Dropping by along the campaign trail. Looks like you're a very busy writer!

    I look forward to reading more here.

  21. Congrats on your self-published sucess. I am also self-published and learning the secrets slowly but surely.

    Looking forward to connecting through the Womens Fiction/Chick Lit campaign group.

    I'm playing catch-up and now need to ponder 200 words...


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