Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What Makes a Woman a Good Wife?

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Obviously, I am not a Perfect Wife. Yeah, Obviously. I won't hide behind that generalist phrase. 'None of us is perfect'. The truth is that I am not perfect, not as a person and not as a wife. A lot of us women seem to think being a wife comes naturally. Maybe it does for some women, but not for me.

When I was much younger, I assumed I would never get married. I just knew I would make a terrible wife. It wasn't because I didn't like marriage, but as I understood it as an institution, and myself as a person, it just didn't suit me. I feared I would make a terrible wife for some hapless man and drive him crazy. I was too quirky, and I was scared of sharing the passionate, vulnerable part of me with a stranger.

Probably because I questioned almost everything as a matter of course, I was quite young when marriage and wifehood came under scrutiny. It was interesting to me reading all the romance novels I did as a young adult and taking in the dynamics between the different couples in the various books. Through some of the characters, some of my questions were answered, but then new questions arose.

You see, men aren't always to blame for bad marriages, sometimes it is the woman. Indeed, men can be obnoxious, stupid, violent, unfaithful, insensitive, and what have you. But what about the women? We somehow assume these flawed men are bouncing off perfect women, and their wives must be angels, but that is not always the case. I began to ask myself, what makes a good wife? What kind of a wife would you make? The answer wasn't so great.

Strike number one - It seemed most men sought the height of femininity in their women. I'm certainly not a woman's woman. I can talk loud, I talk politics, I get into arguments and I win logically. I don't know what the latest trends are, I'd rather buy a fat book than inches of Brazilian hair, or give my money away than buy expensive accessories. Apart from a few, the men in my sphere - married, single, young or old - were baffled by me. Some liked my conversation, for sure, but tended to stick me in the friend category.

The first time in my life I didn't like being so intelligent, or preferring the more intellectual stuff, was soon after I got into boarding school. I admired the popular girls, they talked about boys, fashion and hemmed their school uniforms till it was above their knees. I loved them and then hated them, and then I hated myself even more. By the time we graduated, I knew myself better even if I wasn't totally done.

In university, friends and course-mates began to get married and gush over babies, and I found out something new. I cared for children, but I couldn't bear to talk about them, all day. And wasn't this supposed to be the epitome of marriage? You got hitched and started popping out children within the year? The nurturing and care-taking bones seemed to be missing in me! Strike, number two.

Also, it was very clear early on that I was more of an introvert, I loved my personal space. I didn't find it hard making friends, but I preferred my company, or just that of a close group of friends. And since I grew up with my three sisters and a brother around my age, they were usually enough for me. But then I graduated, got a job and entered firmly into the 'marriageable' age.

My colleagues and acquaintances at this stage were also mostly gregarious, moving around in packs with their friends. This, I couldn't deal with. I just didn't see myself becoming one of the women, even worse, in a large group where roles and gender were overly emphasized, and keeping up with the Jones is a fact of life. In my mid-twenties and with most of my personality set, that was so not me. Strike number three.

So imagine my surprise after I had met Atala and we began to talk. He was so mature, and in conversations with him, I learnt so much, about myself and about relationships. When he asked me to marry him, I did not say yes because I had suddenly changed, but because I had found someone I could be free to be myself with and not be defensive about it. Someone who did not demand or expect perfection from me.

Am I good wife? I don't know. I am still more comfortable in small groups. My husband is my best friend. While some couples take the most glamorous pictures in Vegas, I'll dress up in my most casual and go trekking around Hoover dam some miles away. A jaunt to New York is more for the museums than for the shopping. I am what you may call, a wife-in-progress. Marriage is after all, a journey.

And I think that's the secret.

As a single person, I shouldn't have bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible. Of course we can make mistakes, and we may not end up with every person we meet, but that doesn't mean all other men are terrible or that we're screwed. It is just a process of becoming who you're meant to be so when your THE ONE comes along you'll recognize him.

Even this doesn't guarantee you'll be a perfect wife. But maybe your husband will call you good and cherish you for being you.


  1. Myne u are an angel-and i mean it. The post I relate to totally but this got me a wee bit teary a single person I shouldn't have bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible...maybe 'cos that is where i am at now.

  2. This post has catapulted me into 'reflections' mood and I totally agree with the points you've highlighted... in the end, when one finds the ONE it wouldnt matter if you're miss prim and proper or simply the friendly face/listening ears next door.

  3. This is my story except for the part where the you said "take the most glamorous pictures in Vegas, I'll dress up in my most casual and go trekking around Hoover dam some miles away". I actually did both. As a couple, i have had to enjoy my husband's hobbies as much as i enjoy mine. (almost sha.......)

    I thought I wasn't the marriageable type until I met my Prince Charming. I said Yes in the midst of my fears of being a "Perfect Wife".

    this your post is deep and true

  4. We are so alike, let me change your post a little ...I'm certainly not a woman's woman. I can talk loud, I talk politics, I get into arguments and I win logically. I don't know what the latest trends are, I'd rather buy a fat book than inches of Brazilian hair, or give my money away than buy expensive accessories. Apart from a few, the men in my sphere - married, single, young or old - were baffled by me. Some liked my conversation, for sure, but tended to stick me in the friend category.I admired the trendy girls in school but i could not be like them, i hate gangs, i am close to my siblings too and they were enough for me except for few close friends, i did not see the big deal about marriage too, i so loved being single until i met my husband and yes i married him cos he is my best friend.....only difference is i am not an introvert although i can stay in all day reading a book , i am an extrovert who has learnt self control with age, thanks Myne for articulating 'me' so fluently, i really enjoyed reading this post.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this. It encapsulates some of my characteristics. Only that I am sometimes feminine. Bless you Myne :)

  6. Sweet and poignant. Myne, you know what? This post sealed it. You are one of the people I long to have conversation over tea or food with.
    This part deserves to be quoted over and over again
    "As a single person, I shouldn't have bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible"
    Thank you Myne, I saw your heart in this :)

  7. this is beautiful - i agree with you. i think i am a mishmash.. lol a bit tom boy and a bit girlily.. i love to dress up and soemtimes i just can't be bothered.. but i am gladd i have a man who loves me glamorous and also in my pygamas.. lol...

    its good like you said to know ourselves so when the one comes along, we will know... better he meets you as u than when you are pretending to be something else.

    PS: i love the picture of both of you!

  8. Thanks for addressing a part of the happily ever after most people never think about. Like you, I'd say, I don't think I'm the marriage type for almost the same reasons as you and more however I now understand that nothing is set in stone and fitting a certain status quo does not assure one of being the perfect wife type

    1. Thank you Nollywood REinvented for this statement, "... the happily ever after most people never think about",exactly my thought about this post Myne made hope my mom could read n understad it the way almost everyone here did!


  9. You said it, i agree and that settles it!

  10. Thanks have said it all again..Just wanna be the best person God wants me to be.

  11. awwww. totally awesome..................i hope to make a good wife someday

  12. Deep...

    And I agree with you "As a single person, I shouldn't have bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible"

    I thouroughly enjoyed reading this. I could relate with some things you wrote about yourself.

    Thanks for sharing your heart.

  13. Why do I have so much in common with you??? its weird really! same goes for me ... men tend to want to put people like us in the friend zone... but I have learnt that perfect is relative.. id rather be my intelligent, flat shoes wearing, politics talking,loud voiced but good woman that I am. I have never own brazzillian hair cos I think is not important, id rather buy a book on history than spend my money on stuff that do not matter.Dont even get me started on the children p! lol Mayne, I'm sorry a about the long story but i can relate to this post on a lot of levels... its well... we are well on our way to being better persons

  14. Wow Myne! Love this post!!! You said it best. At times society and culture is so adamant about training women to be good wives but its more important that we discover ourseleves and be comfortable in our skins...when the right man comes along, he'll accept you as is!!! *lovely pic btw*

  15. So far my husband sees me as good, the rest is story.

    Wow, you natural hair has grown oo. Or is it an afro weave?

    1. You are married?


      abeg gist me the tori o jare!

      #take apoti sidddon#

    2. That's actually an afro weave. And now, I'm joining SM :)

    3. I am not married, Ibhade. I meant future husband. You like gist, lol.

    4. I was referring to Simply Mee

  16. very well put.....

  17. Ohhh...! I so needed this today, now-now, immediately. Thank you. I too find myself constantly worrying that I will be a bad wife esp when I compare myself with my housemates who are so into relationships and babies and what have you... now in my own case I am not as intellectual or into politics and other cerebral stuff, but I'm not a girly-girl either so I've felt double-somehow about myself for the longest time. I'm not saying your post has changed my life, but it has certainly contributed and I am grateful Myne!!

  18. Great post, Myne. It is more important to know yourself and hope for the partner who understands you as you are. There's always room for improvements.

  19. Wow! You suit each other. He is matured. So, a childish man would not have suited you unless you wanted to play the 'husband'. You were wise in making a choice but a lot women are not.

    What of those that cannot recognize their perfect match because they don't have the 'third eye' to see the truth? Some women prefer to marry men that other women would admire than marry a man that suits them.

    I also notice that women tend to fall for the same sort of men for life. Strange? Some women just love the looks, money and fail to test men during courtship.

    1. are right, women/men superficial ideologies. So I would say invest in yourself, aim to improve and be empowered and the rest will be added on. You will definitely know he is the one when you meet him.

  20. Nne u are blessed! Bulu gaba, n'enwe anwuli :)

  21. This was a great read. There's no such thing as being the perfect spouse, but you can be "perfect" in the eyes of the person you decide to marry. And I am convinced that every person, no matter what they like or wear or think, has someone out there who will find their unique combination absolutely right for them.

  22. this is so true. love the article. so true to home.

  23. A thought-provoking post.

    You both look happy to me, so you definitely are a good wife :D

  24. Thank you for this absolutely lovely and inspiring write up Myne. **hugss**

  25. ....And Myne Whitman has done it again! Another post that struck a chord in our collective hearts. I noticed most of the commenters (is that a word?)felt the same about being girly, and loving books, e.t.c. I think that's because the typical Brazilian-loving, trend-following female, wouldn't be as introverted as most of blogville regulars are. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    That said, I also have some of those "strikes" against me. My major concern right now is that I don't love cooking. I cook just because I have to eat, would rather eat my mom's food everyday, or someone's I'm familiar with. I can cook reasonably well, yes, but left to me, someone else should do it. Still wondering how I will cope when I have to prepare breakfast, (lunch, maybe) and dinner everyday for my husband 1st, then our kids, everyday, for the rest of my life! We'll have to find an alternative oh!

    Beautiful post and pix, Myne.


  26. Good to read something quite refreshing as quite often issues of this nature are often laced with gender bias or should I say loyalty. The way you tried to strike a balance drawing from personal experience made for a great read.

    Perfection is a term that only exist in the dictionary in my view. In reality, human beings are a product of imperfection and our frailties will always be exposed whether as a wife, husband etc.

    Thanks for sharing.

  27. Now this is jus wat I need in my head atm! My man and i clocked 6yrs yesterday!...Marriage is TRULY a journey *phew*, I can't even begin to put it on paper....Nice one Myne!

  28. you are a great person and wife to the right man for you and that is your husband. So don't even stress about it. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  29. I agree with all the speakers..oopss,i mean all those that commented...its the best to know oneselves;strength n weakness.....or else,how can we measure the perfect woman n wife?...a woman once went to a female counsellor that she feels she is not a good mother because of the way she harshly treats her boys. She was profusely weeping. And the counsellor asked her if she ever feels sorry when ever she did such,to which she replied yes. The counsellor then told her that d fact that she regrets her action each time is enough to assure her of being a great mother....i'm very technical to describe even to myself..unlike how everyone seems to have been able to paint themselves...i don't back down from an arguement,i can play games non-stop for hours-minus PS-i love fashion,books,business,..need i mention that i'm a filmaholic?..i'm reserved at times,and very outgoing at times.i love everything that spells womanity while @ d same time,i wrestle with my brothers. So does that mean i don't qualify into the perfect wife club?..nah.Myne has said it all. I do know however that while i groom myself to be the best i can be,HE would LOVE and APPRECIATE me for who i am when he finally comes....

  30. I wonder what Atala said that tickled you to laugh like this?.... His smile looks like that of a content man so you definitely must be doing good.

    Quote of the day : I shouldn't be bothered about being a good wife...focus should be on being the best person I can be.

  31. I can say i was directed to the perfect read tonight...I definitely relate to this and I should start practicing your last part "As a single person, I shouldn't have bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible"

  32. Myne,I think this is the best post ever! You were so real here, I can actually relate. Maybe,its cause its my field?well don't know.
    I would say you are a good wife.
    It does not have to do with the qualities of being good or perfect.
    The good wife is being able to manage the good, bad and ugly and not let it overwhelm you. I mean,both yours and his.
    If you can handle it all and not find yourself in a therapy session, then you my friend, are a good wife and kudos to you.
    And as you have rightly opined, marriage is a journey.
    Nice post.

  33. I really appreciate this post cause i'm kinda like you. I would so be a terrible wife SMH. Thanks for sharing Myne, and i'm glad I'm back here on your blog :D

    Muse Origins FB

  34. Great post, Myne.

    Being a good wife is relative. One man's meat is another's poison. It is important to know, yourself and be yourself always, that way there are no surprises for any of the parties involved.

    Thanks for sharing.

  35. Made my morning. I always wondered if there was something wrong with me because I didn't "need" a husband. Then the right one came along. He's let me be myself and has encouraged me to be better. Not to fit his mold of who he thinks I should be, just a better version of me. I was never a girly girl growing up. I find I'm more girly the older I get and I think it's because my husband makes me more confident as a women. Thanks for addressing these issues Myne. :) Have a great day.

  36. Interesting and thoroughly written article. I like!

    Quote of the week for me too: "Don't be too bothered about being a good wife....focus on being the best person possible"

  37. Adauzo Ijeoma UbahApril 12, 2012 9:03 AM

    Nice one. I really enjoyed reading it. I agree because what you said reflect what you were back then in secondary school.

    Alot of people have said they are like you in alot of ways. I can say you are as natural and as real as me.

  38. Myne. LOVELY! I hope my future wife is reading this. LOL!

  39. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW MYNE... Mo like ehh, mo love it..

    very authentic, well spoken.

    nice article, thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I like the fact that we should invest in ourselves to be the best we can be and then THE ONE come we will recognise him. Thank you for saying that. Just the other day, I was saying to God, i dont want to hear anything ooh, I will just know its HIM. Friends in the past have also tried to link me up with dudes, and I would say "they are not the one", they think am kolomental but I always say, I will know its him. It means you don't have to kiss many frogs to find your prince.

    Ok, enough rambling now.

    nice article. God bless you more.

  40. Myne, I could give you a big hug! The post itself was great, it felt like you were writing about me at some points. Reading the comments though, i feel like i just wandered into a room full of girls like me which is very comforting. Hooray for the non-good wives club. I love how your story turned out and i'm definitely taking the message about becoming the person i'm meant to be to heart. Thank you :)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This made me think. I do have moments when I think about how people are so perfect when they get married. It feels like when they get married they are perfectly perfect thats why they are married or getting married but I have just realised that is not the case. I do not see myself as perfect but I believe like you said marriage is a journey so you grow in it. Thanks Myne!

  43. Lol @ simply me, my sister don ask for gist nd me I was ready to listen abi read it sef lol
    Every single woman should read this!

  44. What a most sincere post Myne. your last paragraph sums it up nicely. Work on thyself first. Perfect wife/husband is a myth joo.

    p.s. That pix is surely not you and Atala??

  45. You know what? I think I have just invested my emotions in you. You are a sensible woman. You just described bits of me as well, and meeting someone that doesn't make you apologise for being you is so worth it. I'll trackback this post when I talk about my one.

  46. Myne you make a lot of sense.

  47. Thank you for sharing this. Really got me thinking. By God's grace i'll be "perfect" in the eyes of my future husband. its so easy to compare oneself with 'others' and feel short of the mark.

  48. Lovely lovely post......very real too! I sometimes feel I am not the marriageable type as well, like I cant be bothered to get married but at the same time I do have the craving to share my life with a 'soul mate'. Its all about understanding one's self and then choosing wisely the one who is most compatible. 'Good'is relative, I have this aunt who don't cook jack, a lot's been said about her, but her husby cherishes her like crazy! He gladly eats take-outs! To some you may be good, to others, you may not be, but to each other........ that's all that matters.

    1. And that's it really. I tell you, living and bonding with that one special person can be so beautiful.

  49. This is the first time i am reading a post on your blog and you are so down to earth, natural, blunt and straight to the point on this make me want to read more! Thank you for airing the minds of so many of us young unmarried girls but then just to add, when you meet that special one, all you thought mattered don't seem to matter so much and i believe every woman's got "her" man somewhere if we would just wait!

  50. Nice one Myne and the quote of the day (11/10/2012) is :"As a single person, I shouldn't be bothered about being a good wife. The focus should be on being the best person possible" now I see why almost everybody quoted that.

    I just agree with u on this topic,well scripted,directed and produced,I can see more of me even more than I realised in this post,well done n God bless!


  51. "...but because I had found someone I could be free to be myself with and not be defensive about it. Someone who did not demand or expect perfection from me."
    Thats my favourite.

    It is very important indeed that we have our reasons for getting into a marital relationship.

  52. So so deep...I felt every single word with the unique way you carried me through your whole experience & temperament. I am so touched and hit to my bone takes such a great deal to unmask the most difficult truth about oneself, nd dat u hv done. You are absolutely spot on Myne...and truly, the bottom line I must confess, is...we should just be our true self always and den strive to be a better person. Thank you for sharing. God bless you!

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