Friday, October 7, 2011

FAQs - Self-Publishing and Book Publicity

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Hey Myne,

I know someone who is self-publishing a novel and I was wondering if you have any advice for her? I would classify her book as "teen fluff", and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Its not the same demographic as your work, but I thought it might be helpful to hear from you since you have had such success with your work.

Ideas, tips, concerns? Would you like a copy of the book to read over and offer suggestions? She is all ears.I told her I would reach out to you to see if you would be able to talk with/to her.




I think your friend is already doing well, she has a FB page, has a good follower count on Twitter, and is also on Blogspot and Tumblr. These are most important, having an online presence.

Self publishing can be supported by going with an author services company like CreateSpace, at least the distribution and sales are taken care of. All the author has to do is the publicity and marketing.

What your friend should do is look for book bloggers in the YA category and ask for book reviews. Then she should look for forums (message boards) where she knows her target audience is and become active there.

All these depend on how financially successful she wants to be. If she's just content having her story out there, and her name on a book cover, then she need not overstress.

All the best to her. She can always email at I'll be happy to host her for one of my guest author sections.




  1. wishing your friend the very best tell her to keep writing,,

  2. With numerous opportunities available on the internet, self-publishing is becoming the preferred option for most people, though i'm still sceptical about it. But if she thinks its OK with her, then i wish her the very best!

  3. That's true Deola, though it's still tough going. One requires a lot of perseverance and patience.

  4. Great advice Myne! I'm still seeking an agent but collecting lots of tips in case I ever go the self-publishing route.

  5. All the best Deniz, by blogging I think you're already on the right path. :)


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