Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Lucky Seven Meme - A Fiery Love Excerpt

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Kiru Taye tagged me on this fun thing making the rounds in the writing circuit.

Here are the rules: Go to page 77 of your current manuscript, Go to line 7, Copy the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs and post them as they are written. No cheating, Tag 7 authors.

My excerpt is from A Fiery Love, which I am still niggling over. Enjoy...

As they flipped through the pictures, Dunni was filled with a peace she had not really experienced since she arrived. It had been a long while since she had sat like this with her father exchanging memories and making new ones.
“So, did you get to know any of these people?” He pointed at her laptop screen.
The picture was one which had Babs standing at one end, his image mocking her with that blasted smile that refused to leave her thoughts. She recalled last night, and his breath on the skin of her neck, the ripples that had sent across her entire body, almost turning her knees to water.
“Do you know him?” her father asked.
“What, who?” Dunni looked quickly at him, almost snapping her neck in the process. He was staring at her, and then he pointed to Babs.

And now I'm afraid that since my internet is so crappy, I'll have to break the last rule :)

Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. Eeya, so she and babs have gone this far? Interesting.

    What if one hasn't written up to 77 pages?

    1. Haha me sef I was wondering the same thing lol

  2. Oooooh... Why do i feel like you cheated to get our curiousity juices flowing? Lol, I'm liking it already :)

  3. ehen.....the Babs and Dunni story. i like!!!!
    i thought they would be living happily together by

  4. I tried your suggestion and posted the results on my blog. It was a very good idea. By the way I read your profile on Public Bookshelf and intend to purchase the book "A Heart to Mend." Best of luck.

  5. is blooming. Waiting to read this book. :)

    Do you have a release date yet?


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