Thursday, September 13, 2012

IK Osakioduwa's #TipsTo GettingAMan - Really?

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IK Osakioduwa is a radio show host at Rhythm 93.7 and he is married with two children. He tweeted yesterday that he was vexing on his show, trying to help ladies find guys. Well, he came up with numbered tweets with the hashtag #IksTipsToGettingAMan on Twitter. I saw some discussion around the tips on my timeline and decided to go to his profile and check out all the tips.

Personally, I think some of the tips make sense while others obviously not so much. For one, I definitely stand on the side of a grown woman fully communicating with her man/partner all the way and that includes asking questions like, "Where's this leading?" if that is what will make her comfortable.

My problem with some of IKsTips is that they come across more like RULES than tips. I do not like rules. I think it encourages group think and lack of creativity and original thinking. Rules encourage dependence and for this reason, when it comes to relationships, I disdain rules even more. If one depends on rules from another person to make decisions on how to choose, and who to spend the rest of their life with, will they also continually ask that one person for advice every step of the way?

There is no other sphere of life where it becomes more obvious that we're individuals than in relationships, and one thing experience has shown is that what works for A might not work for B. In fact what did not work for C in one relationship may end up working for them when they're with another person. So where does one person get off making the rules for everyone else?

One question that did come to my mind though was, are girls/women in Nigeria so desperate to get married? Certainly, most women over a certain age begin to want a partner to go through life with, but as far as I know, women of all ages in Nigeria are getting married, and to men not aliens. In our personal lives, we attend or get invitations to weddings weekly, and we also see the celebrity weddings on the interwebs.

So why all the vexing and the tips from IK? I think he is feeding into this sense that if women don't find a man, and quickly too, their life is worthless. Especially when his so called tips come with lines like don't be "TOO INDEPENDENT", "nobody pays for free stuff, etc". A lot of the time, it is women who seem to overtly promote patriarchy, but sometimes, a man publicly shows his hand. I dare to say this is one of those times. I wonder why IK is not giving his fellow men tips on how to get a woman? Surely, that is what he has more experience of?

Anyways, the tips are below. Choose and discard as you will. More important, be your own woman, and encourage yourself to be a better person, and make yourself happy. Man or no man.

10.Don't pressure him to marry u with questions like "Where's this leading?" Instead leave him if he's taking too long.#IksTipsToGettingAMan

9. No matter what, never be rude or abusive to him in front of his friends. (Not even in jest) #IksTipsToGettingAMan

8. Have standards. Or you'll find yourself in and out relationships too often and that'll earn you a bad name. #IksTipsToGettingAMan

7. Learn to cook. Most guys like a girl that CAN cook. Yeah not all guys but MOST. So do yourself a favour and learn #IksTipsToGettingAMan

6. Don't give it ALL up. Leave some for marriage. Perfect the art of giving previews. Nobody pays for free stuff. #IksTipsToGettingAMan

5. Make an effort. Try to look nice. Work out. Guys like babes. Get that Don King hair done, stop forming"Oh Naturale" #IksTipsToGettingAMan

4.Drop guys that take all ur time without really chasing u. They block other guys. No IWC= Intimacy Without Commitment#IksTipsToGettingAMan

3. Be careful not to be TOO INDEPENDENT. Learn to gain from your man's presence in your life. Guys need to be needed. #IksTipsToGettingAMan

2.Make friends with married women. They know what guys want more than your single friends (that's why they're married) #IksTipsToGettingAMan

1. Learn to do solo trips. It's just easier for most guys to step to a girl on her own, than one in a pack of girls #IksTipsToGettingAMan

Full Disclosure - I have always been a solo person, I cooked my first jollof rice at 15 (it burnt, as do some of my food today), I have had more than one relationship, some I KNEW from outset were leading nowhere, and I have unrelaxed hair. I am married.

PS - after scheduling this post, I saw the post, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lady by Iphy. Her point was that relationships are not competitions and tips on how to play games or cheat (get one over on the other gender) will usually backfire. I totally agree.


  1. me like nr 6 wink wink*** PREVIEW ONLY!

    1. It works for some people who are doing trade by barter. When love and partnership for life are on the table, there are more important things.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Myne! ... I feel e-famous now...I made it on Myne's blog...LOL. *azontos for Jesus*

    And I totally agree with you on the "More important, be your own woman, and encourage yourself to be a better person, and make yourself happy. Man or no man."

    It's not a smart idea to alter yourself so much just to please a man or get a man who is probably not altering himself for you

    I am 100% in support of the "where is this leading" question. After a reasonable amount of time, you deserve to know where YOUR r/ship is heading.

    1. LOL...hi Iphy :)

      Your post was really spot on.

  3. I think I get what he means by "Be careful not to be TOO INDEPENDENT... Guys need to be needed" It's like if you do everything yourself, change your tyre, fix your car, pay for the movie and dinner and do every other thing that may make the guy feel needed, what's the point of him being in your life?

    1. There are other ways a man will be needed if he is really a partner to his woman, including emotionally too.

  4. SERIOUSLY?! i don't agree with most of the tips but thats just me sha

  5. For me all his tips make sense, is now for one to know how to go it wisely not stupidly, cos it for all persons if one doesn't suit u then two will honestly the tips are really good, wonderful & fantastic. i totally agree with him.

  6. All his little side comments make the tips even harder to digest. Its not only what you say, but how you say it. Not to mention that how you say things often will show what your true intentions are and this has sexist/male arrogance written all over it lol. #ThumbsDown

    Sidenote: Just to play devil's advocate- I thought it was men who were supposed to be looking for a woman, when did that role reverse?

    1. I would like to know the answer to that too. :)

  7. Hey Myne, I guess we are very much alike....I hate rules and his tips really sounds more like rules. unfortunately, we have been brought up in a patriarchal's annoying when a girl is raped, people ask her "why were you putting on this kind of clothes...the society; men and women blame her, and nothing is said to the man who raped most cases he goes free. I just think that there should more specific tailored messages for men as we already have enough for women.
    Women should begin to understand their their world does not revolve round a man except if they want it to.....there is so much...soooo much a woman can achieve without a man. Women should have fun, be the best with or without their natural hair and be happy...happiness and peace is all that matters!.

    1. GBAM! It seems though that some people cherish other things more than their happiness.

  8. you must be a silly blogger ! YES no one pays for free stuff. you must be one of the many nigerian girls that have been used many times and still SINGLE

    1. Are you serious? This must be your first time on this blog, and you didn't even read it to the end. All the best on that attitude...

    2. nice comeback Myne:)

    3. Which one is insult nah... she made a post for u to agree or disagree but to take it personal i think its a bit too much.

      I thought some points made sense 8 and 6, and i think it should be applicable to both parties not just women. Abeg, some people make it seem as if marriage is only for WOMEN. I dont blame them, when some of us are willing to do anything just to have that BRAND NAME "MRS"....Anyways what can I say? its good to know yourself and your principles before we start flocking around them them say.

    4. Did this fool read this article to the end??? Retard.

  9. Lol, I wasnt going to comment, but anonymous september 13,2012 5:12am just cracked me REALLY???!!!!!

    Moving on...I really dont agree with most of IK's tips, and like Ngo said, the side notes are just *argh*. To each his own really. What works for one doesnt always work for the other but when we tie ourselves down to these "tips" we loose out on expresing who we really are.

    So I agree....choose and discard at will :)

    1. Indeed, choose and discard as suits each person.

  10. I actually agree with all but not with the way he phrases them, take for instance number 10 "don't pressure him into marriage with questions like where is this leading"

    I believe, try to find out exactly where you stand but don't start doing the most like planning an imaginary wedding when the guy never engage you.

    And don't be the ultimate Miss Independent... let the man be a man and feel needed

    1. Yes, the way he phrased them made me disagree with some. How can you find out if not by asking?

  11. lol..relationships should not follow a particular set of rules cos we'r all different persons with different personalities

  12. I am tired of seeing/reading all these tips on keeping abi is it getting a man, what works for shalewa we definitely not Ijeoma.

  13. Lolssss. This guy is high on on chauvanistic wine. he hasnt said anything new. This is what we hear all the time from Naija men. Naija girls shud become Stepford wives. Dont be too rich, be virgins for ur slutty husbands to be, cook for him, be homely: hang out only with married women etc etc
    Abeg kam nu nti. Celebrate ur singleness. If u have fumdamental character issues,resolve them. The man you wil marry will love you for all you are and have achieved.

    1. GBAM. Who is still stepford in this day and age? And then some complain when real colors start to show.


  14. I totally agree with you! When the right one comes everything just works out, no rules, no forcing

  15. Not impressed with this dude at all at all. His poor, poor wife. Smh, kmt.
    He sounds chauvanistic and patronising all at once. He doesn't sound like he's trying to help any woman get anything, but down on herself. It just sounds like he's saying "THIS IS WHY YOU'RE NOT MARRIED". He can keep his pathetic tips to himself. Every last one of them. LOL.

  16. Omg where have I been? Totally sounds like tips on how to get a jerk!

    I agree with some of his points but it seems they are far too twisted to be helpful to women. Forming ou naturale? If you want women to feel good about themselves you might as well preach self-esteem. Dissecting your female audience by hair types questions the credibility of the so-called tips!

    Since when does "Where is this leading" become pressure? For you to ask this, it means that sum-thing-wrong. A man who loves you for YOU will buckle at the knees when you ask this question because it communicates his ineptness at oiling his relationship. Men WANT to please women. Only jerks will blow up when women seek clarity!

    See sometimes I hate love sef. Myne, you and love things sha!

  17. Go Myne!!! I was so vexed this morning after reading his 'rules'...I had to chew chewing gum...LOOOOL!!!

  18. His points are interesting and very similar to some pointers in Steve Harvey's "Act like a lady, think like a man."

    Personally, I don't entirely believe in rules because we are not all the same and what might appeal to one man/woman will not necessarily appeal to another.

    BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog.

  19. I hate most of the so called tips he gave here. The one I find so repulsive is tip 10. Why shouldn't a lady ask an intimate question like 'Where is this leading to'? In fact, I think that is one question either of the partners in a relationship should ask. Personally, relationship is a spontaneous thing one does with quality reasons, it is not so much burdened with strict rules.

    1. Thank you for speaking from a man's point of view. I think some aspects are truly insulting of men.

  20. Well, some of his tips are ok. Some, especially number 2, nah nah. So he is saying that a woman gets married because she knew how to 'hook' a man? Really? Even those that hooked with pregnancy and stuff which isn't on his list by the way. Some married women have no clue about how to 'keep' the man they married and still need advice from single women.
    I totally agree with you Myne. Women should know where a relationship is leading to especially if she is a woman of a certain age. It prepares her mind for the future. Only a real man would understand that anyway.

    Are you dealing with another Clark Rockefeller?

  21. Some of the so-called tips are ok, some are not. However, I think your analysis of IK's tips was a bit too defensive of the female folk. You have MEN and women following you, not just women. This is not a gender war. So try and be balanced about your analysis of issues of this nature.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I sometimes forget that. Though in my opinion, it is tips like this that start gender wars, it was directed strictly to women and I replied in same vein. Will try to bear the men in mind next time.

  22. Nothing wrong with his tips. You guys need to calm down and then re-read :)

  23. A man's world right? The beauty about relationships that are sweet and sustained is that, things are left to happen naturally and both parties are happy to learn, not finding a space for mood swings that spell RULES and DOOM!

    1. I like how you put it. Natural flow is beautiful.

  24. are you Born Again Myne?your soul is more important than all this

    1. Lol....myne come and answer o, so we can ensure ur soul is saved. I'm worried too.

    2. LOL...I might just write a post for this my concerned reader. Me too I'm worried for my soul :)

  25. I don't say this more often, but when I got to Number 5, I was like WTF? Stop forming Oh Naturale? Like what the heck it that?

    #AyosRuleNumber1 If you're going to give advice, know what the heck you're talking about.

    I thought it was Au Naturale? But I guess since Mr IK is Oh so smart, we'll have to believe that it's Oh Naturale.

    It's always funny when guys decide to speak on behalf of women.

  26. Myne o! You don start something. No comments on your blog has ever made me laugh as much as this one. Chei.

  27. Cue
    The married people are not experts
    some of them compromised in one way or another.

    I heard this recently and i believe it
    True love is from God so i am waiting on God

    It is 'au natural' and not 'oh natural'

  28. This is really written by a man. Man always want all the good things to themselves. They are selfish! I salute all women who stand up for their happiness. This thing of doing what is right in the eyes of community is wrong. Ladies, if you are not happy,---Quit! and look for happiness else where.
    Myne, I salute you for opening my eyes!

  29. I think he's coming form the standpoint of what worked for him and his wife. But its the same sort of concept most Nigerian women have towards hair care...if you're friend has good results with coconut oil, she'll recommend it to you, and insist that that's the only thing that will ever work for you! But maybe you need to figure out what suits you for yourself?


  31. I think number 5 made up my mind for me: guy is a douche - but surprisingly not one I would trust to clean my lady parts.

  32. I'm a guy and I agree some of his points but at the same time I think it applies to both sexes. Ladies also want to be needed.
    More power to your elbow Myne Whitman


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