Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Be Safe as Hurricane Sandy Makes Land Fall

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The phone calls started yesterday, as friends and family called to be sure it wasn't our Washington that was in the way of Hurricane Sandy. We assured them that was DC and we're all this way over on the other side of the country. I was even flippant, saying it couldn't be worse than maybe some rain and flooding. It was jarring to listen to the evening news after a busy day and hear of death tolls and destruction.

I just want to use this opportunity to wish everyone well who lives on the path of the super storm. Please remain safe. There might be no electricity, but there are fire hazards, and other dangers, especially drowning in the flood waters. Ready.gov has these tips among others on how to stay safe during a hurricane.

Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
Close all interior doors – secure and brace external doors.
Keep curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull; it could be the eye of the storm – winds will pick up again.
Take refuge in a small interior room, closet or hallway on the lowest level.
Lie on the floor under a table or another sturdy object.
Avoid elevators.

For those who live in the area and want to offer hands-on help, you can visit the Red Cross website to see where you can do so. If, like me, you are very far from the areas of the East Coast affected by Sandy, there are still many ways you can help. The Red Cross has suggestions on how people can help in raising money.


  1. Myne, it is so devastating. I came to Toronto for a few days and stuck here because all flight to DC have been cancelled from Saturday to Thursday!! Meanwhile I have an international flight tomorrow, had to reschedule that too. The destruction, obstruction and frustration is beyond belief. The road to recovery begins....

  2. I really pray for those in Path of it. It is as scary as horrible.

  3. For those affected, please stay safe, house and money can be rebuild but human life cannot when lost, I pray for God strenght in this trial moment and quick recovery soon.


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