Saturday, September 17, 2011

Picture weekend - Mountain Climbing

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Hi people, hope your weekend has started well? Mine will be fairly laid back, we're going to see Contagion later today, and I'll probably try to do some writing. On the latter, my work in progress (A Fiery Love) has some mountain climbing scenes in it and I've been doing some research online to get the setting in order. But I also have to describe how the characters feel, you know, how they're out of breath, the feeling of satisfaction when they get to the top, that sort of thing.

So, a couple of weeks ago after my cast was removed, we decided to do something we've been putting off because of my broken arm, tackle one of the lower peaks of a mountain near by. A friend joined us and we set out. The first picture is of a dry waterfall. We went at the wrong time, I guess. The grove was all set up, but no water. Boo! like one small girl we came across with her family said.

I was trying to channel a Cougar, which the mountain was named after, you know, blend into the background :)

The trek was excruciating at points, we took some detours to see the sights, like this small lake in the clay pits. When we finally got to the top, the view made it absolutely worth it.

The view from the top of Lake Sammamish.
Well, Dunni and Babs will be getting some real to life writing of their Erin Ijesha treks through my experience of Cougar Mountain, lol...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and see you Monday with an excerpt. Mwah!


  1. I need to be like you, so in touch with nature. great pictures.

  2. Looks a wonderful hike, never thought Pacific Northwest looked like this!

  3. Blessings....
    Laidback is always good, just enjoy yourself to the fullest.

    On the issue of your other post and possibly losing a friend. The truth is if we cannot be ourselves with those we consider and care for then what is the point? One of the things I learnt about relationships is you have to be honest and tell the truth and that means at times risking the relationship. aunt confided in me about an issue and while she was relaying the subject matter I kept thinking, should I speak the truth and articulate it in a way that would allow her to think and risk her not wanting to speak with me after that or do I tell her what she wants to hear and choak on my lies and learn to live with the fact that I didn't do her any favors by lying to her and allow her to continue with the poor decision. In the end I decided to tell the truth gently and with love knowing that it may very well end the relationship.

    The end result, the relationship remain in tact and she made decision concerning the issue that was best for her and she is happier now.


    have a blessed weekend

  4. I love the view. Will like to go mountain climbing some day.

  5. hmm,bebe la hot, I will be like you, a real writer at some points becomes his or her character. mwah mwah

  6. Nice pix, hope you took in enough for your writing. Goodluck!

  7. Wow You took the pains to get into the shoes of your character, really nice.
    And the pics are really beautiful too :)

  8. Hello, I'm here from She Writes. Great photos, especially the last one with the view from Lake Sammamish.

    Have a great weekend.

  9. Love your site. The photos are really nice. I've done a lot of traveling in Africa, but not to Nigeria. I came by during the SheWrites Blogger Ball #7 to say hello.

  10. I'm glad to see someone else besides me who is obsessed enough to experience (as much as possible) what their characters would. Bravo! Great pictures too. Makes great memories personally, too, doesn't it? Have a great weekend, and happy writing.

  11. Visiting from the She Writes Blog Hop and love this post. I love mountains and I enjoyed your pictures so much. I especially liked the one of you channeling a Cougar. You are so well-coordinated with the beautiful scenery!

  12. Hope your weekend is.going well too, I love the view too, it looks like you had some fun. I saw contagion and it was not as interesting as the preview am a little disappointed I think I may have even slept through some of it. lol an ok movie.

  13. beaurriful!! i love the cougar pic, your outfit blends in well.

  14. Beautiful view!!!Nice pictures Myne

  15. Stopped by from the Blog Hop. Love your photos, though I wouldn't dare try mountain climbing any more--my balance has disappeared.

  16. Those pictures are amazing. I can't wait to visit that part of the world. Thanks for sharing. I came over from the bloghop.

  17. Nice one Myne...keep up the treks jare...may the future give us lots of opportunities to do more of this in Naija :)


  18. You guys sabi fun o. I love it!

  19. I can't help but ask; are places like this for real? I mean, I always think of the power of photoshop whenever I see sceneries this beautiful! God is indeed awesome!

    - LDP

  20. awwwwwwwwwww Myne. i love the view............


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