Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Communication is not Mind Reading - Atala Writes

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I believe that the secret to a great relationship is good communication. Usually, the way to do this is through simply talking. This works pretty well in the majority of cases. The trouble is, sometimes you – or your partner – might not be much of a talker, like Myne. Aren't you surprised?

Back to the subject. There might also be a difference in what you say to your partner and what you mean by what you say. Even more confusing is where you do say what you mean, but your partner interprets what you say completely differently.

Most of this is down to our different backgrounds and upbringing, and it is only through consistent communication and through living and learning together that a couple can tease out more about each other, and how they both think on different issues and situations.

For example, there were times in the beginning when I’ve assumed that Myne is thinking about one particular thing. Then I’ve gone ahead and acted on that assumption, only find out that I was wrong – she was thinking something completely different. The reasons for my mistaken assumptions are for another blog post, but if I had asked her about them first, that would have spared us a whole lot of confusion.

But these episodes have not been in vain. They've certainly brought home to me the importance of knowing – not just assuming – what someone is thinking. If you do know, you know exactly what to do to make them happy, and vice versa.

At times like these, it sounds like it would be a great idea to be able to read someone’s thoughts. Then all miscommunication would be at an end. No more futile guessing, no more unproductive questions – you would just know what they were thinking. So this would herald an era of peace, love and understanding in all relationships, right?

Erm... no. For one thing, reading your partner’s mind might tell you what they’re thinking, but it not provide all the context around that thought. So you might know that they are sad, but it might not tell you why they are sad, or the depth of the sadness. And there’s no telling just how off target your reaction to their thoughts could be without the rest of the information about their thoughts.

Then there’s the question of whether your partner even wants you to be able to figure out their thoughts so directly. Maybe sometimes, they want you to tease the thought of them out so that it serves as a reason to talk. Or maybe they are genuinely uncomfortable about sharing information right away, and would rather wait to share it in their own time.

So even if maybe one day, it will be possible to read people’s minds, it’s doubtful if people will willingly let their minds be read. I certainly won't want anyone fiddling with my mind.

And we’re back to good old-fashioned talking as a way to let your partner know what you’re thinking, and them letting you know what they’re thinking. It may be messy; it may not always be accurate; but I think that if you really love someone, you won't baulk at smoothening the edges of the conversations you have to find out what each other is thinking.

The beauty of it is that the more you talk, and the more you get to know each others feelings, personalities and dispositions; the more it seems you can read their mind for real. You find that you don’t even need to say so much, so that one day, your conversations go like this:

Myne: “Hm?”
Atala: “Mm-hm.”
Myne: “Hm-hm.”
Atala: “Hmm.”
Myne: “Hmm-hm.”

You want to know what that conversation was about? How should I know? I’m no thought reader!


  1. Lmao at the last "conversation", but I totally get Atala's point.

    One way to get better at communication is to keep working at it, whether in marriage or other relationships. Like they say, practise makes perfect.

  2. I totally agree that effective communication is really really important in any relationship. So Myne is not a talker?!?!? That's shocking!

  3. Myne is not a talker? i find that hard to believe from her writting i always thought she was a talker...totally agree with the article communication is indeed a very important factor to sustaining a good relationship.

    1. For Myne, she may not say much - but with her, it's more about quality rather than quantity. :)

  4. Communication is very necessary, so we understand the exact message been sent. It will be pretty annoying if convo's were just like the last paragraph.

    Would ave thought that Myne was a "talker" from all her write-ups and even her pictures...goes to show that we shouldn't also "judge" people as well.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. If people in a relationship cannot communicate, how are they now relating. There is no relationship then.

    1. Coy-Introvert, I guess it depends on the kind of relationship. Strange as it sounds, some people actually thrive on dysfunctional relationships full of hysterics and drama...

  6. lol @ the last convo... funny.


    1. same thought here.

    2. Glad you liked it, Daughter of the King and Simply Mee.

  7. it actually wouldn't surprise me that myne would not be a big talker. BUt yes, communicaiton is paramount for any relationship to flourish and be successful, me thinks

    1. It would be interesting to hear why you don't think Myne is a big talker, LadyNgo.

  8. I'm not a big talker. In fact, that's understating it. But communication is important. And for me, it helps to have someone who is patient enough to take my hesitations and plenty false starts when I have something on my mind.

    1. And that's another important part of communication - not just the talking, but allowing the other person the space to talk.

  9. Good points made regarding a subject that I believe is the basis for any meaningful relationship. I would like to add that communication is not only about talking, non-verbal communication is also equally important.

    There are times and situations when perhaps body language, cue, facial expressions etc should do the talking provided you both understand each other well enough.

    1. You're right about non-verbal expressions, Naija4Life, but this is an area that I tread with caution, as I am not very good at reading body language. Fortunately for me, there's really only one person whose body language I need to study carefully at the moment.

  10. Myne isn't much of a talker...why don't i find that surprising. I'm guessing you are talking about feelings, emotions. But if its git, news she can go on and on. 2ndly, I bet she chats better :).
    Sorry to discuss you like this Myne, na Atala cause am :)

  11. Not surprised she is not a talker, her comments in posts i see are always brief and straight to the point unlike mine! :D

    I am the talker in my marriage...hubby had learnt to listen or else,when i go silent, he knows am up to something and he would be watching me to see what game am up to! ahahahhaa.

    And over the years of marriage, we have come to understand our body language / movement. sometimes, words are not needed and he finishes my sentences for me,as i does his. How we came to this know this, i can't explain, maybe because we tease each other a lot, or we are always together, apart from when he goes to work or travels,or simply because i am the type that wears her heart on her sleeve or just maybe?

    One thing i know, is that 2 quiet people in the house can be boring, hence, GOD in HIS infinite wisdom, mixed them both to create excitement. A talker and a non-talker....which is a great combo!

    see what i mean?...i had written a long comment, instead to be brief like Myne #teasing her#...ahahahahha.

    1. Interesting, viewpoint, Simply Mee.

      I don't think there are talkers and non-talkers. For example, I'm not much of a talker myself, but it depends on whom I'm around. If I'm with people who talk a lot, then I revert to my quiet listening mode. But if I'm with someone who is much quieter than me, then I open up.

  12. Today was a great example of this in my life. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall because it wasn't getting through at all. Like wasting my breath. Great post. This is helpful.

    1. Thanks for visiting, and your comment, hope it all works out for you.

  13. I find that ommunication is especially important when in an inter-tribal or inter-racial relationship. There is so much that you can't account for when it comes to culture gap.

    1. That is true NN, one has to be quite sensitive sometimes to various aspects of the other person's culture

  14. Communication is always the key to a healthy relations, both verbal and non verbal.

    Fashion Rehab

    1. True talk, FR, and thanks for the comment.

  15. Totally agree with you about our different backgrounds influencing the way we interprete things. That point is so important in a relationship! You say something and mean A, the other person interpretes it as O!

    Even in family life, my dad used to tell us that he should be able to just look at us, when guests are present, and we'll know what's in his mind, and go do it straight away! Then, I was like, "huh"! But now, it's actually like that.

    Great piece, Atala!!!


    1. Thanks DrLily.. we also had that non-verbal communication growing up too.

  16. Whatever the case (culture, relationship, work, etc) good communication is of vital importance in so many areas of our lives, and few people really communicate well.

    Really like this post. :)

  17. My oh my! I never knew 'Atala' was Tola Odejayi, after all this time on NS! There was even a time I thought he was a female, lolz. But I must saw there is a kind of 'feminine' flavour in your stories.
    About communication, still single 'cos I'm looking for a person who really gets what I say, sometimes it's so difficult... .


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